Chapter 144 Conspiracy
Didn't Fang Linlin say to wrap his porridge round?
Based on the principle of making money, selling to whomever is not a sale, anyway, Fang Linlin does not refuse to give money, in this case, at worst, make less money.

At most, before Tian Shishi came back, the market would be occupied by Fang Linlin alone.

Business can't be as prosperous as usual, and the popularity of porridge can't be opened up.

It's just that Qin An had just settled the white porridge, before Fang Linlin came to buy it.

The customers who came to buy porridge before him collapsed on the ground with their hands covering their stomachs with pain on their faces.

He yelled, "Oh, my stomach hurts so much. Could it be that you put something unclean in your white porridge?"

Without giving Qin An a chance to argue, two more fell to the ground, rolling over and over again.

"Oh, my stomach is starting to hurt. This white porridge must be unclean."

"What is your intention in selling this porridge, earning such unconscionable money, and murdering the lives of our common people?"

Almost instantly, the people who had stopped to watch and planned to buy some porridge for dinner suddenly stopped in their tracks.

The eyes looking at Qin An were full of doubts, but even more of anger.

They couldn't imagine what would happen if they ate the porridge themselves.

Immediately afterwards, Qin An was blamed all over the place.

"You are dishonest in your business, won't your conscience hurt if you earn such unconscionable money?"

"That's right, I'm still a regular customer, just to patronize your business, can you let me live like this?"

"Young man, don't dare to do this. If you do business like this, no one will come to patronize you."

Qin An could figure out what was going on with his ass.

You Qi saw that the three faces were raw, and they were still lying on the ground pretending to be in pain, and they were very angry.

They must have been sent by Fang Linlin to make trouble.

After all, he accidentally saw Fang Linlin and Jiang Wan in the morning, together, as if they were plotting something.

There is no doubt that they must be targeting the white porridge they sell.

However, Qin An couldn't come up with evidence, so he could only explain without support: "Fathers and elders, this is not the first time you have bought white porridge from me. Is there any problem? Can you not eat it?"

"Someone must have framed us. Don't be confused by those bastards."

As soon as the words came out, the three people lying on the ground immediately refused, and wailed loudly: "I think you just don't want to admit it. It's obvious that we ate your porridge that caused the stomachache."

"That's right, how else can we explain that we were fine just now, but after eating your plain porridge, our stomach hurts in a blink of an eye?"

"Oh, it hurts me to death, if you don't lose money today, don't even think about leaving here!"

As they talked, they crawled and rolled to the porridge seller, everyone holding the things and not letting go.

That posture seemed to mean that if Qin An didn't lose money, they would never leave.

Knowing that they belonged to Fang Linlin, Qin An naturally couldn't talk to them anymore.

As long as you can appease the old customers who come to buy porridge in front of you, so as not to have a reputation crisis.

Qin An directly handed them the unsold porridge in front of him: "Look at it, this porridge has no additives at all, it's natural, pollution-free, and authentic. How could it give people a stomachache?"

As he said that, he also filled the bowl himself: "No, just watch, I'll eat in front of you, there will be absolutely no problems."


Qin An took the spoon and fed it into his mouth.

It's just that he didn't notice that when he put down the porridge bucket, a tumor that was still lying on the ground suddenly jumped up and sprinkled some white powder into the bucket.

All this, no one noticed.

The people who stopped and watched just stared at Qin An, eating the bowl of porridge.

After waiting for a while, there was nothing unusual.

I was thinking in my heart, are we really wrong to blame her?
Then how to explain the three people who had a stomachache after eating plain porridge?
Everyone frowned, staring suspiciously at the three writhing and tired punks lying on the ground.

Maybe they sensed people's staring gazes, and they groaned again: "Oh, my stomach hurts, if I don't lose money today, no one can leave here."

Regarding this, some smart people among the crowd are already thinking about it.

In the business field, despicable and dirty methods have always emerged in endlessly.

Maybe, Qin An was really framed by someone?

Anyway, they didn't eat white porridge, and their stomachs didn't hurt, so there was no need to hold on to it.

Someone suddenly said: "We believe in you, and it's not the first time we've bought porridge from you. I didn't have a stomachache before. How could I suddenly have a stomachache today?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally chaotic person seemed to understand something, and looked at the three nasty tumors with disgust.

There are still people who mess around and insist on asking Qin An for an explanation.

This is a person who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

In a boring life, it's rare for something exciting to happen to me, so I naturally don't want to stop there.

Qin An, who had already finished eating the porridge, said helplessly, "I've eaten it in front of you, and I don't have any stomach pains. I can already prove that there is nothing wrong with this porridge."

Say it.

Qin An said to the few people who had already bought porridge and were still shouting: "If you want to refund, I will refund you for free."

Hearing this, those few people were embarrassed to continue to make trouble, and left with blushing faces.

However, the incident did not stop there.

I don't know who called the police, but the sound of a "woo hoo" police car interrupted people's discussion.

Wearing a police uniform, the middle-aged uncle opened the car door and got out.

His calm and prestige eyes immediately fixed on Qin An: "You are the boss who sells white porridge?"

Qin An suppressed his panic and nodded.

"Yes, that's fine. My name is Qi Yong, and I'm from the Public Security Bureau."

Qi Yong came to Qin An, first glanced at the three people who started acting again, and then set his eyes on Qin An: "I received a report from the masses, saying that your white porridge has added harmful substances Please come with us."

The tone that could not be refused did not give Qin An any chance to refute at all.

Qin An also understands that without any evidence, she can only obediently follow Qi Yong.

Those three tumors had already been hurriedly taken to the hospital by another police car, saying that they would have to undergo an extremely detailed examination.

Just before leaving, Qin An asked an old customer to pass the news back to Tian Shishi, asking her to find a way to prove her innocence.

Regular customers pat their chests and promise.

He also ate plain porridge many times, and it was fine every time, and he would not believe those people who are scheming and have bad intentions.

Police cars come and go quickly.

Soon, because Qin An was taken away by the police, the mob of people gathered in front of the huge booth also dispersed.

Only the mess was left.

(End of this chapter)

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