Chapter 106

On the way, He Ni was walking, and finally couldn't help it, and cried silently.

She did it to herself!

The man is not good, and he bullies the only daughter who has some skills.

Well now, I ended up with nothing but money!
Tian Shishi smashed her mouth, the smell of crayfish was still lingering in her mouth, she was really too greedy: "Jiang Qisui, I still want to eat it."

Jiang Qisui packed the lobster shells in his hands, and after hearing this, he shook his head without hesitation: "Good boy, don't rush to eat, there will be more in the future. I can only eat so much today."

As soon as he couldn't eat it, Tian Shishi reluctantly pulled the big plate, trying to find the remaining crayfish in it.

Who knew that eating just now was too clean, not even the shell was left.

Jiang Qisui looked at Tian Shishi amusedly, and explained: "It's not that I won't give it to you, but if you eat too much at one time, you will get angry and feel uncomfortable."

"I don't think so..."

Tian Shishi is still making the last struggle.

Without any surprises, Jiang Qisui didn't soften his heart: "I can't eat today."

"Jiang Qisui, you are the best, just give me some more, this is really delicious, okay?"

Jiang Qisui just watched Tian Shishi act like a baby quietly.

With a smile on his face, he neither agreed nor refused.

In Tian Shishi's eyes, this is a chance!
Seeing that Jiang Qisui liked her like this, Tian Shishi tried his best to use all the tricks he knew.

The first move is to be ashamed.

"Oh, I want to eat, I want to eat, if you give me to eat, you will be the best Jiang Qisui in the world."

Jiang Qisui: You can't eat it.

But I only ate a little, and it doesn't matter if I eat more. Tian Shishi tried to win in terms of quantity, but when he looked down and saw the lobster shells full of them, he couldn't say a word, so he could only act coquettishly again.

The second trick is to pretend to be crazy and act stupid.

Can you feed me?
Jiang Qisui didn't speak, Tian Shishi thought he agreed, holding a big chicken leg and a fishing rod, excitedly wanted to run straight to the river, Jiang Qisui suddenly grabbed her from behind.

Jiang Qisui's indifferent voice made her stomach hurt.

"I didn't promise to give you food."

When Tian Shishi heard this, he immediately felt wronged, "If you don't speak, I thought you agreed."

Jiang Qisui is too bullying!Such a delicious thing, I can only eat a little bit a day.

The more he thought about it, the more wronged he became, and he glared at Jiang Qisui angrily.

Jiang Qisui found it funny, and explained carefully: "Although lobsters are delicious, most of them have to be fried in a spicy and fragrant way to make them more fragrant. You must also like this taste.

However, eating too much is not good for the stomach, and you will have diarrhea after a while. "

While talking, he rubbed Tian Shishi's stomach, feeling the softness of his hands, and continued with a smile:

"Crayfish grow in the fields, and sometimes they are not very clean. If you eat too much, you will get diarrhea."

"Today we won't eat lobster when we are full, okay? I will definitely bring you to try other delicious food when we go out next time."

Jiang Qisui's stand was firm, and Tian Shishi knew it, but it didn't make sense, so he squatted down, hugged his head rascally, and expressed his resistance.

After a while, he finally gave in.

"Okay! Then you must take me to eat a lot of delicious food next time. If it's not delicious, I'll be in a hurry with you!"

Tian Shishi threatened sternly, the smell of crayfish in her mouth has not dissipated, the more you smash it, the more delicious it will be in your mouth, but unfortunately Jiang Qisui won't let her eat it, and I can't eat it myself!

Tian Shishi was sulking all night and didn't talk to Jiang Qisui much, until he went to bed, he shyly smacked in Jiang Qisui's face, kissed him good night, turned his head and fell asleep.

In Jiang Qisui's eyes, these little actions were just cute.

How can someone be so funny and get angry because they can't eat crayfish?

There is also a reason for him to do this. Tian Shishi ate it for the first time today, and he ate more than a dozen catties after eating it. This stuffed his stomach bulgingly. If he continued to eat it, he might really have diarrhea.

Seeing Tian Shishi's round belly and touching it, he was still worried that he couldn't sleep well.

In the middle of the night, Tian Shishi suddenly twisted his body unconsciously, holding his stomach tightly with his hands, looking very uncomfortable, which frightened Jiang Qisui half to death.

Jiang Qisui turned on the light directly, and woke up Tian Shishi worriedly: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Tian Shishi was sleeping soundly. In his dream, he was gnawing on a big chicken leg. He was woken up by Jiang Qisui. Before he could react, his body had already been overturned by Jiang Qisui.

Jiang Qisui checked carefully, and finally met Tian Shishi's dazed eyes, and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable in your stomach? I saw you were moving all the time when you were sleeping."

"Huh? I'm not feeling sick!"

Tian Shishi dragged his stomach, I was hungry in my dream just now, and I was so happy to see the delicious food.

Tian Shishi woke up a little after he finished speaking, and came to his senses: "Jiang Qisui, are you worried about my stomachache?"

She suddenly remembered that after eating crayfish today, Jiang Qisui kept saying that he would not let himself eat more because he was afraid of a stomachache.

It turned out that Jiang Qisui wasn't lying to her, but that eating too much would make her stomach hurt. The more Tian Shishi thought about it, the more moved she was, and hugged Jiang Qisui.

"I'm ok."

Seeing that Tian Shishi's reaction really didn't look like something was wrong, Jiang Qisui was relieved and fell asleep again.

The alarm clock rang on time the next morning, and it was time for Jiang Qisui to go to work again.

Tian Shishi got up first and simply prepared breakfast.

When Jiang Qisui finished washing and appeared, Tian Shishi couldn't wait to run forward, put his arms around Jiang Qisui's neck, buried his head in Jiang Qisui's chest, and kept rubbing.

"I prepared breakfast for you."

Tian Shishi let go of his hand and put the breakfast on the table, but the reluctance in his eyes could not be deceived.

She stared helplessly at Jiang Qisui after finishing his breakfast, tidied it up, and picked up the file bag by herself to go to work, and finally couldn't sit still.

He took Jiang Qisui's hand pitifully: "Can you get off work earlier? I want to see you sooner."

Jiang Qisui's heart softened into a puddle of water, and his voice softened accordingly.

Tian Shishi insisted on sending Jiang Qisui to work, but Jiang Qisui had no choice but to agree.

The two walked out the door holding hands, and just as they walked downstairs, they saw a dispute in front of them.

A group of people formed a circle, chattering for some unknown reason, Tian Shishi subconsciously felt that something was wrong, so he moved forward to look at the crowd, and found that the person in the center of the storm was Qin An.

Seeing Qin An's helpless look, the fire in his heart surged up all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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