Help!The icy grandpa has moved my heart

Chapter 126 Opening Competition

Chapter 126 Opening Competition

"This time, it's all thanks to Sister Fulan, otherwise the servant would just apologize with death, and it would be..."

Xiaoying stopped in the middle of speaking, and there were some words that she might not be able to say until she died.

The third girl was picking up the morning dew on her feet. Hearing what the servant girl said, her expression was calm. The turbulent waves in her heart had already been experienced when she woke up last night.

That was when she woke up from a nightmare. The things she experienced in the dream were too cruel and terrifying. During the half-dream and half-waking period, she only thought that it was a real experience, but she almost didn't collapse when she woke up.

It was mother and Xiaoying who explained and comforted her again and again, and she realized that it was just a dream, a terrible dream.

In reality, she was fine.

While the third girl was relieved at the time, she also secretly blamed herself in her heart. Because of her carelessness, she almost made a big mistake. If things were really like a dream, what face would she have to live in the world?
"The morning dew in the mountains is good. I'll collect some more and bring them back. I'll make tea later and send some to Sister Fulan." The third girl said.

Xiaoying nodded in agreement and helped the girl collect dew together. When the collection was almost done, the two of them felt a little sweaty. Before they had time to talk, someone came from the other end.

"Third Miss, Mr. Wen heard that the girl is not in good health. He came to visit early in the morning, and now he is talking to his wife in the front."

About the matter of the third girl fainting yesterday, more or less rumors spread, but others didn't know what happened, and Qu Fulan explained that when people asked, they said that the third girl was unwell and fainted.

That's why Mr. Wen's move to visit the sick today came into being.

"Mr. Wen is so caring. He came to visit early in the morning." Xiaoying smiled, "Let's go back quickly, and don't keep Mr. Wen waiting."

In the end, the third girl didn't go to the front to meet anyone. Yesterday she misunderstood Mr. Wen and almost made a mistake. Now she is still ashamed and blamed herself. How could she have the nerve to meet someone?
I just asked Xiaoying to go over and explain that she was fine. The third girl still stayed in the backyard, standing under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, feeling the strong fragrance.

When she heard footsteps behind her, she thought it was Xiao Ying who had come back.

"I heard that the sweet-scented osmanthus here is sweeter than the ones in the city. Let's pick some to make osmanthus cakes and give some to everyone. What do you think?"

"Will there be my share?"

The third girl buzzed in her head and turned around instinctively.

Who is the person standing a few feet away from her if not Wen Sichen?

The third girl was a little dazed, staring blankly at the man who had just become her fiancé not far away, unable to say a word.

Wen Sichen, who didn't get a response, was also a little embarrassed for a while.

Because he couldn't bear the worry in his heart, he begged the second wife to let him come to see her.

After the second wife gave her permission, she asked the servant girl to bring him over. After passing through a half-moon gate, the servant girl had to go back to get something because she missed something, so he sat in the front pavilion and waited, only to find her in the yard.

She must have thought it was the personal servant girl who had returned, and asked questions without looking back, and he also asked such questions instinctively.

The two stalemate for a long time, and finally Wen Sichen spoke first. He coughed lightly and said softly, "Do you like sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

The third girl finally came back to her senses, her cheeks were slightly hot, she hurriedly shifted her gaze slightly to the stone table aside, and nodded hastily.

After nodding, he felt that it would be impolite not to say anything, so he mustered up the courage to look at him again, and said, "What are you doing here?"

Wen Sichen looked at her, and somehow blurted out those words that were originally difficult to say, "I heard that you are not feeling well, so I want to come and see."

These words made the third girl's ears red, and the two stood quietly for a while, neither of them said anything.

A gust of wind blew, and it was cooler in the mountains. Seeing that she was wearing thin clothes, Wen Sichen said, "The wind is blowing, you go back to the house, don't blow yourself up, I will come to see you when I have free time."

Although the two of them were engaged, they were not married after all, and after all, it was difficult for them to be alone for too long, otherwise it would be detrimental to her reputation if it spread.

The third girl looked at the man in front of her. That's right, Mr. Wen's family is such a gentleman, Ru Lan, who behaves well. She suddenly smiled and gave him a little blessing, "Then, I'll go back first."

After saying that, she took two steps back, then turned and left, walking lightly, just like her mood at this time.

Wen Sichen stood behind and saw that her back disappeared, so he looked away, turned and left.

On the way back, the third girl rested her chin on the carriage in a daze.

Cheng Ru took Fang Yuan's arm and pointed her eyes towards the third girl, "Look at her lost soul. She is here at this moment, but her heart doesn't know where she has gone."

Fang Yuan thought of how the third sister protected her on weekdays, so naturally he didn't want to make fun of her with these topics, but he had a good relationship with Cheng Ru, so he laughed and said, "You've got a good husband tomorrow, maybe you're even more depressed than the third sister Woolen cloth."

After all, he laughed like a flower.

Cheng Ru was ashamed and embarrassed by the words, and got up to tickle the other party, "You are so wicked, you make fun of me for things you don't have, and see how I can fix you."

The two hit it off again.

Because the third girl was immersed in some things, she didn't pay attention to these two people who were fighting along the way.

On the way back, Qu Fulan did not ride in the same carriage with these three, but took the same one with Pei Shizi.

At this time, Prince Pei was sitting with one leg bent and the other straight, leaning against the wall of the car, resting with his head slightly raised.

Anyway, I went out to do missions for a few days. In order to arrest people, I lay in ambush for several days. It is a lie to say that I am not tired.

Qu Fulan didn't bother him either, she took out several scrolls from the cage at the side, and checked them over and over again.

In the past few days in the temple, she has not been idle and finished all the paintings.

And the other things she planned are believed to be almost progressing. On the opening day of the new store, invite a few acquaintances and friends to sit in the town, and once the firecrackers are set off, it will basically be stable.

After returning to Pei's mansion, Qu Fulan summoned the corresponding shopkeeper immediately.

"Originally, Xiao's was scheduled to open in ten days. Maybe we found out from somewhere that our store would open in five days, so we changed the date accordingly. It stands to reason that this is not a problem. There are so many people who open and close every day in the capital city. We just bumped into each other, but that storefront is directly opposite our storefront, so it’s not easy to handle.”

When the time comes, the two will open on the same day, which one will the guests go to?
If this opening is to be compared, who will step into their milk tea shop in the future?
It's not that the shopkeeper's aspirations destroy his own prestige, but the milk tea business of "Ting Ya Lou" is better than that of "Hua Jian Fu".

"How did you find out that Xiao's milk tea shop is opposite our milk tea shop?" Qu Fulan picked up the saucer, took a sip of tea, and then asked a key question.

The shopkeeper sighed, "We also inquired about the renovation at the beginning, but they kept it a secret. They only said that it was for other industries, not that it was for milk tea."

Qu Fulan put down the teacup, "I know, it's not a big deal, just follow what I said on the opening day."

Time flies, and five days later in the blink of an eye, Ji Nishang plans to crush Pei's family and mark the milk tea as the day of Xiao's milk tea.

(End of this chapter)

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