Chapter 150 Rescue Zhang Li
"Gu Dui, take everyone to find someone first, and I'll go to the bathroom."

After Jin Jiang finished speaking, he gave Gu Che a look. After Gu Che nodded, Jin Jiang turned and walked to the side.

After entering the bathroom, Jin Jiang was almost sent away, the smell was simply amazing.

Quickly holding his breath, Jin Jiang felt that if he took another breath, he would confess that he was here.

Find a cubicle, lock the door, enter the space, all in one go.

After entering, Jin Jiang relied on the memory of her previous life to come to the eighth floor. She remembered that the seventh and eighth floors had been converted into dormitories for personnel.

In order to avoid scaring people by appearing in the room, Jin Jiang directly chose to rise in place.

Appeared in the bathroom on the eighth floor.

Under normal circumstances, the bathrooms in a building are all the same, after all, water pipes need to be installed.

After coming out, he happened to hear someone talking next to him, and Jin Jiang couldn't help but rejoice that he made a good choice, but if he chose the one on the right, now he might appear directly on someone else.

"Chen Zhu, you said we can sleep for a few hours today, alas, I can't hold it anymore!"

After the woman's weary voice came, another woman's voice came from outside: "It's better to finish this project as soon as possible, you didn't see Shen Yuan has stayed up all night for two consecutive nights."

"I really don't think of us as human beings. If they hadn't detained my husband and children in another base, my mother would really quit."

"Okay, stop talking, so as not to be heard by others."

The woman next door to Jin Jiang said again: "It's just the two of us resting today. I'm afraid it's just the two of us on the whole floor. What are you afraid of?"

"You, this mouth..." The woman outside the door said with a helpless smile.

After getting the information he wanted, Jin Jiang entered the space to find the dormitory of the two.

After all, if you don’t have a badge, you won’t be able to get in.

Afterwards, Jin Jiang searched from room to room, mainly to see if there were work clothes.

Generally, researchers will hang their work clothes on the hangers in the room, so that they can be put on conveniently when they leave.

Finally found a white coat hanging on a hanger in the sixth room.

The work card on the chest said Chen Jingwen Research Assistant, and Jin Jiang guessed that the woman was Chen Assistant who was in the bathroom just now.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of two people walking in the corridor was heard.

"Rest early, we have to go up at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Alright Chen Zhu, you should go to bed early too, bye."

After the two finished talking, Jin Jiang heard the sound of the key turning the door lock, and quickly hid behind the door, then entered the space.

After waiting for a minute, Jin Jiang came out from where he was.

Just when Chen Jingwen finished drawing the curtains, she was twisting her neck and shoulders with her back to Jin Jiang.

Quietly came behind Chen Jingwen and knocked people unconscious.

Only then did Jin Jiang change into her overalls, put on her hat and mask, and went out.

If it wasn't for the fear that Chen Jingwen would come in and find that her overalls were gone, and alarm the people above, she wouldn't have knocked people out.

After Jin Jiang went up, he came to the tenth floor with a little memory. This is the ward of those leaders, and it is also the place where Zhang Li is most likely to appear.

Sure enough, Jin Jianggang appeared in the corridor, and the guards next to him immediately stepped forward to check his identity.

After seeing Jin Jiang's work card, he respectfully stepped aside.

There are two guards standing at the door of each room throughout the corridor. , Jin Jiang can sense that the people living inside are all supernatural beings.

Finding that there were actually six supernatural beings in a ward in the middle, Jin Jiang walked straight towards that ward.

"doing what?"

Just as Jin Jiang wanted to open the door, he was stopped by the guard at the door.

Picking up the blood draw tray in his hand, he said in a bad tone, "Can't tell? Draw blood."

In order to take a look at Jin Jiang's work card and check the contents of the tray, he backed away to indicate that Jin Jiang could go in.

After Jin Jiang went in, he saw several supernatural beings using healing techniques on the haggard old man above the hospital bed.

Among them is Zhang Li.

It's just that Zhang Li doesn't have the energy to see who is coming in now.

Now their mental strength is almost exhausted, and all the supernatural beings are already pale.

Jin Jiang activated the psychic ability and began to listen to the voice of the person on the hospital bed.

"Old man, I want to live, I don't want to die."

"This group of trash, they are all looking for someone, and they haven't been treated for a day."

"Sooner or later, turn these people into zombies, damn it!"

Hearing this, Jin Jiang was really irritable, and quietly condensed the Void Blade, turning it into countless needles as thick as silver needles.

Waved quietly, all the needles sank into the old man's body.

"Pfft..." The old man spat out a mouthful of blood, then stared at the ceiling in disbelief with his eyes wide open.


"Never mind our business, isn't it..."

"what to do……"

Several healing system users were talking in a panic.

At this time, Jin Jiang hurriedly stepped forward, pretending to start checking the old man.

Before she could make a move, the siren from the heartbeat monitor caught the attention of the guards outside the door.

When the guard came in, he saw the old man lying motionless on the bed, and the old man had just vomited blood on the quilt in front of him.

"You control people, I'll go to the dean."

One of the guards hurried away after speaking.

Another guard pointed a gun at Jin Jiang and the six psychic powers beside him, and said, "Hold your head in your hands, squat beside, hurry up."

Jin Jiang hurriedly walked to Zhang Li, and dragged Zhang Li to hide in the corner.

"It's me." Seeing Zhang Li's puzzled expression, Jin Jiang couldn't help but said.

" do you..."

Before Zhang Li finished speaking, the guard directly pointed the gun to Zhang Li's head, "Don't communicate, squat down in front."

Jin Jiang shook his head towards Zhang Li and hid in the innermost part.

After everyone squatted down, Jin Jiang whispered to Zhang Li: "I will come to rescue you later."

After speaking, he entered the space and returned the clothes to Chen Jingwen.

After all, Chen Jingwen has no intention of harming others, and she doesn't want to involve irrelevant people.

Two minutes later, Jin Jiang found Gu Che and the others at the reception on the first floor.

"How about it?"

Gu Che shook his head, and said: "They said they would return our people at night, and their healing system user died, and they demanded that we pay a hundred first-level corpse crystals."

Jin Jiang frowned, then looked at the man sitting at the desk next to him, and said, "We will give you the corpse crystal, our people will see it now."

The man looked at Jin Jiang disdainfully, "Do you want to see him? Hehe, I will pick you up tomorrow, and you can go now."

"I've received a message that my person is on the tenth floor, will you take me there, or should I call up?"

After Jin Jiang finished speaking, he looked at the man coldly.

The man looked at Jin Jiang in disbelief, apparently he hadn't been down until Jin Jiang could know where he was.

"Hold on."

After speaking, I went inside to make a phone call.

(End of this chapter)

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