Chang Chunfang's relatives from her natal family came all the way to see her, and they definitely couldn't go back on the same day.

Therefore, her sons have to worry about the food and housing of these relatives in Kyoto.

For Lan Sibo, it was the first time he had seen these fucking relatives.

And even though Lan Dazhuang met his fucking nephew a few years ago, the situation at that time was that Chang Zheng's younger brother Chang Gui, together with the old father at home, came to ask his younger sister for a job!

So Lan Dazhuang didn't have a good impression of these fucking relatives.

He didn't even want to deal with the fact that the other party needed a place for him to arrange a place to live when he came to the door!
But for the sake of his mother's sake, he still took the three members of the Chang family to the guest house for a few days.

During the whole process, only Chang Chunfang was happy.

Because in her eyes, children are filial, and relatives and juniors also remember her well, so they came to see her from so far away.

She felt that she was simply an old lady who lived the best life in her later years~!

After the three families came to visit Chang Chunfang's aunt, they did not leave in a hurry, but took the opportunity to travel around the capital.

They didn't leave until they resumed work in the next year.

Before leaving, the three families said that they would visit the old lady again next year.

Lan Dazhuang didn't welcome the fact that the three families wanted to come again.

He's not short of money, and he's not stingy, but that's for someone who really has a good relationship!
And the relatives of his mother's family are not in the scope of good relationship.

It's just that his mother thinks that there are juniors from her natal family who come to visit her, and she has a bright face.

But which one of these people is not profitable, so they come here?

When the three families left, the value of the Kyoto specialties that his mother asked him to prepare for these natal relatives had already surpassed the gifts they brought over to visit his mother.

Not to mention the various expenses for food and accommodation for the three of them in Kyoto these few days——

Fortunately, relatives visit this kind of thing, only once a year.

Lan Dazhuang could only comfort himself, and let it pass...


Not long after the year, it was Lan Shengli's first anniversary.

The three brothers of the Lan family returned home a day early, preparing for worship the next morning.

Although Lan Shu is an adopted daughter, she always remembers how kind her adoptive father Lan Shengli was to her.

Even though her adoptive father is no longer there, she will still remember the worship service behind her, and she will be there on time.

This time Lanshu was accompanied by Xiaobai when she returned to Tianshui Village.

The two drove to Qingyang County and stopped to buy a lot of paper burning supplies.

Paper money, ingots, paper TVs, refrigerators, cars, and houses are all available, and the trunk is full before heading to Tianshui Village.

When they arrived at Tianshui Village in the afternoon, the three brothers of the Lan family had already gathered in the old house in the village.

In addition to the three brothers of the Lan family, Tang Chu, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Lan family, and Tian Na, the second daughter-in-law, also came back together.

Lan Sibo's daughter-in-law Yu Xia was not able to come.

Yu Xia gave birth to a child last year, and now her daughter is only half a year old, and she cannot leave her mother for a while.

It is not suitable for a child who is too young to appear on this kind of occasion, so Yu Xia did not come because of special circumstances.

But Chang Chunfang came back with Lan Sibo.

Chang Chunfang has lived in Kyoto for half a year, and before she knew it, she discovered that it had been a year since her husband left——

At this time, Chang Chunfang suddenly felt that time flies so fast!

She even couldn't help but think, how many years can she live?
For the answer to this question, it is obvious that as she gets older, the time will only get less and less.

Looking back on the past, Chang Chunfang found that when she was young, she stayed in the village with her husband for decades, and finally got out of the village to start a business and earn money. In fact, those years were not very good.

Instead, she experienced complaints from her daughters-in-law, the dislike of her own daughter, and even her family members were gradually alienated from her...

She didn't have a good life, her husband was gone, and she was left alone.

Chang Chunfang felt that her life was a failure!

She doesn't know how many years are left, she plans to make her life more exciting——

After her wife's anniversary, she decided to go out for a walk, and also learn from those rich old ladies in Kyoto to appreciate the great rivers and mountains in China!

Thinking of this, Chang Chunfang began to feel a little emotional.

So much so that she didn't worry about her wife's anniversary.

Whether it was the preparation of sacrifices or the banquet held in the village for the first anniversary tomorrow, it was all arranged by the three brothers of the Lan family.


Early the next morning, the four brothers and sisters set off with their daughter-in-law and the man to the place where their father was buried in Houshan.

Putting offerings and burning paper money, some neighbors in the village who have a good relationship with the Lan family also brought some paper money to burn.

Although the Lan family was an outsider decades ago, but because the brothers of the Lan family are capable, the entire Lan family is now a big family in the village!

Many villagers gave the Lan family face, so for the noon banquet, Lan Dazhuang invited cooks and waiters from the county hotel, and arranged [-] or [-] tables inside and outside the courtyard of his home, all of which were fully occupied!
There were too many villagers who came to Lan's house to eat this time, so no one noticed that a white-haired old lady with a pointed face and a short young man of eighteen or nineteen were also sitting at the banquet in an inconspicuous corner outside the courtyard. before.

The moment the waiter in charge of serving the banquet put the sumptuous dishes on the table, the old lady took the plastic bag prepared in advance and kept putting the meat and vegetables into her bag.

Although the eighteen or nineteen-year-old young man beside her didn't hold a plastic bag, his fast movements of putting meat into his bowl were no slower than the old lady's.

The two unceremoniously brought food and take away, which made the villagers who ate at the same table very unhappy!
"Mrs. Xu! How can you let us eat like this?"

"That is to say, Xu Fugui, your bowl is full and you stretch your hand on the table, it's like you haven't eaten in eight lifetimes~!"

The people at this table were all young people from the village, and most of them were women, so even though they knew the grandparents and grandchildren of the Xu family, they didn't know about their previous festivities with the Lan family.

Mrs. Xu is usually very close to her grandson, and when she heard someone speak ill of her grandson, she immediately became upset!

"Eating banquets, eating banquets, whether you can eat enough, how much you can eat, all depends on your ability!"

The young man with a mouth full of meat also said vaguely, "Who told you not to prepare in advance?"

There are indeed some old ladies in the village who also bring plastic bags when eating, but most of those old ladies wait for the table to be eaten before they take out the plastic bags and collect them.

It's really rare that old lady Xu, grandparents and grandchildren "domineeringly" at the dinner table and don't give others a chance to eat!
Mrs. Xu's words made a new daughter-in-law at the same table who married from a foreign village two years ago couldn't stand it anymore——

The little daughter-in-law dropped her chopsticks, got up and yelled loudly, "Look, everyone, this shameless old lady from the Xu family always brags in the village that her son is doing big business outside, how capable she is!"

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