After recognizing Lan Xinya, Lan Shu combined the news she got before she came...

The child who was allergic to bathing with the essential oil soap produced by her company is Lan Xinya's son? !
How could it be such a coincidence?
But no matter who the other party is, if it is really because of her company's product allergy, Lan Shu will definitely not ignore it.

"How is the child doing now?" Lan Shu asked again.

It was only then that Lan Xinya realized that the essential oil soap company was actually run by Lan Shu?
Originally, Lan Xinya planned to ask the essential oil soap company for 5000 yuan, but now, she knew how rich Lan Shu was, so how could 5000 yuan be enough?
"My son spent a week in the military affiliated hospital. He had a high fever and severe allergies. He spent nearly 1000 yuan in total. He went to the hospital for a reexamination a few days ago. The doctor said that the child had asthma, and the disease has been with him for the rest of his life. You said you would pay for it. How much do I have?!"

Lan Shu was surprised to learn about Lan Xinya's son's condition.

It stands to reason that even if the female protagonist is not with the male protagonist and has the halo of the female protagonist, her son's future achievements should not be too bad.

But now, a child who has been a few months old has asthma!

Lan Xinya is right, this disease will last her whole life, and her son will not have a healthy body.

But Lan Shu doubted that there might be something in the essential oil soap that people might be allergic to, and there was only a little bit of floral essential oil.

Even if floral essential oils can cause some people with flower allergies to be allergic or even have a high fever.

As long as she took the money, she would leave. Standing at the door, there would be people watching. Lan Shu would not even give the money!
So Lan Xinya refused on the spot——

Lan Xinya's words, "there is a problem with essential oil soap", caused several onlookers who commented to silence the sound in an instant——

"Our company's essential oil soap contains floral essential oils, which are extracted from various flowers. In addition to the fragrance, it also has the effect of moisturizing the skin."

She didn't expect Lan Shu to be so generous!

"Even if the lesbian in front of me said that her child was allergic to our company's essential oil soap, there is no concrete evidence to prove it. We should listen to the doctor's judgment for the details, rather than someone casually saying it."

"We will definitely pay the full amount of 1000 yuan for inpatient treatment in the hospital, and another 2000 yuan in compensation, plus the future hospitalization expenses of your child's asthma, we can bear it all."

She wants to learn more about the child's allergies before and after with Lan Xinya.

People's words are terrifying, once this word is spread, even if it is false, it can be spread as if it is true!
So she must cut off the false rumors from the root!

When passers-by heard the explanation from the leaders of the essential oil soap company, their doubts about the quality of the essential oil soap were immediately dispelled!

The doctor knew that her child was allergic after being in contact with the paint, and it had nothing to do with the essential oil soap.

So she looked at Lan Xinya, "As for the issue of compensation, we can go in and sit down and talk slowly."

On the opposite side, Lan Shu's words were originally a normal process of compensation procedures, but when she heard Lan Xinya's answer, she was slightly startled——

But now, she felt that she might be able to fake it!
So she took a few steps forward, walked to Zhou Di, and asked Zhou Di to find the driver, Master Zhang, and go to the hospital as soon as possible to understand the situation.

"That's right, you have to figure it out before you lose money. Otherwise, if you said that your son was allergic and spent money in hospital, could it really be money spent in hospital?"

Seeing that Lan Xinya insisted on this, Lan Shu had no objection.

After speaking, Lan Shu looked at Lan Xinya.

These words of Lan Shu made Lan Xinya panic, she was so excited that she almost jumped up!
"You don't need to go to the hospital to issue a certificate, it's too time-consuming! You only need to give me 3000 yuan, and the follow-up treatment costs will be covered."

"After all, 3000 yuan is not a small amount. Compensation must be complete. Otherwise, in the future, anyone can come and say that they are allergic to our products and make our company lose money. Then how can our company continue to operate?"

Lan Xinya didn't know Lan Shu's thoughts, but she felt that if she had something to say, she could say it at the door now, and there was no need to go in and chat in private.

But the chance of allergies triggering asthma is so small, Lan Xinya's son actually got it?
Did Lan Xinya's son have asthma before, or did he get asthma after allergies?

"You don't need to go in and talk, just here, tell me how much compensation your company can give to my son?"

"Our company's essential oil soaps have always been hot sellers, selling 10,000+ pieces a year, and I have never heard of anyone who has an allergy after using it, so everyone can use it with confidence."

But in the next second, Lan Xinya heard Lan Shu's voice change and continued.

Hearing Lan Shu's words, Lan Xinya was overjoyed——

Lan Shu raised her eyes and glanced at the people around her one by one.

Lan Shu had to figure out these situations.

"My son is allergic to essential oil soap! There is something wrong with their company's essential oil soap. Now I am the one who suffers. Why are you still helping capitalists?!"

"It is true that some people have special constitutions and are allergic to flowers. In addition to flowers, some people are even allergic to certain fruits, vegetables, meat, and even eggs and milk, but there are very few people with this constitution. There may not necessarily be one in the individual.”

Listening to Lan Shu's words, even the passers-by on the side agreed.

When Lan Shu heard this rumor, she immediately frowned.

Lan Xinya immediately expressed her thoughts, even if she lowered her interests, she couldn't let Lan Shu go to the hospital for investigation!

She treats each other with courtesy, others don't appreciate it, if she is willing to stand and bask in the sun, then just stand~
When asked about the compensation, Lan Shu answered after thinking for a while——

"With regard to these issues, I will send people to the hospital to investigate, ask the doctor to issue a certificate, and pay the compensation after the procedures are complete." Lan Shu said.

Lan Shu was almost certain that Lan Xinya's son's allergies were definitely not as simple as allergies to the floral essential oils in essential oil soaps!
So before she asked people to investigate, she went through the process to ensure that the procedures were complete.

Lan Xinya's reaction at this moment was simply to write the word 'guilty' on her face!

She knows that long-term treatment of asthma is the most expensive!
Now, my son's future asthma expenses will be covered!

Listening to the words of passers-by, Lan Xinya's mood changed from nervous and excited to anxious.

It is also necessary to confirm with the hospital that the child is allergic to floral essential oils, and compensation will only be made after the evidence is complete.

Then Lan Shu raised her eyes, met Lan Xinya's slightly flustered eyes, and said seriously.

"However, the premise of these compensations is that your child is indeed sick because of the allergy to the essential oil soap in our factory."

"That's right. The boss is not being taken advantage of. Anyone who shouts a few words will lose money."

Nowadays, the information is not developed, and the news cannot be spread, so even if some people know that the wind blows in spring, some people will be allergic to pollen and have acne on their faces.

But few people know that there are people who are allergic to fruit, milk and meat.

In this comparison, flower allergies are actually nothing.

Moreover, the leaders of the essential oil soap company said that they have bought 10,000+ pieces of essential oil soap, and they have not seen any allergies.

This shows that essential oil soap is actually very safe!

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