A girl came to Fengdu

Chapter 166 Flying in the Sky

Chapter 166 Flying in the Sky

Yi Ge, the first woman in the world to shake the sky, has a tough mouth and thick skin, and her personal style is obvious.

At this moment, she is arguing with the sky limit: "I think you are not telling me that you are not a human being. I haven't turned the page here, so don't change the topic."

Si Yu raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you bring up this topic?"

Yi Ge: Although the words are true, I don’t recognize them!
Yi Ge decisively chose to change the subject: "I'm still at work, so you send me back first."

Siyu: ...

After all, whoever diverted the topic more bluntly.

Seeing that Si Yu didn't speak, Yi Ge squinted his eyes, very suspicious: "Isn't it...you can't?"

Si Yu: Very good, you successfully provoked my desire to win!
Si Yu hugged Yige's waist and whispered, "Don't let go of me."

Yi Ge obediently hugged Si Yu tightly, beeping: "Even if I let go, can't you still catch me...Ah!"

The last word turned into a scream, and they flew into the sky together.

Fly to the sky in the physical sense.

Yi Ge:! ! !
The coffin board of the physics giant can't hold it down anymore!
When Yi Ge rode on Lu Bai, his mind was still in a daze.

She originally wanted to ask Si Yu to teleport her back to Fengdu to go to work (although she didn't know where she was), but Si Yu seemed to understand that something went wrong and insisted on taking her to fly freely.

When did she experience this kind of thing alone, she was so frightened that except for the sound at the beginning, her throat was tight afterwards, and she couldn't make any sound, she could only simply open her mouth to eat air.

Si Yu didn't know when she changed her clothes. The wide robe covered her head and face, which cut off the cold at high altitude and stopped her from eating the wind. She pressed her head against his chest and slowly stroked her Her back finally calmed her down, and she put her on Lu Bai's body.

Lu Bai, this beautiful white mountain deer, in order to please the hostess, the silver branch-like antlers on its head spread out like rime in the winter forest, so beautiful that Yige couldn't help reaching out to touch it.

Si Yu looked at her childlike movements and asked, "Do you like it?"

Yige Machinery replied: "I like it."

"Do you want to break it down and put it on your bed as a decoration?"

Lu Bai:! ! ! !

My lord, the world can learn from the loyalty of the little ones to you!You can't treat me like this!

Yige: ...

"Si Yu, even if you are God, you still have to be a little caring." Yi Ge persuaded Si Yu: "My bedside is not big enough, so I won't put such space-occupied things."

Lu Bai: ...

When listening to the first half of the passage, Lu Bai thought that Yige was helping him out of friendship, but only after listening to the second half did he realize that Yige simply felt that he was occupying space.

If the head of the bed is big enough, he won't be able to keep the corner.

Si Yu thought about it seriously: "It can be widened."

Yi Ge: There is no need to thank you!

Yi Ge let go of his hands and stopped paying attention to the beautiful antlers, so as to prevent Si Yu from having any more strange thoughts.

Yi Ge remembered a strange thing: "If you are heaven, why do you often donate to us the Science Development Fund?"

Si Yu was puzzled: "Why, you humans are only allowed to talk about science, but I can't talk about it?"

Yige: ...

Think for yourself whether your contradictions are contradictory, which aspect of your existence is scientific?
Si Yu once again understood Yi Ge's silence, and continued to output his point of view: "It is because my existence and theirs are unscientific that we need to arm ourselves with scientific theories so that they can get along better with humans and catch up with humans as soon as possible." Follow the pace of technological modernization and be the pioneer of scientific practice.”

Yige: ...

Yi Ge: "Is there anyone willing to eat your brainwashing bag?"

Siyu: ...

Si Yu: "Yes, but it doesn't seem to be very successful."

Yi Ge rolled his eyes: If he succeeds, he will be damned!
Yi Ge didn't want to talk to Si Yu, she looked at the white clouds passing by under her feet, felt the breeze blowing across her cheeks, there seemed to be thunderbolts looming among the colorful clouds in the distance, she was surrounded by Si Yu within her own protection range, so that she could It is easy to fly in the sky with the physical body.

At this time, Yige had the energy to sort out the chaotic thoughts in his head into a general context, and suddenly understood many strange points that he had ignored before.

If Si Yu is Tian, ​​and she is close to Si Yu and Si Yu, so there are always strange people, no, it should be a demon, showing kindness to her inexplicably.

For example, the Internet celebrity feather that must be the demon, the Chibai patriarch who has been confirmed to be the demon, and the accompanying grandfather Wang Lingguan who is always on call...

God, did she save the galaxy in her previous life?

Oh, I can't continue to use "God" to express my emotions in the future, that is her boyfriend.

What attitude should she use to face this boyfriend?
The strange tales I've seen before are top-notch, but the sadism between humans and monsters, and the relationship between humans and ghosts is over. There seems to be no precedent for the combination of heaven and man. Should she ask Si Yu, or should she activate emergency legislative powers immediately? What about generating a set of rules?

Yi Ge exhaled a few long breaths, trying to calm himself down, suddenly Si Yu surrounded her from behind, his chin rested lightly on her shoulder, their faces were close to each other, and Yi Ge could feel Si Yu's embrace. Protect against slightly cool body temperature.

"Yi Ge." Si Yu called her softly.


"Recently, I watched some TV series made by humans..."


"What do you think of the TV series The Legend of the White Snake?"

Yige: ...

Why do you watch such an old TV series?
"Frankly speaking, I think Xu Shilin might not have been born to the White Snake." Yi Ge replied very seriously, "Because of the reproductive isolation between humans and snakes, the White Snake should not be able to conceive a child. That's why Xu Xian was arrested by Fa Hai. The persuasion to drink realgar wine for the white lady should be because he himself had some doubts about the white lady, and then the white lady pretended to be pregnant to make Xu Xian feel at ease and brought a baby back from somewhere."

Siyu: ...

There are reasons and evidence, but this is not what I want to discuss with you!
Si Yu: "Then I'll just say it straight. You should have heard such words as people and ghosts, and ghosts and ghosts. Will you be afraid when you are with me?"

Yige: ...

"So we deserve to be two people who love each other, and our hearts are interlinked." Yi Ge smiled: "What a coincidence, I also considered this issue just now."

Si Yu was suddenly nervous. What Yige said was "considered", that is to say, she had come to a conclusion, what could it be?
"So, you're leaving me..."

Si Yu's words were interrupted by Yi Ge: "I activated the emergency legislative power."

Si Yu:? ? ?
What it is?
Yi Ge turned his face and put a kiss on Si Yu's cheek, "I love you, no matter you are a human, a demon, a ghost or a god, I will love you, and it will not change because of what you are until I leave this world .”

Si Yu's eyes met hers, and he felt the two hearts were pressed together like never before.

(End of this chapter)

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