Dressed as a cannon fodder, her mother became popular in variety shows

Chapter 11 What other girls have, so can my daughter

Chapter 11 What other girls have, so can my daughter
A series of entries related to Ji Anzhi appeared on the hot search again, and the popularity rose rapidly, occupying the front row of the hot search in just one hour.

No one expected that she would do this, take advantage of the trend to officially announce her beauty brand, and make the best use of everything.

Xu Yifei's mother and daughter, who were watching the whole process, were dumbfounded, and it took a long time for Mina to regain her voice.

"Mom, what does this mean? Are we adding to someone else's career?"

Mina's mood was a little out of control, and Xu Yifei's mentality was not much better. She said irritably:
"You have seen it yourself, and you still want to ask me what to do. I told you not to rush it, but you just don't listen."

Mina just felt extremely wronged, holding her breath in her heart and couldn't get up or down.

He roared angrily: "You blame me again, I asked your opinion before posting the photos, and you were the one who said with confidence that there was no problem."

Since Xu Yifei married Mi Jiaxing, no one dared to yell at her.

She said displeasedly: "How did you talk to your mother? Your upbringing has gone into the dog's stomach? I think you have been used to it."

Mina burst into tears after being trained by her.

"Mom, you are too much. If you are angry, you can take it out on me. I am not a punching bag. If you can't beat others, you can take it out on me. I have never seen you like this."

After outputting without hesitation, she ran out of the house angrily, leaving Xu Yifei staring at him in anger.

As early as when the program was officially announced, almost all the promotion of the program group was comparing her with Ji Anzhi.

Under the brainwashing of advertisements, everyone defaulted to the image of Ji Anzhi as a mediocre, rigid and mediocre middle-aged woman with a poor family and living a miserable life.

Xu Yifei also had a sense of superiority. From the very beginning, she didn't take Ji Anzhi seriously. For her, it would be a loss for her to deal with them.

In the variety show, the comparison between the pros and cons of the two of them was magnified countless times, Xu Yifei was disdainful and contemptuous at first.

But now she is looking at the comments on the Internet, and there are people who are interested in deliberately posting them together to compare them, and even analyze and interpret them comprehensively.

From the point of view of identity, Xu Yifei is the proprietress of Carmi Media, a retired actress.

In addition to being the mother of the popular little flower Ji Mingmei, Ji Anzhi is also the head of the newly announced Ji Jintang beauty brand.

Compared with assets, Xu Yifei has not been out to film since she got married, and only occasionally attends some activities. She has shops and properties under her name, and she also has a 5.00% share dividend of Carmi Media.

In addition to the Rose Garden property, Ji Anzhi also has immeasurable ancestral property, and Ji Jintang has a promising future.

In terms of appearance, Xu Yifei has the title of iceberg beauty, beauty is beauty, but she spends countless maintenance fees on her face every year, and she is completely supported by money.

Ji Anzhi was known as his face, no matter in skin or figure, he was almost the same as a girl in her early twenties.

Following the in-depth analysis of good things netizens, online posts that slammed Xu Yifei and praised Ji Anzhi sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Xu Yifei's face was livid, as if Ji Anzhi slapped her hard on the face.

With fierce eyes, she picked up the phone and called the program director.

The live broadcast on the Rose Garden has just ended. The director couldn't contain his joy when he saw the rising popularity. He was just about to communicate with Ji Anzhi about tomorrow's shooting when he felt his phone vibrate.

He frowned in embarrassment, took his mobile phone and went to the corner to answer it.

After a while, he came back with a displeased face.

Coming to Ji Anzhi, adjusted his state, and spoke politely.

"Mrs. Ji, the theme of our shooting tomorrow is the daughters' cloakroom. Let me know in advance. If there is anything missing, you can check and make up for it in advance."

Director Zhang's attitude is very respectful, and he is also a capable man with a city.

When he didn't know Ji Anzhi's details, he never made things difficult. Now that he saw the tip of the iceberg, his attitude became more polite.

Ji Anzhi nodded and accepted the kind reminder from the director.

She learned from her memory that Director Zhang of this program group is a very principled person, even if he received hints from the Mi family, he never really hurt the mother and daughter of the original owner maliciously.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Yifei simply used her contacts to replace him.

With a new director, there was a series of incidents of malicious editing and cyber violence.

After seeing off the staff of the program group, Sang Yu immediately ran to Ji Anzhi like a dog, and beat her leg attentively.

"Auntie, why are you so witty? You just use your strength to fight. This move is really good. You should teach me more when you have time."

Ji Anzhi was used to being served by others, so he didn't feel awkward at all, and said with a smile:
"Using this trick has enough confidence. I have planned Ji Jintang's business for a long time, and I have been waiting for the right time. The opportunity to come to my door is not in vain."

Ji Mingmei also sat down beside her in a relaxed manner, and asked curiously: "Apart from Ji Jintang's business, what else have you done, Mom? Let me know a little bit by revealing it."

Ji Anzhi didn't make a fool of himself, and wrote lightly:
"It's nothing. It's just investing in some companies, buying some shares and shops. The entertainment company depends on your development needs. If you don't want to sign a contract with the company, we can also set up our own studio."

When Sang Yu heard this, she quickly expressed her loyalty.

"I don't care, I'm the only manager wherever I go, you can't tear down bridges."

Ji Mingmei couldn't stop laughing, "With a manager as capable as you, I can't bear to cross rivers and tear down bridges, so don't think about it."

Ji Anzhi had been busy for a long time and felt a little tired. He yawned and said in a low spirit:
"I'm going to lie down for a while, you can play by yourself."

Ji Mingmei found out that her mother's biggest hobby is probably sleeping for beauty.

One of Ji An left, and Sang Yu felt more at ease. She took a bite of the cherries on the coffee table, and said vaguely:
"I'm going to take pictures of your cloakroom tomorrow, isn't there any problem?"

Ji Mingmei shook her head amusedly, "You have also seen my room, what's the problem? I don't need to show off my wealth, it's just a normal girl's boudoir, it's Mina who needs to be busy."

Thinking of her face showing off her wealth all the time, Sang Yu shrugged.

"You're right, we don't have any character designs for little princesses, so let's take pictures casually."

Mina ran out because of a quarrel with her mother, and did not come home after playing all night.

If it wasn't for her agent's phone bombardment, she might still be angry with her mother right now.

She is still young and has experienced few things. She can't show her emotions and anger, and her bad emotions are always on her face, which can be seen through at a glance.

The camera was shooting at her from the moment she entered the house, and she didn't hold back at all, she still looked angry when she saw her mother.

Although Xu Yifei is annoyed that her daughter is not up to date, she is very good at showing off in front of the camera.

The role of a mother who cares about her daughter and worries about her daughter is fully interpreted.

After finally promising a lot of conditions to coax Mina well, the normal shooting began.

In high spirits, Mina led the program team to admire her oversized cloakroom, introducing her spoils with pride, and teased Ji Mingmei's dress for not being able to make it to the stage.

Mina didn't notice, and even the photographer who followed her was bored.

On the other hand, Ji Anzhi and Ji Mingmei, as usual, did not deliberately add drama to themselves because of the arrival of the program group.

The mother and daughter had breakfast as usual. Although it was quiet, the atmosphere was much better than before, and it was not so embarrassing to watch.

After breakfast, Ji Mingmei planned to dress up, and generously brought the cameraman into her room.

Like an ordinary girl next door, she introduced her dressing table with a smile.

"The things here are all prepared by my mother, and the skin care products are all given by her. In fact, I don't have much jewelry and I don't know much about it, but my mother has prepared a lot."

As she spoke, she opened the antique-like dressing box, and the dazzling array of jewelry looked amazing.

Ji Mingmei didn't know the value of these jewelry, "I prepared these before I came here. I haven't attended many events recently, and I haven't worn them."

As she spoke, she opened a set of jewelry that her mother gave her on her birthday.

She smiled and picked up a pair of jade bracelets and put them on her hands. The crystal clear jade bracelets set off her wrists even more beautifully.

Facing the camera, he said foolishly: "It's also my first time trying it on. I'm afraid I'll bump it. It would be a pity if there is a flaw."

She didn't notice at all that the staff of the program group gasped after seeing the jewelry.

After introducing the jewelry box, she opened the wardrobe again.

"Except for home clothes, all the clothes here are brought by myself. Maybe my mother doesn't know my size, so I didn't prepare too much. I don't live here much, and the clothes are all in my own small apartment. Well, so there's nothing to see."

It happened that Aunt Qiu came to deliver tea, and when she heard what her lady said, she couldn't help but say:
"Didn't Mingmei notice the cloakroom behind the secret door?"

Ji Mingmei looked confused, "Aunt Qiu, is there a cloakroom here? I didn't see it."

Aunt Qiu smiled and said: "So you don't know, no wonder you haven't seen you wear it, I'll help you open it, you can see what's inside."

The program team didn't expect such a surprise, and they couldn't wait to open the secret door with Aunt Qiu.

This secret door is actually next to the closet. Although the door is not big, you will find that there is something wrong with it after entering.

The space inside is at least ninety square meters, and there are all kinds of dresses hanging on one side of the cabinet. Even if she doesn't know the goods, Ji Mingmei can recognize them. These are high-end luxury goods.

In addition to clothes, there are also many luxury bags, some of which are even collectible, and their value is immeasurable.

In addition to these, there are many accessories and shoes.

Aunt Qiu explained with a smile: "My wife said that when this cloakroom is full, we will put the old ones upstairs. Every time there is a new product, it will be sent to the Rose Garden. I am sure there will be something you like."

Ji Mingmei had never enjoyed such treatment before, she was a little shocked and couldn't come back to her senses for a while.

When Ji Anzhi came over and saw her like this, he couldn't stop laughing.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? What other girls have, my daughter can't afford less. What's the point of this? Don't act like you're worthless. It's just a joke."

(End of this chapter)

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