Chapter 123
After several people discussed it, Shen Jingcheng immediately asked the county yamen servants to inform each village of the news, especially those villages along the river and close to the embankment.

But the notice was sent out, but the effect was not as good as he expected.

The villages closer to the county seat were okay, but the villagers came to the county seat with almost no notice.Those villages far away from the county seat are not so happy.

As soon as someone heard that there was danger, they immediately packed up their belongings and left with the young and old.Some people are reluctant to part with their family property, fearing that if the water does not come, the property they have accumulated with great difficulty will be stolen.

What's more, they have been here for many years, and the floods are almost always in the rainy season.In such a cold day, the river has not yet thawed, so how could there be a flood?
Because of years of experience, these people didn't take this notice too seriously, and even felt that the government was scaremongering, and they refused to leave despite Li Jia's persuasion.

When Shen Jingcheng received this news, he almost laughed out of breath. After thinking for a while, he asked Li Jia of each village to go back and tell those people that if he really didn't want to leave, he could find a higher place to take refuge temporarily.

If you still don’t want to leave, let them do it, you’ve done what you can, and you’re doing your best to these people. They don’t take their own lives seriously, and there’s nothing they can do when God comes.

As for Gu Jin, at the same time Shen Jingcheng issued the notice, he and Jiang Zhengshu led people to clean up the resting places for those who were about to come.

But in fact, although the general things have been discussed, the implementation is still a bit messy

Fortunately, Gu Jin is not a dead-headed person. When he saw that things were a little messy, he immediately drew all the streets in the city into areas like the hired workers in the village.Which area belongs to which village is a definite number.No one should occupy anyone else's place, and no one should rob anyone else's place.

If a village occupies the location of other villages, or harasses people and shops in the city, it will be driven out of the county immediately. If there are floods and other things in the future, the county will never accommodate people from this village.

In addition, she also handed over the affairs of each village to each lijia, and she could report to lijia if there was anything in the village.Then Lijia will report to her, Jiang Zhengshu, and the county chief bookkeeper, and then they will decide how to solve this matter.

As for why those people were allowed to live directly on the street instead of letting them live in various households in the county, it was because even if she asked everyone in the county to open the door, it would not be able to accommodate so many people from the village.What's more, no one is willing to let so many strangers live in their homes, and no one can guarantee that those people will stay in other people's homes honestly and not make trouble, so in order to prevent any conflicts, these people are arranged on the street for comparison. better.

Although it will be cold to sleep on the street at first, it is better than soaking in water or enduring those dangers at home.

Once such a plan is subdivided, things will become much more orderly.When the villages leave their homes and bring the villagers over, they only need to be taken by the yamen servants to their respective places to settle down, and then let A in each village take care of their own people.

But even so, Gu Jin felt his head buzzing when he saw the villagers arriving one after another and hearing the chatter and yelling on the street.

Jiang Zhengshu saw that these people were arranged in an orderly manner, and immediately ran to the gates of each city, supervising the craftsmen to build temporary water-retaining walls.

At this time, Shen Jingcheng had already come to the side of the dam again. In the cold wind, he looked at the icicles in the river that kept pushing and squeezing towards the side of the dam with a particularly dignified expression.

It seems that the ice flood in the previous life is probably this time, but he knows how terrible the ice flood is, but there is nothing he can do except stick to it.

Standing on the embankment, Shen Jingcheng was not only cold on the body, but also cold in the whole heart.

This is a natural disaster, and the sky will kill people.

And since he submitted the document to the magistrate, there has been no response so far, so let's resign to fate!
God seems to be ignorant of people's fear, the cold wind is still howling, making people's cheeks sore and painful, and there is no sign that the temperature will rise at all.

For two days and one night, the icicles had surged to the edge of the embankment, and even kept piling up. Some people were anxious, fearing that the sharp ice would damage the embankment they had finally built. Poked in the river and pulled the ice out with his hands.

But how can personal power beat the power of a river?The icicle was still piling up higher and higher.

Looking at this scene, Shen Jingcheng wished that he had great strength to push these ice cubes back into the river, and even smash the ice that was full of the river, so that the river would be unimpeded and the ice could flow away quickly .

It's a pity that he is just a mortal, a mortal with a little kung fu, not that much ability.

Just when the hearts of Shen Jingcheng and the people on the bank were in their throats, they saw the icicles that kept rolling outwards on the river suddenly stopped, and then stopped turning upwards, but slowly rushed in one direction. Down.

That direction was downstream of them, Shen Jingcheng looked at that direction, there was no trace of joy on his face.

He knew that somewhere must have broken the embankment, but he didn't know where.

Shen Jingcheng took a look at the white ice that filled the river, exuding a cold air, jumped off the embankment, got on his horse, and ran downstream along the embankment.

After walking dozens of miles to the area of ​​the next county, he saw a long gap in the embankment on the opposite bank, and the ice in the river flowed along the gap to the plain there.And the river embankment here also broke a hole, but that hole was smaller than the other side of the river, but the icicles wrapped in the river water rushed out of the embankment to the plain like a swarm.

Seeing this scene, Shen Jingcheng's pupils shrank, he turned his horse's head abruptly, and ran back, shouting at the people who were still on the embankment in Yuhe County: "Evacuate, each Lijia and each village will immediately evacuate to Gao Some places or counties, Ningkang County broke the embankment."

When the people on the embankment heard his yelling, they immediately called the people in their villages to run down the embankment, quickly go to the high place they had chosen earlier, or go straight to the county seat.

Shen Jingcheng rode his horse and galloped all the way along the embankment, shouting all the way, and following his shouting, the people on the embankment also swarmed and quickly evacuated.

These people have lived here for many years, and they know very well that if the river washes away the embankment, the breach will only get bigger and bigger. This cannot be blocked by human beings. They can only be blocked by waiting for the river to return to the river channel and then repair the embankment.Although it was the neighboring county that broke the embankment, no one knew where the plain was low, and the water always flowed downhill, so they had to evacuate to higher places with everyone.

 There is another chapter that will be later, before about two o'clock, all the little fairies, wait if you can, and watch it tomorrow if you can't wait
(End of this chapter)

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