After the rebirth, the cannon fodder left the plot

Chapter 117 Looking after children is tiring work

Chapter 117 Looking after children is tiring work
Shen Jingcheng looked at the child's small appearance, couldn't help but smiled and clapped his hands twice, and called him in a warm voice: "Come, Daddy give him a hug."

Xiao Youping didn't know what he said, but he knew what his action meant, so he buried his head in Gu Jin's neck and didn't even look at him anymore.

"Hey, this kid..." Shen Jingcheng stared funny.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, and he doesn't recognize you anymore. Just wait until you get acquainted." Gu Jin explained with a smile.

"Okay." Shen Jingcheng also knew that there was no way to do it, after putting the salute brought by Gu Jin into the house, he went to find someone to unload the truckload of ginger.

These gingers come with soil. Now that the weather is cold, they can be stored for a long time by digging a pit in the soil.

Shen Jingcheng, who was newlywed after a long absence and had been free for a few months, was particularly fierce that night, tossing and exhausting Gu Jin, and he didn't know how he fell asleep.

That night, Xiao Youping didn't sleep very soundly. He always felt that the wind was blowing around him, so he would frown from time to time.

Because he didn't sleep well, so when he woke up the next day and saw that black man's face, he was about to cry, but Shen Jingcheng covered his mouth when he saw the situation was bad.

Xiao Youping was taken aback by him, and blinked curiously, not knowing what this man was going to do.

"Don't cry, I'll give you something to eat if you don't cry." Shen Jingcheng said in a low voice, quickly put on his clothes, grabbed Xiao Youping's pants and jacket, wrapped him up and hugged him down Kang.

The brat was startled when he cried, and Ah Jin hadn't slept for long, so he couldn't be woken up.

Yesterday he heard from Ah Jin that this little thing started to add eggs and rice soup two months ago, and it would be fine if he didn't eat breast milk for a meal.

Seeing that he was hugging him and going away, the little guy opened his mouth and was about to howl, Shen Jingcheng flew out of the room with a quick swish of his eyes, and the little guy who was about to howl opened his eyes wide with a swipe, looking at Wei Lan in Shen Jingcheng's arms. In the blue sky, I can't figure out what happened.

And Shen Jingcheng had already carried him to the kitchen, and asked the cook who was cooking: "Auntie, is the egg custard steamed yet?"

"Okay, okay, where do you want to feed the young master, I'll bring it over." The cook asked with a smile.

"Take it to Mr. Jiang, I'll go there first with the baby." Shen Jingcheng said while holding Xiao Youping and walked to the front yamen.

Jiang Zhengshu was slowly punching the boxing technique Shen Jingcheng taught him in the yard, when he saw the father and son approaching, he immediately retreated and followed Shen Jingcheng to the house.

"This kid wakes up so early? It's strange."

"Hey, this kid is energetic when he comes, he doesn't even get confused, and he doesn't know who to follow." Shen Jingcheng said a little proudly.When they arrived at the house, they put Xiao Youping on Jiang Zhengshu's kang, and began to put on small clothes for him as soon as the quilt was lifted.

"Who can't do it? Anyway, I can't go out anyway." Jiang Zhengshu teased the chubby little baby with a smile, his eyes were full of smiles.

He hadn't seen this little thing for a long time, and he was thinking about it.

When Shen Jingcheng dressed Xiao Youping and finished urinating, the cook had already brought the egg custard.

Looking at the strange environment and listening to the two strangers talking, Xiao Youping couldn't see clearly, and of course he forgot to recognize people, especially when the fragrant egg custard was brought to his mouth At that time, he opened his mouth wide and ate without saying a word.

After the little guy was fed, Shen Jingcheng and Jiang Zhengshu also took turns to start eating. After eating, Shen Jingcheng brought the official document to Jiang Zhengshu, and while watching the child, he processed the official document.

After eating and drinking enough, the little guy was very curious about this strange environment, turned over and rolled on Jiang Zhengshu's kang, this is his special skill, and he has to show it.

Jiang Zhengshu was getting old, a little lazy, and sometimes at night he would casually put aside after reading a book, but he got the strength of this little guy, rolled over to the edge of the book, grabbed it and gnawed.

"Boy, you can't eat this." Jiang Zhengshu was startled, and quickly put the book away.

The thing in his mouth suddenly disappeared, Xiao Youping was a little unhappy, but seeing that there was still there, a rolling little claw immediately grabbed it again.

Just like that, Shen Jingcheng realized that this little thing was capable, and it didn't make people worry at all, but Jiang Zhengshu, who usually doesn't like to move around, started sweating after a while.

Shen Jingcheng saw that this was not the solution, so he simply stopped looking at the official documents, and directly focused on looking after the child with Jiang Zhengshu.

When Gu Jin woke up, he saw that there was no one around him, so he lay comfortably on the kang and stretched, and then got up to eat after being lazy for a while.

Ever since the little guy could crawl, her eyes dare not even make mistakes, and she hasn't slept so peacefully for a long time.

After eating, Gu Jin went to the front yard to find someone, and when he got there, he saw Shen Jingcheng and Jiang Zhengshu sitting on one side, looking nervously at the little things rolling around on the kang, and immediately stepped into the threshold with a smile.

"This child is too skinny, doesn't he look good?"

"It's good to have the skin. It means there's nothing wrong with it and it's healthy." Jiang Zhengshu had a different explanation for the child's skin.

But Shen Jingcheng was slightly relieved when he saw her coming.

I have to say, watching children is really not a good job, you have to keep your eyes on him all the time.

Hearing what Jiang Zhengshu said, Gu Jin smiled with warmth in his eyes. Seeing that there were some official documents beside Shen Jingcheng, he said, "Let me watch him. If you have something to do, do it first."

"Okay, if you're tired, send the child to the front, and I'll watch over it." Shen Jingcheng instructed her.

He just watched it for a while and felt that his nerves were extremely tense, and he didn't know how tired Gu Jin was every day.

Of course Gu Jin has his own way.

"Ping'er, come here." Gu Jin clapped his hands to Xiao Youping who was lying on the ground for a while, but he didn't seem to have had enough fun, and he didn't even move when he heard her cry.

There was no other way, Gu Jin had no choice but to climb onto the kang, carried him down personally, raised his chubby paws to say goodbye to Jiang Zhengshu and Shen Jingcheng, and then walked to the backyard.

When she arrived in the backyard, she called Gu Xiu over to look at the child first, while she picked out some polished and smooth wooden strips from the pile of things she brought yesterday, and sat on the kang to make a fuss. , a fence-like circle becomes.

She put the fence circle on the kang and put the child in the fence circle, and rolled as he liked.

She saw this thing when she was reading a storybook in the white space. When the child rolled around and she couldn't take care of it, she suddenly remembered it. She asked a carpenter to fix it and tried it. It was really good. easy to use.

In the evening, when Shen Jingcheng saw the extra small fence on the kang, he was very surprised. After knowing the usefulness of this thing, he nodded in a sudden realization.

Not to mention, this little thing looks really useful.

The next day, Shen Jingcheng asked Yang Shu to find a craftsman, remade a small fence and placed it in the front of the county government office, preparing to use it to watch the children in the future, but in reality the fence was useless because the autumn harvest was over. The tax and food have also been kept in the county, and he is busy again.

He was busy distributing corvee quotas to various villages, preparing to build embankments, collecting information on the number of artisans in the county, and dispatching people to Qingzhou Prefecture to start transporting stones here.

(End of this chapter)

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