Chapter 209 The Tragedy
Wen Zhi didn't leave in a hurry.He slowly raised the corners of his lips, but there was no wave in his eyes, "I don't know what happened in this city, why didn't you let it go?"

"It's not about those unscrupulous thugs..." The guard's eyes began to show impatience, and he urged, "If you shouldn't ask questions, just go in." Difficult to do.

He nodded to his colleagues and put the carriage into Chengguan.

When he put his purse into his sleeve, the colleague on the opposite side stared straight at him and walked towards him.He clicked his tongue, and opened the purse in his hand, intending to divide the contents into half for the other party, and blocked the other party's mouth.

He emptied the purse, and the golden thing fell into his palm, and he took a slight breath.

When I looked up at the carriage again, there was only a little bit of green left.
In fact, there is no need to report to Jiang Huaiyang if he just guarded.Because as soon as they entered the city, it was very obvious what happened.

Near the Yimen Gate of the official mansion, many commoners sat or stood up. The men gathered in one place and shouted loudly to the inside of the official mansion; With a crying baby in my arms...

But a cold disaster, outside the capital, has become such a chaotic situation.

The people occupied the official road, and the carriage was forced to stop.

Jiang Huaiyang's complexion was heavy, and he had a panoramic view of the scene in front of him.He turned his head and said, "You take a rest in the car." After saying that, he opened the curtain and went down.

Ruan Yuyi pulled out his sleeve, "The concubine is with you."

He stared at her silently for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

Such a car and horse parked on the street, and saw that such a classy person came down from inside, the people had already surrounded them, and everyone begged in one voice, all roughly saying the same thing:

"Gentlemen, give me a stutter!"

Ruan Yuyi frowned, her eyes moved, and she pulled at his sleeve, "Husband, look at this—" Although she knew that these people had been rescued and there were more victims, she couldn't just turn a blind eye to death.

Although the two of them had discussed the address and false identity before they left the palace, but when he heard the young lady's soft voice, his heart still trembled.

Right now they are standing side by side, with their sleeves clinging to each other, in the eyes of others, they must be no different from ordinary couples.Maybe it's not appropriate to think about these things as a relationship between the two, but he couldn't help but soften his heart.

He understood her intention, and whispered to Wen Zhi to find a way to get some food, and donate to these people.

He thought, let alone helping some common people at this moment, even if she raised something excessive, he would agree.

After getting the order, Wen Zhi went.

Those with sharp ears among the crowd heard Jiang Huaiyang's words and yelled from left to right, the news quickly spread like a spring breeze.For a while, the clothes were gray and gray, thank you thank you, cry bitterly.

Standing idle, Ruan Yuyi glanced around, and suddenly stopped on a pair of mother and son.

She followed Mu Xiang to get the snacks she was carrying with her, and brought some fresh milk, and walked there by herself.

The lady still bowed her head to comfort the child.She only used a hair tie to tie her long hair, her cheeks were slightly sunken, her eyes were haggard, and two spots of blood were seeping from the skirt.


The adults can still make ends meet with some naan bread, but this baby, which looks only a few months old, doesn't get any milk from its mother anymore.

He could only cry and howl.While enduring the pain, the woman wept helplessly.

Suddenly, a corner of snow green makeup and floral satin dress appeared in her corner of the vision, she slowly raised her head, and then looked up to see that Chu was wearing a jade pendant around her waist, with green hairpins and jade, a clean and beautiful face.

Thinking of her situation, she shrank back and lowered her head in embarrassment.

Her baby was still crying.

But that nobleman didn't turn his head away with a look of disgust as usual, but took a water bag, squatted down and asked, "I've never raised a child before, so I don't know if this milk can be eaten by him?" have to?"

The woman's lips trembled, and she whispered, "Eat, eat..."

Hearing this, Ruan Yuyi breathed a sigh of relief, poured some milk on the screw cap, and handed it over carefully.

The woman didn't care about so much, she quickly took it and fed it cap by cap.Ruan Yuyi didn't know the food intake of ordinary babies, so she just silently helped the baby.

It wasn't until the child hiccupped, closed his mouth tightly and turned his head away, that the woman stopped her movements and closed her eyes as if relieved.

The little child was wrapped in swaddling clothes, staring at Ruan Yuyi and giggling at her.

She stretched out a finger, hooked his little hand, and asked, "Can you tell me why you gathered here?"

After the woman thanked her repeatedly, she finally explained the reason.It turns out that the harvest is not good this year, and life is tight, and suddenly I heard that the higher ups are going to increase taxes, how can I pay them.

Every family tries to squeeze out as much as possible from the gap between the teeth, but there are still not enough families.

How about failing to pay?Those petty officials would rob them by force, or issue IOUs, urging them time and time again.

As time went by, people were driven to nowhere, so they had to go to the government to ask for an explanation.

The woman glanced at Yimen and sighed, "It's just that people don't care about it. At first they took some food to send away. Later, they simply closed the door and regarded it as nothing."

She paused, "It's never been so cold in previous years. Everyone is speculating whether it has something to do with the easier change of the emperor and the damage to the luck of the Wu country."

It is no longer possible to know where the rumor started, and everyone only dared to make such guesses based on the fact that the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

The woman complained a few more words in a low voice, unaware that the new emperor she was talking about was standing in front of her.

Ruan Yuyi's heart tightened when she heard this, and she glanced back subconsciously.From this angle, she could only see the snow on the ground and the footprints on it, but she knew that he was standing behind her.

On the other side, Wen Zhi had already brought in a lot of steaming porridge, and there was a bodyguard organization. After a while, a long queue formed in front of the small table where the porridge was placed.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Huaiyang said to the woman, "You go too."

The woman thanked again and again, and the nobleman and Bodhisattva kept shouting in her mouth.

It's just that the child was still holding onto Ruan Yuyi's fingertips and refused to let go.The woman showed embarrassment and coaxed her softly for a while before she finally settled down.

Ruan Yuyi and the two returned to the carriage. At this moment, people were busy getting food, and no one came to block them, but they went smoothly.

He kept Wen Zhi and two guards here, and ordered him to knock on the door of the government's mansion, so as to take care of the matter. As for the convict and dismissal, and the dispatch of relief money, someone went back to pass the word.

It was already noon at this time, the coachman reckoned that if he took the official road, he would probably not be able to get around the mountain in front before dark, so the group took a shortcut because they reported to the new emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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