Chapter 174 Visit
After snowing all day, it finally stopped.

It was sunny after the snow, and the sun was warm, softly covering the entire imperial city.In front of the palace gates and along the roadside, there are palace people sweeping the snow with brooms, and there are also young palace servants chasing each other and playing in the snow, with clear and melodious laughter.

Ruan Yuyi felt a little hot, because she handed the sleeve stove in her hand to Mu Xiang.

Seeing her passing by, the two maidservants suddenly fell silent and turned around to salute, "I've seen Ruan Jieyu."

She was in a clear mood at the moment, smiled gently, and raised her hand, "You don't need to be too polite." After saying that, she continued to walk slowly towards Chonghua Palace.

The road under her feet has been cleared of snow, revealing the bluestone slabs below.

The two maidservants in the back silently picked up the broom leaning against the wall and chatted side by side.

One of them said in a low voice, "Now that the Chonghua Palace is down, it is impossible for the Sixth Palace to be left alone for a long time, maybe it will fall to this one."

The other was silent for a while, "Power is power, favor is favor. Have you forgotten that there is a Concubine Xu on this?"

She watched Ruan Yuyi's Pingting Tingting's leaving back from a distance, until she turned the corner and couldn't see her again, she didn't know how to look away.

"That Concubine Xu is like a gourd with a sawed-off mouth. Hearing the humanism around her, she can't speak five words all day. How can she look like she can hold such a big power."

Another servant girl hurriedly covered her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, it's not good if people listen to it."

Ruan Yuyi picked the time when the noon blunder passed, and what she thought was that Concubine Shu should have finished her lunch at this moment.He has allowed her to visit Concubine Shu, even though it is only for half a day, she may be of help, so she can look at her to some extent.

The rich gates of Chonghua Palace were closed tightly, the snow was thick in front of the gates, and there was no one to sweep them.

Every time she took a step, the embroidered shoes sank into the snow, leaving a series of footprints, but it added some popularity to the smooth snow.

Mu Xiang knocked on the palace door, and the maid inside welcomed the two of them in.The trees, mountains and rocks on both sides are still the same as before, unchanged.

What she expected was right, Concubine Shu was finishing her lunch at the moment, sitting by the table, pounding flowers in her hands.

"Sister is here? Sit down." The Rong family fell, and although she had changed out of her usual gorgeous attire, her whole body was plain and clean, but the majestic charm between her eyebrows and eyes remained the same.

As long as she is still in the concubine's position for one day, the rituals that should be performed should not be neglected.

Ruan Yuyi blessed her body, and just sat down with her, "Sister, are you pounding henna?" Under the small stone mortar, the petals have been crushed into mud, and bright red juice is bubbling out.

The two were gossiping, somehow, Concubine Shu also infected her.

Concubine Shu aired her fingers, "Everything here in this Palace is alright, it's just that the feet are grounded, and there is no shortage of food and clothing, but it bothers my sister to worry about it."

Those servants are probably still waiting and watching, and they are still in compliance with the regulations now, but they can imagine it in the future.Concubine Shu would not tell her these things.

Ruan Yuyi originally wanted to bring Concubine Shu some food, rouge, etc., but now she heard her say that, and was afraid that those things would hurt Concubine Shu's face, so she put it aside for the time being, thinking of telling the imperial dining room to do something after returning.

There were words of comfort in her mouth.

Concubine Shu suddenly smiled, "The Rong family is the mother clan of the palace, and this is what I should accept. My sister doesn't have to go to His Majesty to plead for mercy, but the palace has never sent anyone to look for you in the past few days."

Although she doesn't understand the affairs of the court, she also understands that the matter is of great importance.

"No matter what my sister said, my concubine has never been able to help me." She sighed softly and was speechless for a while.

Knowing that Concubine Shu was fine, she also felt relieved.Concubine Shu seemed unwilling to ask her to stay here for a long time, and after the flower juice on her hand dried, she began to tactfully drive away people.

"The concubine will go back first, and come to talk to my sister when I have time." She stood up and made a speech.That being said, Concubine Shu's confinement cannot be resolved in a day or two, and it may be difficult to see her again.

Concubine Shu also knew, she didn't say anything, she just hummed, and then ordered her confidant maids to see her off.

When he left Chonghua Palace, he ran into the new emperor's sedan chair, which was carried by several palace people.He was dressed in gorgeous clothes, which shone with a soft satin light under the warm sun.He had handsome eyebrows and sculpted eyes, and the edges and corners of his face were softened by the sunlight.

Sitting on the soft sedan chair, Jiang Huaiyang looked down at her, "Did you see someone?"

She bowed and said, "I'm coming out from Sister Concubine Shu."

He looked her up and down for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Come up, I will take you back." Hearing the sound, several palace servants bent down and squatted down, the sedan chair was lowered smoothly, and the tassels on the soft cushion shook slightly.

"Your Majesty," she was stunned, and quickly refused, "This is against the rules. It is good for the concubines to follow along." Not to mention that people will look at it, and it will arouse hatred for no reason. A precedent for riding a dragon chariot.

His gaze fell directly on her body, and he could see the little lady's panic-stricken appearance.

He stepped down from the sedan chair and grabbed her wrist, "Yesterday I had a request with you. I asked you to go see Concubine Shu and treat you softly. Now that I see you, you will turn around and throw me away." in the back?"

His tone was leisurely and contemptuous, obviously joking with her.

She was bowing her head, her heart skipped a beat when she heard what he said, and when she raised her eyes to see his expression, she let out a sigh of relief.

She scratched his wrist lightly with her backhand, and raised her eyebrows, "The concubine is blowing the pillow wind, but there is still time to blow it in the future, how can I leave your majesty behind."

He was shaken by her sweet smile, seeing her dawdling, he simply hugged her onto the sedan chair.

All the palace people lowered their eyebrows and avoided it.It wasn't until Wen Zhi sang "get up" loudly that the people who carried the sedan chair made a move.

The seat on the sedan chair is considered spacious, but it is only one and a half wide.The little lady was slender and barely sat down next to Jiang Huaiyang, but it was flesh to flesh.

Even through the clothes, she could still feel the scorching temperature. The heat went all the way to her ears, making her earlobes round and red like ripe fruits.

But she still pretended not to care, and sat by his side.

Jiang Huaiyang glanced at her, amused in his heart.He put his hand under her cloak, and lightly pinched the little lady's waist.Provoking her to inhale slightly, she moved forward a little.

He whispered in her ear, "It's okay, no one will see."

She glanced and saw that the palace people were indeed walking with their heads bowed, but this was not acceptable.Her face was burning badly, and she didn't care about the many things, so she had the courage to grab his hand with both hands and hold him still.

The little lady's hands were always hidden in her sleeves, warm and soft.Her hands were much smaller than his, like jade carvings, against his backdrop, they looked like children's hands.

His heart moved slightly, but he didn't withdraw it.

The sedan chair quickly landed in front of Luomeixuan, and Ruan Yuyi let go of her hand.

He took her into the house, and the charcoal fire was already lit inside the house, which was much warmer than outside.Where the sleeves of the two intertwined, he handed her something.She accepted it subconsciously, but felt that it was a bit overwhelming.

(End of this chapter)

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