Chapter 152 Goodwill
For breakfast the next day, the Chonghua Palace really served lotus flower crisps, a bowl of Japonica porridge, and other side dishes such as salt-baked peanuts. It was Ruan Yuyi's breakfast.

The palace maid who brought the food box was rewarded, and said with a smile, "Although the rest are from the imperial dining room, it's not unusual, but the lotus cake was made by the concubine Shu herself. The dishes next to the empress are all good, Only this lotus flower cake is very well done."

She was startled, she really didn't expect this to be done by Concubine Shu.

She lowered her eyes and showed a smile, "I don't know why, but I'm bothering the empress."

"Where is Jieyu?" the maid in the palace said in a clever manner, "You have to be willing to do it if your mother is willing. If your mother is not willing, who will make it happen."

That's why.

Concubine Shu was born in a famous family and held a high position. Few of the concubines in the palace could catch her eyes.

Others don't know, but the few of them who waited close to her saw that Concubine Shu got up early, went to the small kitchen to make stuffing and roll out noodles, and set up a pot to heat up oil.The steps to make this lotus cake are cumbersome, but there is no sign of impatience on her face.

On the contrary, every step was done carefully, thinking that the pastry was used too much, and it was easy to get dry mouth, so I sent someone to the imperial dining room first to ask for porridge, and sent it along with it.

On weekdays, when the empress is doing needlework, she has never seen such care.

"Also ask my aunt to thank the empress on my behalf. After a few days when the empress is free, the concubine will come to bother you again." Ruan Yuyi said.

The maidservant responded with a clear voice, and turned around to answer the question.

She opened the food box, and the top layer inside was a plate of lotus flower cakes, all of which were exquisite and pleasing to the eye.

Mu Xiang Yu served her with vegetables and chopsticks.

She took some veils and put them on the front of the skirt, picked up one, and bit off a flap.Just as the maidservant said, this lotus flower cake is actually a bit better than the Imperial Dining Room, it is crispy and sweet.

"Concubine Shu looks like a woman who doesn't touch the sun." Mu Xiang was also a little surprised.

"It's only like this—" she said softly, "Maybe it's for whom I learned it, but I took advantage of it." Concubine Shu can make it herself, at least it shows that she no longer hugs her. Hostility, otherwise it would not be so intentional.

She is not as cruel as others, she can't fight directly, it is better to find a way to reduce the number of hostile people, and she can still protect herself.

It took less than half of the party, and someone in the courtyard spread the word that the emperor had come.

Before she got up to meet him, Jiang Huaiyang stepped over the threshold, his dragon robe was still on, presumably he had just left the court.The wind picked up his sleeves and flew them, bringing in the chill outside.

She couldn't help shivering, and asked Mu Xiang to close the door.

He casually took the green cloak handed over by Mu Xiang, unfolded it and put it on for her.The little lady was completely wrapped in it, revealing a small white face.

The door was closed and the cold wind could not come in, it was not so cold anymore, she was afraid that she would sweat after wearing it for a long time, so she reached out her hand from under the cloak and refused.

"Put it on." He said in a deep voice.Right now, she thinks it's troublesome and doesn't wear clothes, and then she will suffer from the cold and fever, and it will not be herself who suffers.

She just gave up.

He glanced at the lotus flower cake on the table, and frowned, "Why do you use such a sweet and greasy thing for breakfast? How did you arrange it in the imperial dining room?"

She followed his gaze, "It's not very sweet. This is made by Concubine Shu herself. Do you want to taste it?" As she spoke, she picked up one and handed it to his lips.

The pastry pressed against his lips, and Jiang Huaiyang subconsciously hid back.

She pursed her lips, pretended to look gloomy, and withdrew her hands and turned around.

After she was behind, someone really hugged her up and pulled her back with all her strength.She staggered and fell into his arms.He whispered in her ear, "Do you get along well with Rong?"

Ruan Yuyi paused, and said, "Your Majesty is a powerful person, and everything is complicated, but she can arrange it in an orderly manner—" Her small mouth opened and closed, as if Concubine Shu had endless good wishes.

As expected, he didn't have the patience to listen to her, and instead of eating pastries, he went to eat her new lip balm.

She tried her best to soften her body, but her fingertips were still trembling uncontrollably.

After a long time, Fang Fang let go of her and sneered inwardly, but a plate of lotus flower cakes can also be praised like this, and if she is sold to a tooth shop by Rong's one day, I'm afraid he won't be able to react.

How could he have thought that she said this on purpose to test his attitude towards Concubine Shu.

Jiang Huaiyang took her hand and took a bite of lotus crisp.I don't know if it was intentional, but when he took a second bite, he caught her fingertips.

She felt the warmth of her fingertips, and hurriedly shrank back, her ears were stained red, but her heart felt cold for a while.He treats his concubine Shu so indifferently, but she took the initiative to find him, how fresh and sincere can he be?

The two of them delayed, and when Ruan Yuyi sat down to have breakfast again, the porridge was already cold.

Mu Xiang hurriedly took it to warm.

In the next half a month, concubine Shu will be in charge of most of the matters related to the palace banquet, so Ruan Yuyi should be on the sidelines to learn a little bit, but in fact, she knows what it means.

But even if Concubine Shu hadn't expressed goodwill to her, she didn't intend to fight her for power, so she was happy to be at ease.

There are candles and colored lanterns hanging everywhere in the palace, and the high lights shine brightly day and night. The people in the palace are busy coming and going.

In Luomei Pavilion, Ruan Yuyi was worried about how to dress up.There are quite a few of her bright and festive dresses, but most of them have the elements of the little daughter's family, which is not formal.

She fiddled with the dress in the box, and then heard someone report from outside.

The eunuch saluted and said, His Majesty originally prepared clothes for Jieyu, but there were some mistakes in the middle, and now it will take an hour to finish.Jieyu might as well go there first, and send it to Jieyu immediately when it's done.

As he spoke, he repeatedly demanded punishment.

Seeing that the eunuch was in a panic, Ruan Yuyi got up and said in a gentle voice, "Where is it that you are bothering me, it is just to relieve your current worries. Mu Xiang, don't you want to reward me?"

Mu Xiang chuckled, and handed over the purse she had prepared earlier.

The eunuch breathed a sigh of relief, he was only thankful that Luo Meixuan was as magnanimous and kind as the rumors said, and he didn't even have the thought of weighing the weight of the purse.

Since she was going to change clothes there, she didn't worry about which one was suitable, she just wove a gold and white epiphyllum brocade shirt and she was done.

She walked slowly to the fully prepared sedan chair outside, and as she walked, the epiphyllum floated on her skirt, as if she had come to life.

Although there were not many eunuchs in charge of carrying the sedan chairs, they did it smoothly.

Luomeixuan is located in the center of the palace, so the palace where the banquet is held is not far away.Fang traveled halfway, and bumped into the sedan chair and guard of honor of the eldest princess Zhaorong.

She ordered people to avoid.

But Zhaorong sneered, "Ruan Jieyu met Bengong, why didn't she even know how to behave?" She subconsciously protected her abdomen with one hand.She gathered up the skirt like this, even though the clothes were thick now, she could still see the slightly raised curve.

There is no such rule in Gong Zhongyuan, just avoid it.

But if Zhaorong wants to make things difficult for her, there are plenty of reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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