Chapter 146 Panic
It is inconvenient for Mrs. Ruan to live in the harem, but Ruan Yuyi never thought that the place he arranged for A Niang would be the courtyard where she was once under house arrest.

There are still people taking care of the courtyard every day, the windows are clean and clean, and no dust has fallen.

The two maidservants were also quite obedient, they came forward to welcome them, and greeted them politely, showing no sign of displeasure.

Madam Ruan found a ruler while she was free.Thinking that it would take a month to make a dress, she thought about embroidering her a small dress.

She was about to sit on the table under the window, when Ruan Yuyi rushed forward, "Aniang, go to the main hall, there are many seats, so I can sit side by side with Aniang."

She clasped the needle case tightly, her fingertips turned white, but the tips of her ears were crimson.

In those days, she was hugged by him several times.

These few cases were purchased later, and they were originally suitable for reading and writing, but there were no pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the table, and it was empty, which is what he meant.

She seemed to feel the roughness on her waist in a trance, arousing the heat in her body a little bit.

They touched lips and teeth, hugged, and got dirty a few times.

As a result, her face turned even redder, and she took Mrs. Ruan's hand and led her to the main hall.

Madam Ruan didn't think much about it.She sat on the chair, sucked the silk thread in her mouth, and said softly while threading it, "Daughter, it was not cheap to ask in the palace just now. How can you tell my mother how your Majesty treats you?"

Mrs. Ruan was also educated by Miss Guimen, and she has always been shrewd. When she saw the expression on her face when she mentioned the new emperor, she knew something was wrong.

It's fine if you don't ask, but if someone does ask, she will inevitably feel wronged.She looked sleepy, just shook her head and said nothing.

Although she was far away in Wuzhou, Mrs. Ruan had heard something about the new emperor.At that time, he was not very old, but he had only been on the throne for a few months, but he was able to hold the power firmly in his own hands. It was impossible for someone with the means to do so.

It's just that I don't know if he is as gloomy and cruel as the rumors say.

"There are no outsiders here." Mrs. Ruan persuaded.

Her heart moved, she wanted to confide the suffering she had suffered recently, but the words were twisting and turning in her mouth, and suddenly she didn't know where to start.Even if A Niang knew about it, so what?
It's just an extra burden on the family.

She finally swallowed her words back, forced a smile and said, "Aniang, you have also seen that Your Majesty treats me well, and I get a lot of gold, silver, food and clothing." But what she asked for was nothing like that.

Seeing that she was really unwilling to speak, Madam Ruan sighed and stopped asking further questions.You shouldn't be inquiring about the affairs of the Tian family at will. It's already beyond the bounds to talk about it here.

Ruan Yuyi stayed by her side all the time, and sat until the afterglow of the setting sun fell into the window, casting a golden glow on the ground.

She thought that Mrs. Ruan was exhausted all the way, so she would not be lacking at the moment, so she stopped pestering her, took the needlework and cloth from her hand, and advised her to go to rest.

Madam Ruan insisted on holding the needle and thread, "I won't be able to stay in Beijing for a few days, and I always have to do these things urgently. Even if I don't need it later, I can still think about it."

She knew in her heart that when her daughter entered the palace as a concubine, her status would be very different from before, and she feared that in the future, it would be difficult for her to have the chance to meet again.

Ruan Yuyi couldn't hold back her, so she had to let her go.

Now the sky is getting darker and earlier, and the sun will sink down in a short time.She was lazy about lighting the candles, so she thought it would be good to rest in the dark.So the maid retreated.

As she went to the bed, she took off her clothes.She casually hung the coat on the side rack, and covered the buttons on the waist with her white jade-like fingertips.

Someone behind her grabbed her waist, took the half-unbuttoned button, and easily opened it.

She froze slightly and called out, "Your Majesty?"

Without making a sound, he kissed the side of her neck, which made her soften, and said, "I forgot to promise you to stay out of the palace for a while, so I just went to Luomeixuan to find some space." His eyes were deep, and the emotion in his eyes was invisible. .

He came back from nowhere, wrapped in a cold air.On the hand he stroked her cheek, there was still a bloody smell that was not easy to get rid of.

She shivered slightly.

He seemed to have noticed, and explained to her, "I came back from the Ministry of Punishment." The blood, instruments of torture, and crying were all disturbing, which made his forehead tingle with irritability.

Suddenly thinking of the gentleness of the little lady, he left the punishment department and went straight to Luomeixuan without stopping to rest.

She hummed slightly, no matter how much she knew, it was not her place to ask.

The two entangled and entered the inner room.She pressed her back against the table under the window, she didn't want anything at the moment, although she didn't resist, she was too lazy to cater, and let his kisses fall like a shower.

He pinched her under both arms, lifted her up, and made her sit on the table.Her feet couldn't reach the ground, and there was nothing around her to support her, so she had to hook his neck to prevent herself from leaning back.


There was a sound outside the window.

Her heart tightened, she snorted, and wanted to push him away to answer.

Jiang Huaiyang's expression was uneasy, and he would not be willing to do so. He put more force on his hands.She knocked on the window behind her with a muffled sound, and there was a jingle between her wrists.

"Naughty?" This time, there was some doubt in her tone.

Seeing the footsteps going away, she hastily opened the window and called, "Mother." If Mrs. Ruan came in now, she would inevitably bump into the situation of the two of them.

At this time Jiang Huaiyang was standing by the window, staring at the little lady's crimson ears to the back of her neck with deep eyes, Mi Li was charming but she didn't know it.

Ruan Yuyi clasped her clothes with one hand, and smiled, "Why is Aunt looking for me, I'm going to sleep now." This was an explanation for her disheveled clothes.

"There are no scissors in the sewing box, I thought Xu Shi just used it and left it with you, so I came here to look for it." Madam Ruan didn't notice anything unusual.

Her waist hurt, and she tried her best to squeeze her lips so that her voice would not overflow.

Madam Ruan frowned slightly, her eyes were full of concern, "But you feel unwell?"

Being treated like this in front of her elders, even though she was separated by the window, she still couldn't suppress the shame in her heart, and her fingertips pinching the window sill trembled imperceptibly.

"Let me come in and look for it." Madam Ruan thought for a while and said again.

"Aniang," her voice changed slightly, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "There's no need to detour, I'll pass it through the window, wouldn't it be easier?"

She quietly pushed away the big troublesome hand, "Aniang, wait here, I'll go and find it for you." After saying that, she turned and left.

Jiang Huaiyang did not shy away, raised his eyes, and met Mrs. Ruan outside the window.

Madam Ruan was slightly startled, she hurriedly lowered her eyes, pretending she didn't know.

After a while, Ruan Yuyi came back, holding the small pair of gold-painted scissors upside down in her hand, "Ma'am, but this one?"

Madam Ruan glanced at the scissors, her face remained normal, "Exactly." But her mind was no longer on that.

She didn't recognize the new emperor, and she didn't think that the new emperor would go out of the palace specially for his daughter.Seeing a strange man in her room, she thought that the two of them were having an affair.

She hesitated for a while, but chose to turn around and leave.

Her mind is mixed.It is a serious crime for a concubine to have sex with others. If the new emperor finds out, he probably won't spare his daughter lightly.

Judging by the man's expression, I'm afraid it won't be a day or two.She thought about waiting until tomorrow to ask more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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