Chapter 142
In the next few days, hunting was in full swing, wild boars, elk, wolves, etc. were caught.According to the rules established by the ancestors, all the young ones hunted will be released again, so as not to destroy the law of life and reproduction in the forest.

When the hunting period expires, a banquet will be held on the spot.

It was already night, and the bonfire was as high as a person, almost half-lighting the sky.Under the fiddling of the wind, the bonfire was slightly tilted, jumping happily, and the light and shadow floated on everyone's faces.

The princes and ministers sat in a row, pushing cups and changing glasses during the banquet, chatting and laughing endlessly.Barbecue and wine are all taken care of by palace servants.

In front of the raging bonfire, dancers and musicians performed one after another to chat for entertainment.In the past, the lonely forest was full of singing and dancing, and dancers dressed in all kinds of beautiful clothes lightly adorned it.

It's just that few people will always pay attention to those long sleeves dancing like water waves, they are all chatting and laughing with the people around them, and only glance at them distractedly from time to time.

Even so, no dancer dared to slack off.

Concubine Shu only used a few pieces of venison, then put down the silver chopsticks, took a mouthful of tea, covered it with a handkerchief, and spat it into the spittoon brought up by the maidservant.She took another towel to wipe her hands, and said leisurely, "What do you think of this dance, sister?"

The two are both concubines, and it's not a grand banquet in the palace. No one is sitting next to each other. They sit close to each other, and they only speak in ordinary voices, which will not be covered by the sound of the orchestra.

Ruan Yuyi really didn't expect her to talk to her, she was taken aback for a moment, "Why did your mother say that?" She didn't think that Concubine Shu would ask sincerely.

Concubine Shu casually handed the scarf to the maidservant beside her, "The actors raised in the palace are used to perfunctory, they always use the same trick every time, without any changes, your Majesty is already tired of seeing it."

"I have long heard that my sister's dance is a masterpiece, so why not present a song, so that these actors can learn a lot."

The light of the fire made her eyes flicker, she held the corners of her lips, her makeup was elegant and luxurious, but there was no smile in her eyes, as if she couldn't hold the light, it filled and passed away, and so on.

This is a clever statement, while holding Ruan Yuyi in his arms, he secretly belittles her as no different from an actress.She is good at dancing, but she is a concubine after all, how can she show her face in front of all the officials.

Her heart sank, her complexion remained unchanged, she spoke lightly, trying to divert the conversation away, "I don't know which talkative misrepresentation, the empress is really absurd."

Concubine Shu felt that she had lost face in the past few days, and now she refused to give up easily, "It's good or bad, you have to watch it to know. Your Majesty, what do you think?"

She prolonged the ending, and looked sideways at the new emperor.

Jiang Huaiyang seemed to talk to Prime Minister Li from time to time, but in fact, he still divided his mind on Ruan Yuyi. Although he was focused on two purposes, he didn't see any stumbles when he talked with Prime Minister Li.

Following Concubine Shu's words, Ruan Yuyi also looked at him.It is said that no one would be happy that his wife and concubine often show their faces in front of people, but he has always been unpredictable, and he is obsessed with political affairs, so he doesn't seem to care about these people.

He put down the wine cup and said in a low voice, "What Concubine Shu said is true."

There was a chug in her heart, and there was disbelief in her eyes as she looked at him.

It's ridiculous to say that when she slept with him last night, maybe he had a rare intention to be tender with her, but it actually gave her the illusion, as if they were just an ordinary couple, just talking under the lights.

His cold words dragged her out of her few fantasies.She lowered her eyes, suppressing all the emotions in her eyes.

In the light of the fire, he didn't notice her strangeness.

With the slight drunkenness, I vaguely recalled the previous dreams.The high lamp fell down, and the candlelight licked the veil. They ignored it and lingered to death.So he said so in a strange way.

"Lingling seems to be slacking off on dancing. I don't think I should take this opportunity to see if you are going backwards or improving." He opened and closed his lips, and finalized the matter in a few words.

From her spine, there was a chill.

Yes, before her was the emperor, she realized so deeply.Not to mention asking her to perform dances in front of everyone, even if she wanted her life, no one dared to say a word.

Now, she just realized that there is still a trace of luck left in her heart, and subconsciously desperately searched for traces of the "prince son" of Shenghe Temple on him.

But that was just his disguise, and now the cold-hearted emperor has withdrawn, forcing her to face up to the situation in front of her.

She was silent for a while, then smiled suddenly, her voice was as soft as water, but she kept drawing knives like water, "The concubine is not offering a dance in vain, what will your majesty give in exchange?"

She was wearing a golden dress with falling plum patterns, and she was wearing a matching hairpin in her hair. She was a young lady with a glowing complexion, fragrant and jade-like.

Seeing her asking the new emperor so bluntly, the maids standing beside her couldn't help sweating.

Jiang Huaiyang didn't look sullen, but asked slowly, "What does Aifei want?" He repeated the word "Aifei" over and over again, as if deliberately teasing.

She didn't expect him to agree easily, she was stunned for a moment, her ears were burning red, and she said, "It won't be too late to talk to Your Majesty when I go back."

He made the musicians stop playing.

She got up, walked to the bonfire, and bowed gracefully.

When everyone was looking at each other, wondering what this Ruan Cairen in the palace was going to do, they heard the new emperor's cold order, telling them to close their eyes.

Although it was just a casual sentence, no one dared not to follow it, even fearing that if they closed their eyes too late, the next sentence of the new emperor would be to pluck out their eyeballs.

Not far away, Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows, and Shi Shiran also closed his eyes.

She had tightly gripped the hem of the skirt, but she loosened it a little, but her face was still flushed with shame, as if she had just put on a good powder.

She went through the movements in her mind for a while, and then danced lightly.

What she is wearing today is wide sleeves, which look like light waves when retracting and releasing.The gold thread embedded in the fabric is particularly obvious under the firelight, outlining the shape of plum blossoms, or blooming or closing, all are beautiful and beautiful, and the fluttering only adds vitality.

To describe the gesture in this way is something that cannot be found in the world, and it is necessary to attract the hearts of both men and women.

Jiang Huaiyang guarded against the outsider present, but ignored Concubine Shu alone.

Because no one was staring at her, Concubine Shu only half-closed her eyes, and all of Ruan Yuyi's movements fell into her eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat.It is said that those rumors first came from Shenghe Temple, and she only heard the rumors from the maids who went out to buy.

But now that I really saw it, I just feel that the rumorer is really lacking in words, and what he said is not half as good as what he saw with his own eyes.

Concubine Shu's expression darkened a little.Her father loved singing and dancing, and all the aunts in the house could dance.

She had known her since she was a child, so she inevitably felt admiration, and she once mentioned to her father that she wanted to learn dancing.But was rejected coldly.It was only later that she realized that what they wanted was a daughter who could take over the power of the harem, and they never cared about what she thought.

Even now that she has become one of the four concubines, the family is still eager for quick success and instant benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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