Chapter 110
Zhaorong leaned on the imperial concubine's couch, picked up a small piece of pastry and put it in his mouth.

She didn't care about makeup today, but she looked plain and beautiful.Her appearance does not belong to the category of gaudy, but it is considered correct, but she likes to wear heavy makeup on weekdays, as if other people would not recognize her as a princess.

The prestige built up by clothes and makeup is ultimately false. Others respect her and fear her, but because she was born in a heavenly family.

What they were afraid of was not her, but the power behind her.

Bai He came back from the hallway, "Your Highness."

Zhaorong glanced at her, and said slowly, "How?"

Bai He swallowed, before she opened her mouth and said, "Your Highness really hit the mark, the son-in-law did indeed have a small talk with Miss Biao."

She froze her fingertips and forced the cake in her mouth into her mouth, but felt that she lost the taste of the last piece.Although she tried her best to pretend that nothing happened, her tightly pursed lips revealed her thoughts.

Regardless of whether Ruan Yuyi and brother Xiaohuang had known each other before, she couldn't see Ruan Yuyi well. From the first moment she saw her, Zhao Rong's heart was full of alarm bells.

When mentioning Ruan Yuyi, many servants in the mansion praised her for her kindness and service, and none of them had a bad word for her.It's not that she couldn't see that even the maidservants assigned to the West Wing were looking forward to serving the one in the East Wing.

He thought that if she could bear her temper and win Cheng Zhu's favor, and robbed her of her place, she would be able to win her.

But all the signs around him seem to have their mouths, whispering in Zhaorong's ear that she is not as good as her.The appearance of Ruan Yuyi broke her usual cognition of surrounding things.

Before that, she always thought that everyone should obey her, and that she could easily get everything in the world by virtue of her status as the eldest princess.

But everything Ruan Yuyi caused told her that was not the case.

She slept with Xingqiu every day, and she knew that even if she forced him to separate from Ruan Yuyi, she still couldn't make him treat Ruan Yuyi like a stranger.

Last night, he told her that he had to go out to see off the people from the palace tomorrow, at least he had done enough on the surface.

She sneered secretly, and said it soundly, but it was not for that person.

But she let him go anyway.

He once mentioned, intentionally or unintentionally, that he hoped that she would be more virtuous and gentle, not to scold the servants loudly at every turn, and he also told her what to do when she was walking and what to wear in skirts and shirts.

She gradually felt that something was wrong, because these were Ruan Yuyi's habits.

Not wanting him to be disappointed, she wanted to obey.She is the eldest princess, how could she lose in the competition with a run-down cousin.

Zhaorong clenched her sleeves tightly, telling herself over and over again not to get angry, causing her body to tremble slightly.She suddenly picked up the teacup on one side and threw it viciously at the corner.

The exquisite blue-glazed porcelain cup shattered at the sound, and the tea soup seeped into the blanket, leaving messy tea leaves.

She is not Ruan Yuyi.

She can't.

But Ruan Yuyi was called to the corner, and secretly took a small step back, keeping a distance from Cheng Xingqiu.

He noticed it, and felt his heart twitch.But he didn't dare to get closer, they were originally a married couple, and he made their relationship into what it is today.

Knowing that the sedan chair was still waiting on the other side and there was no delay, he said bluntly, "Lingling, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. When you are in the palace, you have to be careful in everything."

He took out a handkerchief embroidered with orchids, and handed it in her direction, "If you don't want to, I'm willing to go to His Majesty to intercede for you, and let His Majesty let you out of the palace."

This was their token of love at that time. Although it was not a valuable thing, it was embroidered by the little lady one by one, and it was rolled on her soft clothes, which was ambiguous enough.

At that time, her embroidery workers hadn't been contacted during the festival for a year, so they seemed a little immature, and some stitches were even thick and dense.

But Ruan Yuyi had long forgotten about this veil, if he hadn't brought it to her suddenly, she would never have remembered it.

She glanced at it lightly, but didn't reach out to pick it up, "Young master, it's better to throw away this square handkerchief, so as not to misunderstand the eldest princess." Who can't open and close his mouth? Where does he have the face to make the emperor listen? Let go of what he said.

She may not be able to escape that decree, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with entering the palace to escape Cheng Xingqiu's entanglement and the fate of marrying an idiot.

When His Majesty's interest in her fades away, she can stay in her own palace and live a peaceful life without competing with others.

Thinking of this, she felt a little relieved.

Cheng Xingqiu was not reconciled, and wanted her to accept the square handkerchief, "After all, you are a husband and wife, you should just keep it in mind."

"Leave your majesty a thought of catching me for an affair?" Just that majesty was enough for her to worry.

He was speechless.

"Eldest son, I hope you can do what Li Shu said. The two of us are separated and happy. Don't let the eldest princess down again," she said softly, "I should go. "

He could only watch her leaving back, graceful and swaying like a lotus, but she was going to be someone else's lotus after all.

Mu Xiang blocked Ruan Yuyi's head and helped her into the sedan chair.

The inside of the sedan chair is dim, and what seeps in is the color of the curtain.Two guards were carrying it back and forth, and she could clearly feel the slight shaking of the sedan chair.

She lowered her eyes, and suddenly noticed the square handkerchief at her feet.With a heartbeat, she picked it up.

Perhaps because it has been stacked for a long time, there are already several creases on the top.Her hands tightened slightly.

"Muxiang," she opened a corner of the curtain, and called out in a low voice, "throw this thing away." She handed the veil out from the light in that corner.

Woody should be down.

She sat quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, the sedan chair finally shook violently twice and fell down.But she couldn't wait for the movement from the side, and she didn't dare to move.

The voices of Mu Xiang and the eunuch came from outside, and they fell into her ears clearly.

"Elder-in-law, why did you bring Miss here?" Mu Xiang's voice sounded a little hurried.

Her heart was empty, and she faintly realized that perhaps she was not in the palace.

The eunuch said in a soft tone, "Our family is just following orders. As for where the sedan chair carrying Ruan Cairen will land, our family doesn't say anything."

"But Your Majesty—" Mu Xiang was still waiting to say something.

Ruan Yuyi lifted the crepe car curtain, but was stunned suddenly.What she saw in front of her eyes was not the palaces of the imperial city, but the courtyards where Fang entered and exited.

Seeing that Ruan Yuyi came out by herself, the eunuch greeted him respectfully, "Your Majesty, please stay here. Don't worry too much. Someone will bring you food and clothing."

"Elder-in-law," she looked indifferently on her face, but quietly clenched her skirt with her hands, "What does your Majesty mean?" If it is a concubine who has been given her position seriously, there is absolutely no reason for her to be kept outside the palace.

The eunuch smiled, "Our family dare not speculate on His Majesty's thoughts, talents should not embarrass our family."

She gave Mu Xiang a look.

Mu Xiang understood, took out a purse containing broken silver, and when it touched the eunuch's cuff, passed it over calmly.

"Of course not," Ruan Yuyi said gently, "I just don't know when His Majesty will come, I've made preparations a long time ago."

Maybe it was because she was shocked too much by entering the palace. When she learned that Cairen was just a false name, and she would be raised as a concubine outside the palace, she quickly accepted it.

It's just that there are some things, it's better to inquire about them earlier, so as not to be caught off guard.

The eunuch was also experienced in the world, Ruan Cai was sensible, and it was far more important than the amount of rewards.The smile on his face deepened, "When the emperor is busy with government affairs, he usually doesn't think about the harem. Probably tomorrow will be the earliest."

After getting the news, she thanked her and told Mu Xiang to send her off.

(End of this chapter)

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