Wu Chao: Take the whole family to escape the famine

Chapter 89 The materials are complete, ready to start

Chapter 89 The materials are complete, ready to start

Mrs. Zhang and the others happened to hear them discussing what materials to buy when they went to the town when they brought in the cooked food.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say that she could just dig some soil from the mountain and come back to build a house.

But looking at the bright blue brick house in front of him, he immediately shut his mouth.

Zhiyue girl and her man both have a plan in mind, since they agree to buy it must be because they have enough money in their hands, so she will not intervene.

Holding two bowls of noodles in her hand, she shouted to Jiang Zhiyue and the others who were gathered together: "Quickly clear the table, the meal is ready."

Jiang Zhiyue and the others dispersed after a whimper, clearing the table.

Jiang Yuchao also quickly took a bowl and put it on the table.

At noon, I made stewed noodles with poached eggs. This method was made by Mrs. Zhang according to Jiang Zhiyue's instructions a few days ago.

Jiang Zhiyue knew that she was not good at cooking, so she only told Mrs. Jiang and the others the methods of eating in her mind.

Everyone had a fried golden poached egg in their bowl, and the noodles looked hot with mist on them, which looked delicious.

Everyone went to the kitchen to bring their own meals, and sat or stood around the main room while chatting and eating.

The things on the bullock cart have been unloaded and put into various houses.

They didn't use the quilts left by the owner of the house, they packed them up and put them in the cabinet, and then put on the quilts they brought with them.

The bullock cart was more than half empty at once.

After dinner, Jiang Zhiyue and the others planned to go to the town to inquire about the prices of bricks and terracotta tiles, which are used to build houses.

The old men didn't follow this matter, and Jiang Yuqing, Jiang Yulai and Wang Fengshou were only allowed to go to town with Jiang Zhiyue.

Hearing that they were going to the town, Ming Yuanqing also wanted to go.

She is very curious about everything now, and wants to follow and see if she has a chance to go out.

Ming Yixi frowned like a little adult and reprimanded: "Don't mess around, Uncle Qing and the others are on business in the town."

Ming Yuanqing stopped in his tracks, but he was still reluctant.

Jiang Zhiyue glanced at her and comforted her, "I didn't go to town today for fun, and I'll take you with me when I go to town next time."

Ming Yuan pursed his lips and had no choice but to agree.

But soon she said excitedly: "I want Zhiyue to bring me a storybook, I want the kind of swordsman."

When she was on the road, she found a book about martial arts that Jiang Dalang and the others packed in the bookcase.

She fell in love with it after reading it, but the content of that book was too short, and when she saw Jiang Zhiyue going out, she hoped that she could bring another copy back.

"it is good."

Jiang Zhiyue agreed, but she was thinking about when she would have to go into the space to take out or compile the martial arts novels of later generations.

The stories of later generations are more attractive than the only ones here today.

If it can be sold, it is also a way to get rich.


Jiang Zhiyue and the others staggered out of the village in a bullock cart and headed towards the town.

When the bullock cart passed by in the village, the people in the village greeted them with smiles and wanted to make a good impression on them first.

The few people sitting on the shaft and driving the car also smiled back at them.

They are considered residents who have just arrived here, so they are naturally not as good as those who have lived here all the time. It would be great if they could get along better with the villagers.

After leaving the village, there are muddy paths with scattered trees on both sides of the road.

The trees are not in order, one here and one here, which looks extraordinarily messy.

In winter, the cold wind was blowing loudly, and Jiang Zhiyue felt that the outside wind was blowing in through the curtains while sitting in the carriage, but Jiang Yuqing and the others sat outside on the shaft of the carriage chatting happily, as if they were not affected.

Jiang Zhiyue lifted the curtain and called out, "Second Uncle, come in and sit down."

There is quite a lot of space on the outside of the shaft, which can completely seat three big men.

Jiang Yuqing, Jiang Yulai, and Wang Fengshou waved their hands indifferently and said, "Hey, just this little wind is nothing compared to the place we used to be. It's still refreshing."

Seeing that they really didn't look cold, Jiang Zhiyue had no choice but to get back behind the curtain and start thinking about building a house.

They have already calculated all the materials needed to build the house, and they can start shipping back tomorrow after asking about the price.

She thought that there is no cement in this era, and sticky rice mortar is used for wall bonding.

Jiang Zhiyue thought about the method of making cement in her previous life, and felt that it could not be done in a short while.

But she can still take the time to go to the weapon room in the space to see if there are any useful things or materials.

Get rich a little here, and then you can be a salted fish.

While thinking about it, the bullock cart slowly drove into Qingyan Town.

It's already afternoon, not as lively as in the morning, but there are still plenty of pedestrians coming and going in the town.

Jiang Yuqing sat on the bullock cart and asked the way, then headed towards the place where the bricks and tiles were sold.

On the edge of Qingyan Town, they found the shop selling bricks and tiles, and only a part of the samples were displayed in the shop.

Jiang Yuqing and the others also asked about the price. Blue bricks cost three yuan a piece, and terracotta tiles cost five yuan and two yuan. They also sell lime and the like, but they sell it by the catty.

There are not only blue bricks and terracotta tiles in the shop, but also second-class defective products, which are a little cheaper in comparison.

But Jiang Zhiyue and the others still chose better quality blue bricks.

Before coming here, they had discussed the approximate quantity, and asked the shopkeeper directly for a sufficient amount of bricks, tiles and lime.

By the time they finished talking with the shopkeeper, it was already dark, and the strong wind outside was getting louder.

After paying the deposit, Jiang Zhiyue and the others hurriedly left.

As for the bricks and tiles, someone will deliver the first batch of goods to the door tomorrow, but it will cost an extra [-] cents per car to deliver the goods to the door.

Returning the way they came, the four of them returned to Longxian Village against the cold wind.

The sky above the yard where the Jiang family and his family lived now was smoking from the chimney.

Jiang Yulai jumped off the shaft and knocked on the door, which opened from the inside immediately.

Jiang Zhiyue also jumped out of the carriage.

It was Xiao Wang who opened the door, standing in front of the door with her big belly.

Seeing her standing there with such a big belly, Jiang Yulai's heart trembled, and he hurried forward to support Xiao Wang through the clothes.

Jiang Yulai said strangely: "It's so late at night, why did you come out? Just let Xiao Liu and the others come to open the door, and go in quickly."

Xiao Wang greeted outside with a smile: "Second Brother, Brother Fengshou, Zhiyue, come in quickly."

Jiang Yulai helped her to go in, and she smiled and said: "I stayed in bed all day, and my bones were so weak, I just wanted to go out for a walk, and I just heard your knock on the door."

Several children were playing games in the yard, lively and lively.

People in the house and in the kitchen heard the sound and came out.

Mrs. Jiang wiped the water from her hands and asked, "How are you doing, are you settled?"

There are three cooks in the family: Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Sun and Huang Huaihua. Zhang Xiaoyan can also help out occasionally, and even Ming Yuanqing will join in the fun to help out.

But Mrs. Jiang couldn't stay idle, so she went to the kitchen to help wash the vegetables.

When they heard that Jiang Zhiyue and the others were back, they all came out.

A few people braved the frost and walked in, and answered everyone's questions one by one.

Jiang Zhiyue went on to say: "Tomorrow the first batch of bricks should be brought in, and we can start construction after we hire people."

Everyone thought that after building a house, they could live in a new house, and they were also very happy.

Huang Huaihua said with a smile: "Young Yue girl said that we can move in sooner if we start construction earlier. This house is quite expensive to rent."

After staying for ten days, one tael of silver would be gone. They didn't say anything about it, but they still felt very distressed.

So they all look forward to building their own houses quickly so that they can take root here.

(End of this chapter)

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