Reborn 1980, Mountains Have Spirits, I Have Fields

Chapter 290 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 290 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
Mei is very disturbed.Zhuo Lin also had many people come to his door and ask for a contract to film.He simply discussed with CCTV's advertising department and asked CCTV to send a message to the industry.It is stated that the two have no interest in being a star, and it is absolutely impossible to make a TV movie.

All the bosses of CCTV had spoken out, and those people couldn't even touch Ling Mei's shadow, so they left reluctantly.

Fortunately, the weather is getting colder and colder, and Lingmei has to be fully armed when going out, with only her eyes showing on her face, so no one can recognize her.By the time of spring and summer, the aftermath of advertising has passed.

Meanwhile, the renovation of the courtyard house continues.Du Zhongli has already drawn a picture.According to Lingmei's request, this will be the company's office in BJ.However, it is also necessary to take into account the functions of board and lodging, so this courtyard is divided into three functional areas.The three rooms in the main room were converted into offices.The five rooms in the east wing were converted into living quarters.In the middle of the yard, a small garden is designed on the basis of old vines, and the west wing is an entertainment and leisure area.Mainly tea room, billiard room, table tennis room.

The overall style is ancient on the outside and modern on the inside.

The outside is still antique carved railings and jade, and the interior decoration is as modern as it is.Needless to say, as soon as the design drawings came out, Ling Mei gave him full affirmation.Du Zhongli was very proud, and began to visit the building materials market to plan and purchase materials.

The decoration team demolished the walls according to the drawings, and repaired the walls.After working for a few days, people from the housing management bureau came to the door again.

Du Zhongli rolled his eyes: Is it over?
"Why are you starting work again?" Section Chief Yu said aggressively, "Isn't it only after you report and approve the decoration?"

Ling Mei had already formally typed the report.

It's just that when the drawings are finished and the building materials are selected, the approval has not yet come down.

Du Zhongli could tell that someone was deliberately embarrassing them.He didn't want to cause trouble either.He calmly took an envelope and stuffed it into his pocket, and handed over a cigarette with one hand: "American products. It's good."

The man was taken aback.American?

"Don't worry. We've already filed the report. It hasn't been approved yet. Give us some more time."

Section Chief Yu said calmly: "Yes, please. I will give you another week. If you still cannot get the approval, this house will not be able to be used as an office in the future."

After speaking, he turned and left.Open the envelope in your pocket, it's really US dollars!I counted ten of them!
Incredible.These people are really rich.Coincidentally, it was rare for him to meet such a wealthy tycoon, so he had to make some serious money.

When Lingmei went to the housing management bureau for the third time to inquire, the clerk was still very pushy and told her to go back and wait for the news.

Ling Mei smiled: "Comrade, the company in our office is going to cooperate with the Changping County Government to grow strawberries. This is the contract we signed."

The clerk looked slightly startled.I glanced at the contract: Changping County Strawberry Planting Agreement.The red badge is not fake either.She was a little more polite: "OK. Just wait a little longer."

Lingmei waited for a few more days.Still haven't waited for approval.

So, she asked Liu Xiangyang to teach him the opportunity face to face.

Liu Xiangyang thought he heard it wrong: "Is this okay?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Liu Xiangyang smiled wryly.

"Okay. I'll do my best."

As a result, a group of aunts and uncles from the capital ushered in the service window of the Housing Management Bureau.

Aunt and Uncle came over more than a dozen times a day, staring at Lingmei's reply.Once or twice is okay, but the number of times is too many, which naturally attracted the attention of the leaders of the Housing Management Bureau and the people.

The clerk was naturally unhappy and wanted to bombard people.

When it comes to quarrels, who can compete with the aunts?It was exactly what they wanted, and they shouted loudly: "Why are you driving us away? We just want to wait for an approval, can't we? Who told you that it's been almost two months and you haven't approved it yet?"

"It's none of your business—"

"It's none of my business. I have relatives in Changping County who are waiting to work and earn money."

"Then let Xiao Lingmei go to Changping County to build an office."

"Bah. The people's government serves the people. Is this what you look like serving the people?"

"I see. Is it because you didn't give you benefits so you deliberately made things difficult for others?"

"It's not easy for someone to start a company, make money for Changping County and increase jobs. You just eat here and ask for a card, doesn't it seem ridiculous?"

The clerk was trained to be so red-faced that he had no power to fight back.

"What do you need to get a card. Don't spit blood. It's not because our leaders are busy. It takes time to review."

The uncles fired more fiercely: "Your leader surnamed Yu hangs out every day when he has nothing to do. Busy? Busy ass. Let him come out today to give a confirmation. Whether it is approved or not. If you have any questions, just tell them. If the problem is approved, they will be allowed to work. Aren’t you stuck here to embarrass them? You are still a government office, don’t you want to lose face?”

If you really encounter someone who drives people away, the aunts will sit on the ground and cry.

Within a few days, everyone knew that the office of the Housing Management Bureau deliberately made things difficult for others.

Especially Section Chief Yu, who is famous far and wide.

He was so angry that he slapped the table and smashed the glass in the office.That Xiao Lingmei's methods are too insidious.Didn't she just get her card blocked for more than a month?Why don't you just take a hundred dollars from them? !
"Section Chief Yu. Someone from the Disciplinary Inspection Commission is looking for you."

Section Chief Yu shuddered: "Ji, Discipline Inspection Commission?"

A few days later, Yu Donglin was dismissed for taking bribes.

It is said that a number of whistleblower letters suddenly appeared in those few days to report the illegal behavior of Section Chief Meng.It's nothing to eat Naka, but he actually colluded with a gang of hooligans and did some things to get rich and kill.Coincidentally, a new high-ranking discipline inspection official took office and took him under the knife.

Lingmei finally waited for the approval of the private house as an office.

"It's her, the one who pulled Section Chief Yu off his horse!"

"Oh, Section Chief Yu has been hunting eagles for many years and was pecked in the eyes by eagles."

"It's his own indiscretion. He deserves it."

Ling Mei didn't seem to hear the discussion around, and walked away under the awe-inspiring eyes of the staff of the Housing Management Bureau.

When Qingxue's grandfather takes office as a new official, he always takes a few people who don't know him well.She gave a favor and solved her own troubles, which was the best of both worlds.When she contacted Qingxue on the phone the day before yesterday, she even thanked herself on behalf of her grandfather.

As a result, Xu Gongan, who got the news, had to reconsider Ling Mei's weight.

"Or, you should discuss it with Xiao Lingmei." Xu Gongan said politely to the man in front of him, "After all, he spent money to buy the yard legally and reasonably."

The man was wearing a black cloud gauze gown, and a string of walnut bracelets was worn on his fair and slightly fat wrists. His well-maintained face was as oily and shiny as the bracelets.

"I know that courtyard house was originally your family's ancestral property. But it has changed hands several times over the years. No matter how tangled you are, you have to follow the laws and regulations, right?"

Wang Dingshu smiled embarrassingly: "I didn't expect that. Yu Donglin was actually brought down by such an unremarkable girl. Okay, I know you are also embarrassed. Don't worry, I am a law-abiding citizen. "

Xu Gongan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then you have a good rest, I will take my leave first."

Xu Gongan walked out of Wang's big courtyard built with carved railings and jade, and his back was covered in cold sweat.Fortunately, he didn't expose himself in front of Xiao Lingmei.Otherwise, there must be another person who was dismissed today.

Wang Dingshu's eyes were as cold as ice.

He sent many people dressed as tenants to search secretly, and designed to drive away the original landlord's family. After several times of searching, they couldn't find a trace of anything.Is it really just a family legend?

He didn't believe it.

Can't wait any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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