Chapter 274 Meeting (Part [-])

Chen Qianshu swaggered into his daughter's west courtyard, raised the curtain and said with a smile, "When the distinguished guests come to the door, the plants will shine brightly."

Ling Mei heard the voice familiar, and when she looked up, she saw a face with a strange and proud smile.He couldn't help standing up and calling in a low voice: "Old Chen?"

Yue Shan had already guessed his identity without waiting for an introduction, and went up to him and said, "This is Dr. Zhu's father-in-law. He has heard of his name for a long time. Hey, Ling Mei, do you recognize Mr. Chen?"
Lingmei explained: "When I went to Panjiayuan, I ran into Mr. Chen by chance. I didn't expect..."

It made Mei embarrassed, and even Xiao Jin, who was in her arms, was a little confused.

What, this old man turned out to be the little bamboo horse's grandfather?

Dr. Zhu looked at his face, and his old Yueren and brother-in-law were almost overflowing with love for Ling Mei, and said happily, "Dad, I'll give you some extra bowls and chopsticks."

"Okay, okay." Chen Qianshu took the host seat and greeted the guests, "Sit down quickly. Brother Xiao, you have raised a good daughter."

Yue Shan smiled and said, "You can always call me Yue Shan."

"Yeah. Yueshan. It's a good name." Chen Qianshu smiled, "It's a rare event today, Bao Kun, bring me my bottle of Moutai."

Bao Kun was stunned, and said with a smile: "I have been coveting Dad's Moutai for many years. Thanks to Brother Xiao's blessing, I finally got it."

While talking and joking, Chen Qianshu narrowed his eyes, stared at the cat in Lingmei's arms for a while, and his eyes lit up: "I wanted to say it last time, your kitten is so beautiful! What breed is it?"

Lingmei caressed Xiao Jin's fur, and said with a smile, "It's a wild cat in our mountain. It has a bad temper."

Xiao Jin immediately meowed in protest.

Chen Qianshu was overjoyed: "This cat understands human nature. It can understand human speech."

He rubbed his hands and asked, "If there are such cats in the mountains, can you bring me one?"

Ling Mei smiled and coaxed the old man, but it was not a lie: "Okay."

Five people and one cat, just as the conversation was in full swing, Yuzhi came back from grocery shopping.

She is no longer willing to deal with Xiao's father and daughter, but she can't lose face.I still went to buy some stewed stew to entertain the guests.As soon as I got home, I could smell the rich fragrance of rice flowers.

Lifting the curtain and entering the room, Xiaoping has already cooked a table full of dishes: scrambled eggs with loofah, fried lotus root box, fried river prawns, stewed eggplant vermicelli.My father also opened a bottle of Moutai.A few people took a mouthful of Moutai, while tearing and grilling dried fish, eating happily.

She was startled.

She smiled and said, "Today there is a queue at a deli shop. I'm late."

"Yuzhi. Come here, try the rice flower fish from Yueshan's family. It's delicious." Chen Qianshu was so happy that he almost cried. "This kind of top-quality rice flower fish is better than that of Wuyi Mountain!"

Yuzhi was angry and funny.But it's just fish.As for boasting like this?

After setting out the cooked dishes, she went to the kitchen to help Xiaoping.Unexpectedly, Xiaoping left a grilled fish for her, and said repeatedly: "Quick, it's just grilled. Eat it while it's hot."

Yuzhi was really hungry after a busy afternoon.She sighed, exhausted physically and mentally, took the grilled fish and took a bite.In an instant, the aroma of rice filled the nose and the incomparably sweet fish aroma blended together, and the taste was really delicious like never before.

Yuzhi stared at the ugly grilled fish in disbelief: "Is this really the rice flower fish brought by the Xiao family?"

"Can it be fake?"

Xiaoping said again: "There are also dried lychees they sent, Bao Kun said. They are all rare and precious things."

Yuzhi's face became dry.

I feel even more disgusted and disgusted with the Xiao family: From Lingmei to Yueshan, they are obviously two mountain people, but they can always find ways to embarrass themselves.

In the main room, the guest of honor chatted excitedly.

"Doctor Zhu, Hong Cun has nothing to say. Let me explore the way first. I'll be free next year. He will also come to BJ to see you."

"You are all entrepreneurs now. Busy people. How is it? Is the benefit of the village enterprises good?"

"Excellent. Next year, it will be even better."

Dr. Zhu expressed mixed emotions: "I didn't expect that. I have only been away for a few years, and your place has developed."

The two exchanged the recent situation of Lingmei and Junxiao over the past few years, and they were both satisfied.

A capable and capable person can lead the whole village out of poverty and become rich.

A successful student studying abroad has a bright future.

Even Bao Kun felt that the conditions of the Xiao family were not as unbearable as his sister said, but rather prosperous.

Ling Mei sighed helplessly as she watched the four elders' faces blurred from drinking.

In the matter between her and Junxiao, the biggest obstacle is not the separation of time and space or the difference in social status, but Chen Yuzhi.

Chen Yuzhi was never satisfied with herself.Ling Mei had already noticed it.It's just that I didn't think about having any entanglements with Junxiao before, so I didn't take it seriously.Now that they have an agreement, she must face up to Chen Yuzhi's attitude towards her.

Sure enough, after Yuzhi sent a bowl of milky white and delicious fish lung soup, she sat beside Lingmei and asked her how she was.

"Yueshan. Your daughter is very outstanding. Your luck is yet to come."

Yue Shan loves to hear these words: "I am now receiving the blessing of my daughter."

Yuzhi smiled, and lightly patted Lingmei's hand: "Such a good girl, I don't know who will take advantage of her in the future."

Yue Shan raised his thick eyebrows when he heard that her tone was wrong.

Dr. Zhu immediately said: "Fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields."

Chen Qianshu glared at him and said, "I'll give you to the United States. If your son doesn't live up to expectations, he won't be worthy of Lingmei."

Yuzhi hurriedly laughed and said, "My family, Junxiao, must be competitive. But because he wants to be strong, he is too competitive. He is also a medical student. In the future, he will definitely focus on work and career. It is inevitable that he will not be able to take care of the family. So Junxiao's wife , it will be very hard."

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

Even Bao Kun glared at her sister in displeasure: What are you talking about in public?
Xiao Yueshan put down his teacup, his gaze sank.

Chen Qianshu looked at his daughter: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Yuzhi, you just think too much."

Yuzhi forced a smile: "Aren't I worried that Mei will be wronged?"

Lingmei got tired of her duplicity.Pulling out his hand, he said, "Aunt Chen. Brother Junxiao will develop his career in the future, so you think she will find a good wife and mother, a housewife, right?"

Yuzhi was startled: "Yes, yes, yes."

Ling Mei smiled, "It's best to hold a national official position and work leisurely. When you have a lot of time, you can cook at home and take care of your husband and children. Aunt Chen?"

Yuzhi resisted the low pressure of the whole room and said: "It's okay."

Chen Qianshu gently put down the cup: "You can do whatever you want? Is it Junxiao's wife or you?"

Yuzhi laughed along: "Dad, I'll just ask for my request."

Chen Qianshu snorted, "A housewife with no skills is worthy of your son?" He turned to Lingmei and asked, "Girl, what do you want from a boyfriend?"

Ling Mei said simply and clearly: "Those who can fight side by side with me."

Chen Qianshu clapped his hands together: "Well said! Chen Yuzhi, did you hear that? This is ambition! Wild geese should be with swans. If you insist on bringing swans and sparrows together, the end result can only be that labor and swallows fly apart."

Yuzhi tightened her hands on the hem of her clothes.All she sees in her family's faces is appreciation.Appreciate Lingmei's independence and self-confidence.

Yuzhi sneered in her heart.

The little girl is young and does not know the heights of the sky and the earth.Following his family in the mountain village and doing some tricks, he thought he could make a career out of it.Ridiculously innocent.

Naturally, she would not spoil everyone's joy, raised her glass and said, "Then I wish Lingmei every success in her career and fame."

Ling Mei raised her glass in return: "Thank you, Aunt Chen."

(End of this chapter)

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