Chapter 136 International Students

Seeing the strawberries he brought, Wu Liwen and military section chief of the Agriculture and Forestry Bureau kept asking: "Mr. Zhong, did you import them from abroad? Look at the color and size, Japan or Korea?"

Elder Zhong smiled and said, "It's grown in Yunlai Village, Luxu Town. How about it, isn't it beautiful? Where are your strawberries, take them out and compare them."

The chief of the military department didn't believe it: "Don't be kidding. The strawberries in our Agriculture and Forestry Bureau are not popular yet. How can Yunlai Village produce such good strawberries so early?"

Elder Zhong pretended to be displeased: "When did I lie to you? 100% domestic and local strawberries! Don't remember? Or I asked Xiao He to ask you for a few catties of seeds."

The chief of the military department was dumbfounded: "Yunlai Village is really planted?!"

He couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.If he didn't know Zhong Lao's character well, he would have thought he was here to mess things up.

Fortunately, the chief of the military department didn't mind. After he tasted a few strawberries, he was convinced and kept asking about Yunlai Village.Mr. Zhong finally agreed to introduce Xiao Lingmei for him, so he was able to escape.

Chief Wu sent the strawberries brought by Mr. Zhong to the office.

The staff rushed forward: "Our strawberries are not yet ripe, where did they come from?"

The chief of the martial arts department said: "You must not have imagined it! This is planted by farmers in Xianyun Mountain."

"Yo. Are farmers so capable now?"

"Huh. The taste is really good. Sweet!"

The chief of the military department greeted people: "Xiao Zhuo, if you don't come here again, they will steal all the strawberries." He said, and personally took two strawberries and sent them to his table.

Zhuo Lin, who was sorting out the materials, raised his head and showed a handsome and gentle face: "Thank you, section chief."

The chief of the military department smiled and said: "Teaching farmers to grow strawberries with high economic value is the first suggestion you put forward. Unexpectedly, someone thought of it with us."

Zhuo Lin pushed the silver-rimmed glasses and stared at the strawberry for a while.Question: "Is it really grown by farmers in Xianyun Mountain?"

The director of the martial arts department said: "That's still false. I tell you, don't believe it. Mr. Zhong said that the one who planted Zhang Ji is still a senior student."

Zhuo Lin's slender and beautiful eyes showed a hint of bewilderment: High school student?

The chief of the military department was satisfied to see the rare confused expression of the top students in the office: "There are such agricultural talents in our city, it is not easy. I have already made an agreement with Mr. Zhong, and I will ask her to guide us when the time comes."

Zhuo Lin nodded. He always admired the style of the chief of military affairs who was not ashamed to ask questions.

With curiosity, he tasted a strawberry, and in an instant his doubts turned into shock!

Even during the years when he was studying abroad in América, he had never eaten such sweet and tender strawberries!

"Martial Arts Chief!"

"what's wrong?"

Zhuo Lin held up half a strawberry and asked a little excitedly, "Who is it?"

The chief of the military department smiled and said: "The surname is Xiao, and the name is Xiao Lingmei. A girl from the first year of Nanping No. [-] Middle School."

Xiao Lingmei.

Zhuo Lin silently remembered the name.

More than a month later, the strawberries from the Agriculture and Forestry Bureau also matured.Zhuo Lin tasted the strawberries grown by the officers for a whole season.It's a pity that both the appearance and the sweetness are far from the strawberries of Xianyun Mountain.Knowing that they used the same seeds, he was even more puzzled: Is the climate of Xianyun Mountain more suitable for growing strawberries?

Zhuo Lin studied modern agricultural management abroad.After graduation, he returned to China and was recruited into the Planting Management Section of the Agriculture and Forestry Bureau, dedicated to bringing advanced foreign agricultural technology to China.Been employed for two years.But he seemed to be more of Cory's mascot, aside from suggesting some produce imports at the meeting.Mentioning him, colleagues will exclaim: International students of Columbia University!

Zhuo Lin wanted to draw it slowly.After all, the general environment is such that it is impossible to become fat in one sitting.But the appearance of Xiao Lingmei and her Strawberry made him realize, maybe, he was just watching the sky from a well?

At the beginning of May, Xianyun Sixth Village opened the prelude to the first rice flower fish joint breeding.

It took the villagers a week to transplant the rice paddy fields of [-] mu.Secretary Kang specially picked a good time to hold a grand opening ceremony.

For a while, the mountainside was full of red silk and trees were swaying in the wind, and every hair of the people who went up the mountain with gongs and drums revealed happiness.

Hongcun also found a flat place to set up a table, covered with a red carpet and placed tables and fruits, and welcomed Secretary Zhang and others to come and guide again.

Secretary Zhang looked at the layers of terraced fields with golden light, and couldn't help feeling a little excited when he thought of the bumper harvest that was about to be harvested in five months.Secretary Kang asked him to give an opening speech, but he declined.

"I'm here to visit and witness the historical moment when Luxu Town got rid of poverty and became rich, and entered a new era. Don't pay too much attention to me."

In the end, it was Secretary Kang who started his opening speech with the loudspeaker in the village committee: "Folks! This year is the first year for all the villagers in Xianyun Mountain to jointly raise rice flower fish. For us, the policy follows the national policy." Let’s go, we must follow the experts in breeding, scientific fish farming and land farming, and soon become a glorious million-dollar household like Xiao Yueshan’s family!”

There was clapping applause, and everyone's hands were red: After being poor for so many years, who doesn't want to work hard to get rich? !

In the opening speech, the secretary gave way, but he couldn't be left out in the cold.Secretary Kang handed him two sticks and said, "Come on, Secretary Lao Zhang will help us sound the gongs and drums to start work!"

Secretary Zhang couldn't help laughing, took the mallet and knocked hard on the red drum set up a few times.

The small country band invited by Hongcun immediately played gongs and drums together, which was very lively.

This scene made Director Sun, who had been prepared for a long time, all be photographed by the camera.

Hong Cun called out with a smile: "Over the mountain, go up!"

The village gave Yueshan face and arranged for him to be the first to put fish into the paddy field to kick off today's breeding. This time, all three children in the family were in school, and he was the only one with Guixiang to show off in front of the leaders and villagers.

After the Yueshan family, other villagers also put their hopes into the paddy fields in an orderly manner according to the pre-arranged order.

Yue Shan came out of the paddy field and was pulled by Hong Cun to Secretary Zhang: "Secretary Zhang, the three of us are meeting again today."

Secretary Zhang recalled the last time he entertained foreign guests and Yew Shan, and took the initiative to hold Yue Shan's hand: "Comrade Xiao, I will look at you with admiration every three days. For you, I have to look up now. You are the number one in our NP city." A peasant entrepreneur!"

Yueshan grinned: "Secretary Zhang is too polite. I am able to be here today only because of Secretary Zhang's advice and earnest instruction."

Hongcun's helper: "Yes. If there is no research on the breeding of rice flower fish that Secretary Zhang helped to find in Yueshan, how would we be where we are today?"

Secretary Zhang smiled: "That also depends on Comrade Xiao being capable and courageous. At most, I have a discerning eye to recognize talents, and I believe that Comrade Xiao is a man who can do great things!"

He couldn't help but look at Yueshan a few more times.Comrade Xiao has a tall and handsome appearance. No wonder people have been judged by their appearance since ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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