Chapter 246
At noon, in the tenth team, only Feng Wenming and the other 7 members came back. Everyone failed, especially Feng Wenming, whose entire right arm was fractured.

It looked extremely miserable.

The scene of the death of his own team members appeared in his mind.

From his perspective, the shovel of the living dead was just hitting Tan Shuisheng on the head, and when another team member with a leg injury stopped him, he was directly slapped by the sharp edge of the shovel.

After two team members died at once, Feng Wenming almost lost his mind and wanted to fuck with them, but this time it was different.

Among the 34 living dead, except for the 7 who were killed by their surprise attack before, the remaining few have amazing force values, especially the living dead with supernatural powers, one counts as ten.

Feng Wenming's right arm was also cracked by it, and he was about to wipe out the whole army. He woke up from the pain, gritted his teeth, and retreated dangerously.

This was the first time in a long time that the base guards suffered a tragic defeat.

After hearing the news, Tan Dazhuang rushed into the camp like crazy. Feng Wenming, whose wound had been bandaged, was pulled by him, and the broken arm that was connected broke again.

Tan Dazhuang was held back by Doctor Cheng and Jing Si.

"You are his brother-in-law, how can you watch Shuisheng die! Even if he is dead, you bring back Shuisheng's body! You are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Tan Dazhuang roared crazily!

Tan Dazhuang was dragged away from the ward by Jing Si, and Dr. Cheng angrily reattached Feng Wenming's broken bones.

Fortunately, there was an anesthetic injection from the boss, otherwise Feng Wenming would have passed out from the pain.

Feng Wenming would rather pass out by himself.The guilt in his heart gnawed at him, leaving him in a mess.

Several other players who were also injured quit.He worked so hard and was scolded.

The one with the loudest voice yelled angrily: "We want to be saved, we have to be saved. How do you think we got this wound? It's because we went back to save people!"

"Shuisheng is our brother. We are also sad when he is gone."

One of them had a good relationship with Shuisheng and started crying.

The other team member who died was a refugee, and he didn't have a deep relationship with them, but they had some feelings.

With the crying, the air pressure in the entire ward was surprisingly low.

This casualty incident sounded the alarm for them. If they hadn't relied on their skills at the beginning, the subsequent things would never have happened.

A team should be divided into two forces, one to cover and the other to fight.Instead of rushing forward with brute force.Especially when the number of opponents is much larger than oneself.

Although there is a high probability that the people who are covering will rob, which will attract a large army of living dead, but as long as the team retreats quickly, it is still operable.

As the guards, one lives on the tip of a sword, and casualties are inevitable.

Everyone has this consensus.But seeing his teammates die with his own eyes still feels uncomfortable.

Tan Dazhuang received a pension for his son's death, and it seemed pointless to continue the trouble.Angrily returned to the underground shelter.

Now he is really a loner, and the anger in his heart is getting more and more out of control.

Tan Qiuyan performed a purification formula on several injured people.

She went out alone once, and the place where they fought had been cleaned up by the living dead, and she didn't find their bodies in the water.

They didn't find the group of undead either. After looking around for ten miles, they returned to Fengshan Base.

She also knew that casualties were inevitable.In my mind, the appearance of that boy emerged.

He knelt down at the front of her car: "I want to learn sword skills, kill the dead, and avenge my mother!"

She then answered him:

"You can't kneel!"

She remembered his eyes, clean and stubborn.

Shuisheng has always been very attentive in learning knife skills. His body is thin and weak. If he wants to learn it well, he has to put in more effort than others.

Thoughts gradually drift away...

She stood on the balcony, looking at the Keel Mountain Range in the distance.The cold front wiped out most of life on Bluestar.

Except for those around the restricted area, most of the trees on Dragon Bone Mountain have died under the low temperature.

Although those prepared bases have hidden some seeds and saplings in underground shelters in advance, the number is limited after all.

In the vast land, it is not only plants that die, but also the hope for the coming year.

With the same population, there is not enough food.

In the Space Bead, she already has [-] bigu pills in reserve. There is a small world in her base, and there is no problem with the survival of animals and plants. All the output is enough for the members of the base to enjoy.

It can even save more than half of the surplus grain in the output.

Vegetables are already in assembly line operation, and the vegetable dehydration technology sent by the Flower House in C City last time has been used.

In addition, new freeze-drying technology is also being used simultaneously. Freeze-drying technology has higher nutritional value of food than simple dehydration technology.

To defend Corey, Jiang Li and Qian Youwei are formulating a new battle plan. The main purpose of the previous team going out to hunt the living dead is for training.

It has been several weeks now, and the recruits have become more courageous, including their cooperation with each other, which has been greatly improved.

It's meaningless to continue such small fights, so it's better to have a big one.

The purpose is to annihilate the living dead within a radius of 20 miles.

But although the snow restricted the range of activities of the living dead, it also restricted the range of activities of humans in the base.

If you want to counterattack on a large scale, you must wait until the snow melts.

Once the battle plan is approved, the exercise will be put on the agenda.

The current recruits have seen blood, and there is no problem with their courage, but large-scale battles pay more attention to the cooperation of various departments.

So next, let the different arms learn from each other's strengths and make up for their weaknesses, and work together to fight together.

The base is short-staffed, with a total of only 257 guards.

Arms are simply divided into:

Air Force, 26 people;

Demomen, 10 people;

Artillery: 24 men;

Army, 207;
Everyone is precious, there is no shortage of resources at the moment, and everyone can be armed to the teeth.

For these investments, the security department is very willing.

But recently they were walking through the snow. In order to reduce the weight on their bodies, they only carried pistols and long knives in their weapons. Once they encountered a large-scale stalemate, they basically had a dead end.

After they had listed all the plans, it was already evening.

The sunset glow is fiery red, rendering the whole sky magnificent and colorful.

The cold breath in the air did not recede in the slightest.

In the small world of Lingqiu, Feng Xiaoling and her eldest brother and sister-in-law are turning over the soil in the farmland. The Chinese cabbage planted before has been harvested, and the land is turned over and fertilized again.

The three of them were sweating profusely. The farmland in the small world is divided into areas, and each household is allocated. The current planting belongs to the collective, but it is counted as work points.

The new distribution according to work plan has not yet come out, and the current weather is still uncertain. When spring arrives, we will see how the outside world is and then re-establish the scoring standards.

Village Chief Feng couldn't stay idle, and the children in the field would not let him interfere, and he didn't need to raise seedlings at the moment, so he had to leave the small world with his hands behind his back, and headed for the underground shelter.

There are a few who like to play chess.

In the past few days, he has been running around like this, but he has ended up at ease.

As soon as he arrived at the chess playing area, a pair of eyes fixed on him not far away...

(End of this chapter)

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