Something's wrong with these zerg

Chapter 208 Huoguang Primary School

Huoguang City quickly caught everyone's eyes. As one of the first mining bases to be built, Huoguang City has long since shed its original image as a mining base.

Stone walls with different heights meander around the outermost periphery of Huoguang City. The dull stone color brings a heavy feeling.

These students came to Huoguang City for the first time, and some of the players also came here for the first time. Looking at the thick walls that seem to have a profound history, rather than the city walls that have only been in existence for more than a year, they couldn't help but make a loud noise. He raised his voice, "This wall... is so short, does it really have any protective effect?"

In fact, they are not too short. Basically, they are more than two meters high. The taller walls are close to four meters high. I don’t know the reason.

'Use the fulcrum to lift the earth' is an old player who has come and gone many times. He never mentioned that he also asked this question when he saw it for the first time. He coughed dryly and pretended to be very knowledgeable, "You don't understand Well, there's a reason why the wall was built that way."

Now in Huoguang City, Yale Kugwen is not the only inheritor of the Tamron civilization. There are also inheritors of the Tamron civilization in other mining bases.

Parker was sometimes injured in Yegu Forest, so he would use the time to recuperate his wounds to go to the mining bases occupied by players to find successors similar to Yale Kugwen.

Parker's hard work was not in vain. Now he has gathered six inheritors of the knowledge passed down. Only six people were found in more than 100 mining bases. Even Parker was very lost.

After that incident, there were tens of thousands of scholars who stayed voluntarily—the scholars here include some students who have never graduated from the college and craftsmen in various industries, not the ones with names. kind.

Even if they are all scattered, each mining base can be allocated one or two, but less than one percent can be passed down to the present.

For the interstellar people, 300 years is not even the time for a generation to pass away, but for the Tamron people, it is already a very long period of time, so long that the knowledge passed down has been eaten by time Potholes, less than two or three out of ten are left.

The current Huoguang City is built relying on the Tanlonger knowledge that has been passed down. Many things contain ancient wisdom, including the city walls that the players don't seem to be very useful. .

The creatures in the Yegu Forest are huge. This is not a sudden mutation later, but the biological characteristics of the planet Tanron. They grow so big, so the Tanron people 300 years ago have to face defense The wild animals in China are the same as these huge creatures now, and their experiences are all in common.

These low-looking city walls seem to have little effect on creatures with a height of at least two or three meters, but anyone with a little jumping ability can jump over them.

In fact, the main protective effect is the material used in the construction of the city wall, which is a kind of metal that can generate a similar magnetic field. This magnetic field has no effect on human beings, but it will affect the mobility of those creatures, making them faint like drunk Feeling dizzy, unable to control one's own actions well, and thus avoiding being attacked by animals.

If it is only to prevent animals, it is actually enough to build a height of more than one meter. Considering the possibility of being attacked by the chip-modified people led by Bai Yue, it was built to a height of more than two meters, which can play a better role. defensive role.

Pass through this dark city wall and enter the Huoguang City-this place should actually be regarded as the outer city, just for security, so the city wall is outside the outer city, not between the inner city and the outer city.

The first thing I saw was the various "stone houses" in scattered locations. Compared with the building density in the inner city, the buildings in the outer city were very scattered.

Cement is still relatively scarce at present, and it is mainly used for the construction of human settlements in the Yegu Forest. The mining bases outside still use those abandoned mines as the main residences. Even if houses are to be built, they are mostly made of wood or various materials that can be seen everywhere. ores as materials.

One of the inheritors that Parker found inherited ancient architectural knowledge. Although most of them have been lost, the remaining small part is used to build habitable houses Still no problem.

From the appearance point of view, the shapes of these stone houses are not uniform, and they are all "assembled" according to the shape of the stones that can be collected. Almost every house is unique.

For the convenience of walking, although there is no cement road in Huoguang City, it is also paved with stone slabs, with a metallic luster, extending in all directions through these scattered stone houses, spreading to nowhere.

Next to every stone house in the outer city, there is a piece of reclaimed land. The soil is brightly colored and differentiated from the ground beside it. Some have scattered yellow plants growing on it, while others are empty.

Only the outer city has such a large open space to grow things, and you can't see such a large land in the inner city.

I could see the Huoguang City residents going in and out of the nearest house. They were wearing clothes made of spider silk cloth, but half of the convoy was stunned when they saw them.

It was a style of clothes that the players had never seen before. It was obviously a simple change in outfits, but it seemed to bear traces of some kind of civilization, so vivid.

"Wow, this dress is so beautiful! Is this the traditional costume of our Tamron people?" The students were the least able to hide their emotions, making loud noises one after another, which caused the Tamron family to look up.

After a certain distance, the Tanlonger recognized the caravan and the envoys among them. He didn't raise his voice and yelled, but lowered his head reverently and raised a hand on his body. Several parts were gestured again - the greeting etiquette of a Tamron.

The eyes of the group of students watching became even brighter, and one of the students even kept repeating, "Our, our, our... etiquette."

Only when you understand what you have lost and get it back, will you be more ecstatic.

Those Tanlonger businessmen who were walking with them actually didn't feel very deeply, but seeing this scene, their hearts were also filled with certain emotions, and they couldn't describe what it was like. They only knew that they didn't know how to feel. I hate everything in front of me, I like it very much.

A figure trotted over from a distance, and Hu Lan looked up expectantly, seeing that it wasn't Parker, he turned his gaze away, and waited for them to approach with the caravan.

In order to maintain a certain "purity" of Huoguang City, Parker applied to Mo Lan for permission to prohibit players from entering, and even arranged a patrol team between the entrance and exit of Yegu Forest.

The caravan is currently at the entrance, and the guards are not seen, but after a long distance, the guards found the caravan, and have notified the upper leadership of Huoguang City in advance.

This time, one of the current principals of Huoguang City came to welcome the caravan - and also monitored the players in disguise to prevent them from doing anything.

One of the principals who came over was a Tanlonger woman, probably less than 30 years old, looking at her figure from a distance, she had the aura of a female president on earth, not at all like a Tanlonger.

Her name is Cordunna, and she is a very legendary figure—an extremely rare female supervisor on the planet Tamron.

This is almost impossible. Since women almost only live in the family, do not go to the mine to do heavy physical labor, and do not have many opportunities to get close to the mining base, Cordunna has achieved this.

Compared with those supervisors who were easily dealt with by the players, Cortona was aware of the players' existence, surrendered to the players, and saved her life.

Similarly, what Cortona has passed down is also the most special.

Cordunna's ancestor was a politician. He didn't stay voluntarily, but because he stood in the wrong position when standing in line, and was eventually pushed out and abandoned, so he stayed on the planet Tanlonger.

After surrendering to the players, Cortona is also very knowledgeable, she can do whatever she wants, and she is also very good at seizing opportunities. Now she has become the actual manager of Huoguang City... Parker is more like a city lord image and mascot.

Anyway, it was Cortona who was mainly doing the work. If it wasn't for Parker being the top manager hand-picked by Mo Lan, and Shiqi having the authority to control the mining base, I'm afraid Parker would have been squeezed out by Cortona long ago.

If it wasn't for Cordunna's not-so-good-looking image, she would have to be one of the players' favorite NPCs due to her experience.

This face-seeking world.

"Welcome everyone." Cordunna, who looked infinitely similar to the teaching director, was unexpectedly friendly. She greeted the caravan with the same greeting as the previous Tamron, but with more elegant and calm movements.

His eyes mainly fell on those students of Tanlonger.

It is impossible not to communicate with Huoguang City in advance to send students out to Huoguang City for practical activities, and Cordunna has already made corresponding arrangements.

"It's not convenient to chat here, everyone come with me first, we have prepared a place for everyone to rest in the city."

Cortona led the way, and the players and students couldn't help but start talking around her. Cortona didn't care about it, and maintained a harmonious and friendly chat atmosphere while taking care of all parties.

"The envoys of the gods have worked really hard along the way. It is really not easy to carry so many supplies. I don't know what goods are in stock this time. The dried sea fish that I traded last time is very popular. I plan to buy more this time. "

"I heard that you are coming. The children of our Huoguang Elementary School are looking forward to it. We want to study with you and communicate with each other."

"You are brother Hulan, right? You look really similar to City Lord Parker. I saw you right away... City Lord Parker, he said he would come back in two days, and you can see him then. "

Just chatting like this, the caravan finally passed through the outer city and arrived at the inner city.

There is no partition wall between the inner city and the outer city. The only difference is that without the well-cultivated land, the distance between the houses is much closer, and the number of Tanlonger people who can be seen with the naked eye has increased a lot.

The destination is in the center of Huoguang City, which is the original mining base, but the current mining base should be called Huoguang Primary School.

That's right, Parker gave up the mining base as a school for the Tanron people. Firstly, there is no need to worry about the lighting problem in the mining base. It is bright and does not hurt the eyes. It is suitable for reading and studying. Heating must be considered to prevent students from freezing their fingers and unable to write. In the mining base, it is warm in winter and cool in summer, so there is no such concern.

The meeting place of the caravan is also in the open space in front of the mining base. After all, this is a place familiar to all Tanlongers, and it is easy to find and easy to identify.

Cordunna is a very good negotiator from Tanlunger. She went all the way to the current Huoguang Primary School and the original mining base, and the conversation has not been interrupted along the way.

The caravan does not need Cortona's arrangements. After they rest in place for a period of time, they will start the market, which will last for about half a day. After a rest, they will either go back to Yegu Forest or go to the next mining base.

Seeing the amount of goods brought by the caravan this time, it is estimated that they intend to go to a few more mining bases in one go.

So Cordunna's main arrangements are still these few students, and they will stay here for a long time.

Huoguang Elementary School is for classes, and you can't really live in it—Parker is eligible, but he usually doesn't even come back to Huoguang City, let alone live in it.

So Cordunna only arranged the yards closest to Huoguang Primary School for these students.

At first glance, these yards are larger than the stone houses in which other Tanlungers live, and can accommodate more people. They are also almost exclusively used to entertain "foreigners", and they cannot be allowed to live in those houses. Abandon the mine.

"I live in that house. If you have anything to do, you can come to me." Cortona pointed to a room not far away that could not be seen to be any different from other houses, and greeted the students.

After the things were put away, the group couldn't wait to visit Huoguang Primary School—the group referred to the students in the interstellar study class, the players of Researcher Lukeshan, and the interstellar man Pruno.

Except for the students, the latter two had no sense of presence along the way. Lukeshan didn't like interpersonal communication, and led other researchers to discuss knowledge along the way. It was because of the sudden deepening of assimilation that Pruno had to Empty your mind and make yourself more of an empty shell.

Although seeing Ferns deepened Pruno's assimilation, it also brought some hope to Pruno, allowing his consciousness to persist more firmly. It's been longer, and fortune and misfortune depend on each other, which are all uncertain things.

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