I have become popular in modern times with food

Chapter 367 The original intention of the old restaurant

Chapter 367 The original intention of the old restaurant
After dinner, Yu Jian yawned slightly, looked at the backs of her parents who were still busy, and smiled lightly.In a daze, Grandma Yu's face seemed to appear in front of her eyes again.But this time, the old man showed her a comfortable smile.

"Grandma, thank you..." She said silently in her heart.

Self-exile did not make her feel better, but she missed Yu's family more and more during the long period of wandering.But if she didn't say something clearly, she couldn't calmly enjoy everything that belonged to others.

Fortunately, Yu's parents finally accepted her.

Accept her as Yu Jian's body and appearance, and also accept her as Li Yuanxi's soul.

As if telepathically, Liu Liping suddenly turned her head while finishing her salute, met her daughter's gentle eyes, she also opened her lips, and said, "If you are sleepy, go to bed quickly, what are you still doing?"

"I'm going to wrong you all night, there's nothing here..." Although the proprietress's old house is not small, Yu Jian lives alone and only uses one room.The other rooms have always been treated by her as utility rooms. It's snowing heavily, and the hotels in the county are far away.

The Yu family couple made up their minds, asked Yu Yinyin to say hello to the proprietress, and stayed here with her daughter.

Liu Liping fumbled in the box for a long time, took out a bag that was packed in a sealed bag, and patted it proudly: "Don't worry... I have enough!"

Toothpaste and toothbrush are trivial matters, but bed sheets and quilt covers are the key!There are so many people coming and going in this hotel, who knew that the disinfection could not be passed?Liu Liping saw on the Internet that many people got sick because of shared bed sheets and towels, and she always brought disposable ones with her every time she went out.

Yu Jian watched her unhurriedly take things out of the box one by one, and couldn't help being awed.In the [-]-inch box of this cheap mother, she seems to have brought another home...

Xiao Hei got out from nowhere, walked around the square box with a lot of things inside it several times, and finally jumped in lightly after careful consideration, and then he found the ideal after repeated observations. Lie down on the seat, flicking the tail three times comfortably.

When Liu Liping came over, she was almost taken aback by this "big black mouse". She patted her chest and pointed at it with a smile, "Where did you come from? Since when did Ah Jian keep cats?"

What answered her was Xiao Hei's puzzled yellow-green eyes, and the voice of Xiao Ju who was breastfeeding her baby on the sofa one meter away——

When Yu Jianguo came out of the kitchen, he saw his wife with her feet spread apart and hugging her chest and heels, oh no, it was the three little cats and the duck talking to each other. Judging by the posture, there was a vague quarrel?

He couldn't help but rubbed his nose and smiled secretly, and acted as a peacemaker, hissing: "Ah Jian is asleep, please keep your voice down."

Liu Liping paused, probed to see what was going on inside, and found a small one on the bed.Looking up at her two cats, she felt a little funny, and muttered to herself: "What do you think I am competing with two beasts..." As he spoke, he continued to tidy up the room.

Yu Jianguo watched her back disappear into the room, squatted down, touched Xiao Hei's round head, and nodded his nose: "Speaking of it... I have to thank you for being with us during this time, A Jian. ..."

Xiao Hei narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.That's not it, it's because it met a good master.

"An extra meal for you tomorrow!" Xiao Hei's eyes widened instantly, and he heard the word "additional meal"!Now, the mood was even better, and he rubbed his head vigorously against the stranger's palm. His palm was the same as the owner's, and had the calloused hard touch.People... are as good as their masters!

Yu Jian, who had fallen into a deep sleep, forgot one thing completely.The mobile phone given to her by her old father was randomly thrown in the corner beside the bed...


The next morning.

Yu Jian, who had no dreams all night, woke up from the bed, frightening Xiao Ju and Xiao Hei who were sleeping sprawled at their feet.

"Meow?" Xiao Hei looked at her hoarsely.

The little girl got up from the bed, put on her clothes and patted it on the head, telling it: "I have to go to the restaurant to prepare, you guys stay at home—"

As soon as he left the room, he ran into Yu Jianguo who was still yawning.

The old father looked at the time, then looked out the window, and asked, "Why are you going?"

Yu Jian said "uh", and answered honestly, with a bit of a nasal voice: "Go to open a shop... ah."

The old father looked at her seriously for a long time, and found that her expression was sincere, and he stuttered in an instant: "You...are you serious?"

Can there be a fake?Yu Jian glared at Yu Jianguo angrily, and waved her hand: "Go to sleep, I'll pack up and leave." She was pulled back again.

The old father refused to let go: "You still had a fever yesterday, and you want to open a shop today, what are you doing? Are you short of food and drink at home? Do you have to make this money?"

Yu Jian smiled mischievously: "It's not about the money...Dad, let me tell you the truth, I don't get paid much for working here with the lady boss."

"Then you still want to go? Don't die!" When he heard that he was not making money, Yu Jianguo became even more angry.Thinking of her daughter's first-hand cooking skills, how many rich and expensive people in the capital are waiting in line to eat, and they are here to cook for others for free.

Yu Jian held his elbow with her backhand, pulled him into the living room, and then began to talk in detail: "The proprietress actually doesn't make money by opening this restaurant. Think about it, each meal only charges a dozen yuan , three meat and four vegetarian dishes, snacks and soup are free..."

The more Yu Jianguo listened, the more he frowned.He couldn't help asking: "Is there really such a restaurant? What do you lady bosses think?"

What do you think?

Yu Jian also asked the proprietress after coming here.The proprietress clattered her abacus and asked her without raising her head, "Who are the people here today?"

She recalled it in her mind, and replied: "Students, taxi drivers, young couples, mothers with babies, a few elderly people."

The lady proprietress finished the calculation, closed the cap of the pen, and smiled lightly: "The county seat is no better than other places. People here can't make much money. Young people who come to my place to eat can save more money at the end of the month. Taxi Drivers can fill up a few more tanks of gas, students can save money on their favorite books, and seniors can live better in their later years..."

The proprietress looked through the light and turned to the picture frames hanging on the background wall.There, her grandparents and parents also held this idea and persisted day after day.

"Understood, little girl?" the proprietress asked the shocked little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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