I have become popular in modern times with food

Chapter 210 A Bowl of Stealing Noodles

"Sui Shu" records that in the first year of Daye Emperor Yangdi first went to Guangling, there were tens of thousands of dragon boats, and the huge dragon boat team was connected end to end, stretching endlessly.

Huaiyang cuisine began in the Spring and Autumn Period, flourished in the Spring and Autumn Period, and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It can be said to have a long history.The Guangling Banquet is even more "textbook-level Huaiyang cuisine".

As the chef of the Guangling Banquet, Jiang Cheng worked hard for most of his life.When he was still an apprentice, he followed his master to participate in various competitions at home and abroad, and won many awards. Many celebrities came here admiringly, and a lot of variety shows were filmed in the store. The master even made Guangling Banquet reach a new level. Height - China's first black pearl one diamond restaurant.

The Black Pearl Restaurant is co-created by a well-known review website, and it belongs to the Chinese people's own gourmet list. This year, the shortlisted restaurants include more than [-] cities at home and abroad.

Long fish noodles fried with scallions are one of the unique noodles created by Chef Jiangcheng.Over the years, Jiangcheng has continued to make improvements, retaining the original long fish noodle soup, and adding long fish noodles and fried noodles, which have become one of the signatures of Guangling Banquet.

What he is going to do today is his best noodle with long fish.

Adjust the salt, balsamic vinegar, ginger slices, scallion knots and cooking wine in the pot to a boil, then pour in the long fish, and quickly cover the pot.The long fish is the wild penholder green that the organizer specially asked the organizer to transport from Guangling. It is three inches long and short, and even in thickness.After the mouth of the long fish is opened, take it out and wash it.

Drawing long fish pays attention to both sides and three swords. This kind of kung fu is unskilled after a few years of practice. Fortunately, Jiang Cheng's apprentice has followed him since he was a child. He started doing the work of drawing long fish as soon as he entered the kitchen. , nodded with satisfaction.

The apprentice took a special tool, and now the belly of the long fish is cut once, and the back is cut open with the second cut. The bones of the eel are triangular, so it takes three cuts to remove the eel bone completely.The little apprentice did it very seriously, and in a short while, separated the flesh and blood of a pot full of eels.

The hot oil in the Jiangcheng oil pan has reached the optimum temperature, and the eel bones that were taken out were quickly picked up, thrown into the oil pan and started to fry. This high-temperature frying method can not only remove the smell of eel bones, but also The bone marrow is boiled out during the subsequent cooking process.

When the eel bones are fried crispy, remove and drain the oil, and mash them with a shovel.Throw ginger, green onions, long fish bones and rapeseed oil into a large iron pot, add hot water and boil over high heat.Looking at the tumbling soup, Jiang Cheng felt a little pity.The long fish soup of Guangling Banquet needs to be boiled for a full six hours, but the time is limited in the competition, so the taste of the fish soup is still a little bit worse.

Therefore, he did not choose the more popular long fish noodle soup, and he also took this aspect into consideration.

The little apprentice has already boiled the onion and ginger water at this moment, and poured the long fish meat into the ginger soup to remove the earthy smell.The belly meat of long fish is not easy to cook, so it should be cooked first, and the back meat of fish is easy to cook, and then put it in the pot. This little apprentice has done it thousands of times, and he will never make a mistake.

At this time, the color of the long fish soup under Jiangcheng's spoon became milky white, with a strong fragrance.

"Cooking noodles!" He shouted, and the little apprentice quickly took out the finished noodles.Guangling's Yangchun noodles are famous all over the world. They are as white as snow and as thin as hair. They are cooked by blanching them twice in boiling water with a colander.

Dry noodles pay attention to the seasoning, pepper, soy sauce, plus a spoonful of lard, the hot noodles are buckled up, and the lard is melted with the remaining temperature...


At the judges' table, Shi Jiahua looked at the bowl of white soup and the bowl of plain noodles in front of him, and he didn't know what to do with his chopsticks.

He was silent for a long time, and pushed the tray forward a little, for no other reason, the legendary long fish noodle was too...it made him lose his appetite.

It's just a bowl of white soup, and I can't even see the ingredients.Besides, the noodles are pure and flawless in color, but what is so delicious about white noodles?

It seems that this so-called Black Pearl restaurant is nothing more than mediocre.

Guan Shanyue was still well-informed, glanced at Shi Jiahua who was pondering from the corner of the eye, and secretly smiled inwardly.Self-servingly picked up the chopsticks, first stirred in the noodle plate to turn up the sauce underneath, then shook the chopsticks from side to side to slightly break up the noodles, then turned over from the bottom, several times, Baimian completely changed his appearance.

At this moment, it was really shiny, with the unique meaty aroma of lard.

Shi Jiahua was dumbfounded watching from the sidelines, and imitated his appearance and cooked it again. In an instant, the aroma of the noodles whetted his appetite.

Guan Shanyue continued to look at the soup bowl.The long fish soup has the original taste, and there is no other feeling after taking a sip, except for the freshness. Sprinkle with a little pepper, it has a hot and spicy taste.The long fish meat is buried in the soup, the fish maw is chewy, and the back of the fish is soft and tender.It is another wonderful feeling to take out the long fish meat and mix it into the noodles, so that the fish meat is soaked in the aroma of oil.

Guan Shanyue wiped away all the snoring and snoring, touched her mouth, looked at the empty plate in front of her, feeling a little unsatisfied.

The organizer is very "caring", afraid that they have to taste the dishes of each team, and their stomachs will burst, so they are given small portions of MINI.

Sighing, Guan Shanyue shifted her gaze to the cooking table in front of her, who will be next?

When can I eat the Hoto made by Ah Jian?
Yu Jian glanced at the hourglass that was only half left, her face was a little dignified.Hoto is made using the "water drawing method", which is an ancient method of resting dough. The dough is soaked in water, and the water is used to draw out its toughness and ductility.The dough made in this way tastes more chewy and smooth, but the only disadvantage is that the "water drawing method" takes too long, it takes a full hour.

This was quite a challenge for Yu Jian who was fighting alone.

Yu Jian stretched out her finger to poke the dough in the water, shook her head, not yet.Seeing that other teams have finished their production one after another, she bit her lip and was ready to proceed to the next step - making flavorless juice.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty are the five flavors.But things generate and restrain each other, and the seasoning is also the same. If you want to make the most perfect proportion of five-flavored juice, you must be a master.

Onion, ginger and garlic are spicy, malt and jujube are sweet, ebony hawthorn is sour, green tea is bitter, and salt is salty.

Yu Jian followed the steps in the ancient recipe and added various ingredients bit by bit. As she kept turning her wrist, the light green juice gradually became clear and translucent.

While she was busy preparing the ingredients, another team rang the closing bell.Yu Jian looked up and saw the lean chef of Haicheng Restaurant heaving a sigh of relief and showing his yellow teeth to his second chef.

Probably because he sensed other eyes, he shook his head and looked around, and saw a young girl looking at him, and winked at her playfully.

Yu Jian returned the same narrow smile, feeling a little fond of the chef from the bottom of her heart.This is the first time she has received unbiased gazes since participating in the competition...

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