Max's status in the world film circle can be said to be god-level.

Not only because every one of his works is a classic, but also because he has made countless world superstars popular, and he is the existence that every actor flocks to.

However, the conditions for Max's casting are very harsh.

For example, this time, just for the corner of the wind chime, he chose it for four full months——

In the first two months, he asked his assistant to collect the identity information and representative works of Huaguo actresses, and conduct a preliminary screening to screen out inappropriate ones such as age, appearance, and temperament.

Then he personally spent two months getting to know the rest of them one by one, watching their works, getting to know their acting skills and personalities, and finally selected five candidates.

In the next two months, he asked five candidates to complete the exam questions according to his requirements, and then screened again, and finally settled on three people.

Moreover, these three people had to come to him in person for the final interview.

Therefore, it is precisely because Max's casting conditions under normal circumstances are too harsh that many people will come to Merchester to try their luck.

It's best if you can see Max, if you can't, just wander around.

Maybe at some point, he was photographed by Max's assistant, and felt that his temperament fit a certain role in Max's works, so he had the opportunity to act.

In fact, something like this has never happened before.

After listening to Yan Chu's words, Fang Siyu nodded in agreement, pouted at the blond men and women with blue eyes and white skin, and said:
"Just these people, don't treat them as ordinary people, maybe there are some of your peers among them, who came to try their luck."

"These are not well-known, so they wander around the street looking for opportunities."

"Those who are well-known and have a certain status can directly hand over greeting cards to Max's assistants and pay a visit, so they will hardly appear on the side of the road."

Jian Xiao nodded if she realized something.

After listening to everyone's words, she realized how sought-after the role in Max's movie is.

While they were walking and chatting, they suddenly heard a noise coming from the front, followed the sound, but saw a circle of people not far away, and everyone was looking at the ground.

It's just that the line of sight is blocked, and it's hard to see what's on the ground.

Jian Xiao has excellent ears, and when she heard that someone in the crowd mentioned the words hospital and doctor, she said to her companions:

"It seems that someone is sick or injured. I'll go and see."

After speaking, she walked towards the crowd gathering place.

When she got closer, she heard the chattering of the crowd, and she figured out the cause and effect of the matter——

It turned out that an old lady was walking on the road and fainted for no reason. She didn't have a mobile phone with her, and she couldn't contact her family immediately.

None of the people present were medically versed, and they dared not move casually for fear of problems.

Based on the principle that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, Jian Xiao pushed aside the crowd and said:
"Excuse me, I'm good at medicine, can you let me see her first?"

She speaks in English.

Thanks to the "Xuan Zang" card she once drew, she inherited Xuan Zang's language talent, so she can learn any language quickly.

And not long ago, she had empathized with the character "Feng Ling", and Feng Ling spoke English in the scripts of the "Nirience" series, so she also inherited this ability.

Therefore, her language was very idiomatic, and everyone understood it, and quickly gave way.

Jian Xiao walked into the encirclement of the crowd, knelt down to check for the old lady.

There is also the sound of chattering discussions in my ears:
"Oh my God, it's a young oriental girl!"

"She's so young, isn't she still in school? Does she really know how to do medicine?"



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