Chapter 393 It Can't Be a Marginal Family
Now that Jian Xiao has decided to go to the reception with Su Nanqing, she must make a detailed plan.

Although everyone is not clear yet whether Jian Xiao is going to an ordinary reception or a reception with some other purpose, but preparations must be made in advance.

Fang Siyu reminded:
"It's already June, early summer, the weather is getting hotter, and the dresses worn for the reception are mainly thin, and it's not easy to hide things on the body."

"You used to always carry all kinds of micro-surveillance, poison powder and medicine powder with you. Now I'm afraid you have to find another way."

After hearing this, Lu Qiyu opened his mouth and said:

"It's easy to do, you can start with hair and accessories."

"Speak less, you should be able to apply for various camouflage equipment, such as watches, jewelry, etc. The appearance is no different from ordinary accessories, but the inside is different."

"Yan Chu, you can help her make some custom-made clothes, which should not only meet the occasion and identity of the reception, but also be embellished with many accessories without looking obtrusive."

"There are also hair accessories and handbags. Add all these things together, and there are many places to hide things."

Everyone talked about each other until midnight, and each came up with a lot of ideas, just to ensure Jian Xiao's safety.

In the end, after finalizing the plan, they cut off the video and took a rest.

Early the next morning, Su Nanqing knocked on Jian Xiao's door.

After Jian Xiao opened the door, she heard Su Nanqing ask:
"Sister, I don't know what you are thinking about? Can you help me with this?"

"May I ask, when is the reception you mentioned?" Jian Xiao asked, "You know, I only have three days off, and Director Chen won't let me ask for it casually."

Su Nanqing saw the looseness in Jian Xiao's attitude, and said:

"Originally, my dad knew that I had finished filming and planned to do it in the near future, but I told him that I was going abroad to shoot commercials, and if I couldn't come back in a short time, I asked him to do it another day."

"I called yesterday, and the exact time has not yet been set, but I can ask them to postpone it until after you finish filming, and it will definitely not delay your filming."

After hearing this, Jian Xiao's expression did not change, but her right hand suddenly clenched into a fist.

This is a kind of subconscious tension, and it also made her understand a fact——

The Su family occupies the supreme position in this reception.

The time is set by the Su family. You can do it whenever you want, and you can postpone it if you want. Everyone else has to accommodate the Su family's rules.

Ordinary people have to contact relatives and friends a long time in advance for a happy event, for fear that the other party will not have time.

But the Su family held a reception, but they could do it as they said, without worrying that no one would come.

Combined with what happened to Gu Shaoyan in his previous life, is the Su family really just a marginal family in the DWG organization?

Jian Xiao's suspicion of the Su family deepened.

She didn't show anything wrong, she just nodded to Su Nanqing and said:
"Well, you've begged me again and again, and you've reached this point. If I don't agree to you again, it will inevitably be a little unreasonable."

"I can accompany you to the reception to perform a play, but only this time. If your family still forces you to get married in the future, you can't look for me again."

When Su Nanqing heard the words, he immediately became happy, and immediately said:

"Don't worry, sister, as long as you help me deal with this time first, I will find another way later."

After the deal was made, Su Nanqing left the crew contentedly, after all, he had already finished filming.

Jian Xiao continued to stay here and had a good rest for three days.

As Director Chen said, the rainy season in the south has arrived, and the first rain fell three days later, and everything in the world was shrouded in cold and damp.

The crew concentrated on shooting all the scenes in the rain.

As the protagonist, Jian Xiao has a heavy task, and basically spends every day in the rain.

After all, rain play is troublesome—

Director Chen Feiting is notoriously demanding. No matter how good Jian Xiao's acting skills are, she doesn't pass every scene. There are always some scenes that need to be filmed two or three times.

Coupled with the shooting of changing camera positions, changing angles, long-range shots and close-up shots, it is enough to shoot at least four or five times for a scene.

As for the rain scene, the most difficult thing is that during the first filming, the clothes, makeup and hair were all wet, and the second time, you had to change into the same costume, dry your hair, and remake up ,do it again.

If the director is not satisfied, the whole day will be spent on this scene.

Therefore, since the beginning of the rainy season, when Jian Xiao was filming, her clothes were basically not dry, and she was always drenched in the rain over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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