Chapter 85

At the end of the alley where Qixing lived was the corner gate of Mrs. Yang's family's Zhai Mansion, where the servants of the family went in and out every day, and there were three or four servants guarding it.

Mother Qi, the servant beside Mrs. Zhai, came out and saw the girl standing outside the door.

"Miss Qixing." She called out with a smile, "Come in and talk."

Only then did Qixing walk over, and the servants at the door became very enthusiastic.

"Mother Qi, come and sit in the concierge."

"Taste our tea."

"The teacups are all clean."

Qi's mother took Qixing to sit down, and the porters all backed out.

"Come in if you have something to do. It's cold, don't wait outside the door." She said kindly.

After contacting her once or twice, she knew that the eldest miss valued this embroiderer, and she was a sensible person.

Qixing thanked her, but she didn't respond, she would still stand outside the door and wait next time she came.

"That's right, Mrs. Yang said that the painting is the scenery outside your Zhuangzi." She said directly, "I want to see it with my own eyes, so as to better understand the artistic conception."

Qi's mother smiled and said: "That's no problem, I'll arrange someone to take you there and live there."

Qixing hurriedly saluted: "No, I can't disturb you, I'm just going over there for a walk, you say hello to the people over there, don't be disturbed by seeing me, a stranger, and it's good to eat and drink here. It's all about me."

She said and patted the purse in her waist.

"The wages are very sufficient, and I can no longer take advantage of my wife."

Qi's mother was teased and laughed: "Okay, okay, listen to you, do whatever you say, you take care of yourself, and I will do the rest."

Seven Star bowed again and left.

After saying hello to Qi's mother, the next day, Guo Xiaoge drove to the Zhai family's Zhuangzi outside the city with the seven-star green pheasant and an embroidery frame.

Just like before, not long after leaving the city, Qixing got out of the car in his luggage, and picked up the horse prepared by shopkeeper Qiao in the tea shed by the roadside.

"Miss Qixing, are you really going?" Shopkeeper Qiao asked in a low voice, "This time it's too dangerous."

Before robbing people from the government, at least we only need to deal with one side, but this time we are facing the enemy, we have to eliminate the evil bandits and avoid the officers and soldiers.

Qixing said: "Don't worry, I will do what I can."

After finishing speaking, he got on his horse and galloped away.

Sitting in the carriage, Aokiji raised the curtain slightly to see him off, took a deep breath and lowered the curtain, and looked at the embroidery rack placed in the carriage.

"Brother Long." She said softly, "I opened the box."

As she spoke, she gently pulled the embroidery frame, and the folded embroidery frame slowly unfolded, and one of them turned inside out.

Although he has seen it before, Qingzhi still can't help but want to laugh when he looks at the Gundilong now.

Gundilong changed into a woman's attire, or, at this moment, kneeling in the car, at first glance it looks like another green pheasant.

Gun Dilong said: "We actors often have to pretend to be girls."

At this time, his voice also became soft, like a little girl.

Qingzhi laughed again: "I didn't laugh at you, I was happy, Brother Long, you are too powerful."

Gundilong lowered his head a little embarrassed, he is not worthy of being called powerful.

The carriage galloped for half a day and arrived near Zhaijiazhuangzi. Although it was still winter, the remote mountain village had a special artistic conception.

The people on the Zhuangzi saw a carriage stopped by the pond from a distance, and a maid came down, first took a strange shelf from the carriage, and then a girl from the carriage.

The girl was wearing a cloak and a hat covering her face, sitting in front of the shelf, just like those scribes and scholars drawing and writing on the ground, the difference is that she is holding a thin needle in her hand.

The people on Zhuangzi immediately knew, "It's the embroiderer that Mama Qi mentioned." "Don't disturb her." "The embroidery she wants to do is begged for a lot of money by the eldest aunt."

As the voices died down, no one stepped forward to disturb the group.

At the same time, the convalescent room of the rich man in Huixian Building was pushed away, and Zhike's footsteps brought a gust of wind.

Lying on the bed, the rich man raised his sleeves to cover his head and face.

"Well, I'm a sick man after all," he said, "I can't stand the cold February."

Zhike didn't care to comfort him, and stood at the head of the bed in the cold wind: "Young Master is gone."

The rich man opened his sleeves, and his expression was slightly startled: "What do you mean by missing? Playing hide-and-seek like you did when you were a child when you were unhappy?"

Zhike smiled wryly: "If you are not happy, you can hide it. Now that he has grown up, if he is not happy, he will make his own decisions."

The rich man sat up suddenly: "That kid, go kill those fake bandits!"

The rich man Gao did not hide this matter from Gao Xiaoliu, and asked the intellectuals to tell him, because he knew that Liu Yan didn't trust them at all, and he would definitely stop Gao Xiaoliu.

As expected, Gao Xiaoliu was disobedient when Liu Yan stopped him.

"Young master always puts the overall situation first, I really didn't expect him to leave without warning." Zhike blamed himself angrily, "I blame my negligence for not keeping an eye on him."

The rich man shook his head: "If he wants to go, who can watch him? It's also my fault. The last time I rescued Gundilong and let him out, but he couldn't be rescued, which stimulated him. This time he did it no matter what. Don’t want to miss it either.”

After all, wave your hands.

"Go, don't chase him back, and send people to protect him. This time is not the same as before."

It's okay for the officers and soldiers to say hello to Liu Yan. No matter how dissatisfied Liu Yan is or doesn't believe it, Gao Xiaoliu will always be left with his life. It's hard to say about bandits, vicious people, hyenas, No matter how powerful the tiger is going down the mountain for the first time, it may suffer.

In the late night, a bonfire was lit in the forest, shadows danced around, and the mountain wind blew strange laughter, like a group of demons dancing wildly.


"and this--"

"Burn it and burn it so that the government won't find out—"

One by one, the men threw their ragged jackets and straw sandals into the fire, and the flames blazed and sparks flew around.

In front of the bonfire near the cave, there were several large boxes, with gold, silver and jewelry shining brightly.

The leader, Zhen Sanshan, was wrapped in a thick fur that obviously didn't belong to him, holding a handful of jewels in one hand and looking at them, laughing from time to time.

A few other minions are grabbing some brightly colored cloaks, which are women's cloaks, with beaded flowers on the neckline, and one can imagine how beautiful the people who wore them would be.

Speaking of beauty, a bandit wrapped the red cloak he had snatched over his body with a regretful expression: "We should snatch those girls back too."

"We are Mohists." Zhen Sanshan said, without taking his eyes off the jewelry in his hand, "How can we harm people?"

A minion dragged his cloak and twisted and twisted: "Boss, we robbed them of their money, clothes and horses. We don't go to the village or back to the store. In the cold winter of February, we are afraid of freezing to death in the wild."

The other minions also nodded one after another, "It's so beautiful." "What a pity." "It's better to be played by us and die."

"Shut up." Zhen Sanshan yelled, "If they died in the wild, God made them die. It has nothing to do with us. This is the rule."

After that, he laughed loudly, and the jewels in his hands were scattered all over the ground.

The other thieves also laughed and shouted strangely, "Yes, obey the rules." "From now on, it will be a good life to abide by the rules." "See, the government is busy catching Motu, come to our mountain to warn and leave gone."

This life is really good. I can make a fortune and not have to hide.

Amidst the laughter, there was a faint sigh.

"I'm really envious of how you live."

The bonfire was crackling, and the bandits were laughing and shouting. The sound was very soft, and it should have been swallowed up by the noise, but the strange thing was that everyone heard it, as if someone was talking in their ears.

Like a ghost.

The noise stopped, and the laughing bandits stopped and looked around, what's going on?

"Who is it!" Zhen Sanshan stood up and shouted coldly.

The mountain wind swept over, and nearby trees swayed, and someone jumped from them.

Sure enough someone!

The thieves were noisy for a while, but they felt dazzled as soon as they looked over. The people who came were wearing golden robes and golden crowns on their heads.
The fire light jumped on him, gorgeous and dazzling.

What the hell is this?
The bandits froze again.

The coming man swung his hand in front of his body, holding a golden long sword horizontally, and the flames jumped on it, casting another layer of golden light on his face.

"Mo Zhe, Xiao Liu." He said.

After speaking, he swung the long sword down again, with an annoyed expression on his face.

"No matter how you listen to it, it's not thunderous enough." He said, "It's too hasty, and I haven't thought about calling myself a good one."

(End of this chapter)

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