Chapter 54

After not dreaming for so long, Huo Lian even forgot what dreaming was, until she saw many people and recognized familiar faces among them.

These familiar people are dead.

Huo Lian immediately knew that she was dreaming.

In the past, when I was a child, after going to the battlefield for the first time, I always had nightmares because of fear. My adoptive father told him that it is good to shout loudly when having nightmares, and to shout louder than anyone else, and to be more fierce than anyone else, even in nightmares, No one can bully you.

He looked at the face of his adoptive father in the crowd rushing forward, and roared vigorously. With his roar, the crowd seemed to be split by a knife, flesh and blood fell, and the skeleton fell to the ground, so did the adoptive father.

But these pieces of flesh and blood did not dissipate with his roar, but continued to rush towards him, and countless stumps were pulling him.

so what?Can flesh and blood drown him?Could these stumps tear him apart?Huo Lian stood motionless, he was just dreaming, ignorant until he saw a long sword floating in the blood.

Huo Lian's gaze was slightly focused on this sword. At the same time, the long sword was slashing towards him. He subconsciously stretched out his hand, and the sword fell on the back of his hand. Blood splashed and the pain spread.

It hurts, it hurts.

Huo Lian opened her eyes suddenly, and the surrounding noises also flooded in like a tide, the screams of the prisoners, the collision of the chain torture instruments, and the movement of the jailer.

He is still in the cell.

Lying sideways on the bench in front of the torture rack.

"Captain?" Zhu Chuan stood outside, turned his head, saw that Huo Lian's expression was wrong, and asked quickly, "What's wrong?"

Huo Lian raised her hand, looked at the back of her hand, got up and walked out.

"Captain?" Zhu Chuan hurriedly followed in confusion.

Huo Lian didn't speak all the way, she came out of the cell, wandered around in the dark night, and came to the door of a house.

It was the weapon room, Zhu Chuan glanced at it, and asked, "Does the governor want to find something to use as a torture tool?"

Huo Lian didn't answer him, just said: "You wait here." After that, she pushed the door and went in.

Zhu Chuan said oh, stood up obediently, and looked in. This weapon room is not a private place in Duchasi. There are weapons that anyone can use. He saw Huo Lian standing in front of the weapon rack, stretching out his hand from above. Take down a sword.

This sword was much longer than common swords, and Zhu Chuan immediately recognized it as the six-foot sword.

The governor doesn't use a sword every day. He only takes this sword as a spare weapon on his horse when he goes out on inspections. He never has a chance to use it. What a formidable opponent.

Zhu Chuan had never seen such a terrifying opponent, and he didn't believe it existed in the world.

What did the governor do with this sword when he woke up in the middle of the night?
Huo Lian looked at the sword.

Shouldn't you be ignorant in your dreams?Those stumps tore his body, and he didn't feel it. Why did the sword cut him in a dream and it caused him severe pain.

Just like at the beginning.

Huo Lian pulled out the scabbard, the blade was darker than the night, and he put the sword on the back of his right hand, where there was a scar that fit the blade.

"You came into my dream," he said, "because your master was mentioned today?"

He muttered to himself, and a moment later he swung his sword sharply again.

"Zhu Chuan!" he shouted, "Zhu Chuan."

Zhu Chuan rushed in: "Captain?"

"This sword is wrong." Huo Lian said, frowning, "I said it before, it's lighter, and it's not that... sharp."

lighter?Zhu Chuan remembered that Huo Lian had said this after he dropped it and picked it up, but what about sharpness?
The thought flashed, and Huo Lian raised her sword and slashed at the weapon shelf. The shelf crashed to the bottom, and the weapons on it made harsh noises.

Zhu Chuan couldn't help covering his ears.

The footsteps outside were chaotic, and a guard came over, holding a torch in his hand to illuminate the weapon room.

"Captain?" they asked.

Zhu Chuan waved to them that nothing was wrong, while Huo Lian stood among the scattered weapons on the ground holding the sword.

"Look," he said, "the rack for weapons hasn't even been cut off."

Zhu Chuan approached, and the shelf fell to the ground. There were cracks on it, but it was not broken.

"Maybe it was blocked by other weapons." He said.

There are many weapons on the shelf, and the sword just now encountered a block to protect the shelf.

Huo Lian shook her head: "Even if other weapons block it, it can cut it off. You don't know how sharp it is."

He looked at the six-foot sword in his hand.

It is so sharp that it can cut off Liang Si's head with a single sword.

The night is as cold as water, the night is gone, and a new day is coming, it seems that the winter chill has enveloped Xu Cheng in the blink of an eye.

Even though the sun was high in the sky, passers-by on the street still wrapped their robes tightly.

There is a charcoal stove in the waiting room of Lu's Cloth Xucheng store. The shopkeeper of Xucheng store raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his nose. Although the room is warm, it is not enough to make people sweat.

The shopkeeper Xu Cheng was sweating because of the girl sitting across from him.

Mr. Lu said that the profit from the Xucheng shop was given to the girl, and indeed Seven Stars came this month.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to say anything more, but he played tricks, brought a pile of account books over, and asked hypocritically, "Miss, do you want to look at the accounts?"

He knew that this girl came to the family at the age of ten and was raised as a mistress in the inner house, but of course it was different from the mistresses in the family, the mistresses in the family were taught by the wives to manage the house, and Qixing was only used as a handyman.

She has no chance to learn these, I'm afraid she can't read the account books at all.

Unexpectedly, the girl just hummed, then sat down and began to look at the account books.

She looked at it quickly, and when the shopkeeper thought she was just putting on a show, she put the account book away and said, "This account is not easy to do in order to give me less money."

Do you really understand?The shopkeeper couldn't believe it, and pretended to be confused and tried to say that there was no such thing, but the girl picked out a few problematic account books in the next moment and threw them in front of him.

"If you think I've read it wrong, ask someone from the guild to interrogate it," she said.

Her expression was calm, neither angry nor dissatisfied, but in the shopkeeper's eyes she was inexplicably flustered.

But he didn't dare to let other people know about the entanglement between the Lu family and this girl. The shopkeeper hurriedly apologized and made excuses: "The family business, not every shop makes money, so I'm used to, um, tearing it down and repairing it—— "

"I don't care how you dismantle it." Qixing said, "If the money here is not up to my satisfaction, I will go to another shop."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the account book.

"In the future, you don't need to show me these account books, and I don't want to. I have a certain amount of profit in your shop. If it is lower than this amount, I don't accept it. Of course, if your profit is more than this amount, I don't want more. In this way Fair enough."

What kind of fairness is this, the shopkeeper thought to himself, he looked up, the girl was sitting there with a calm expression, her figure was petite and thin, but he somehow felt cold and sharp.

"Yes." He lowered his head and answered, "I see."

The two people here were talking, and there was some noise outside, and it seemed that someone ran in.

"The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper."

The shop assistant shouted outside, and people broke in.

The shopkeeper's temper poured over: "Who let you in! Didn't you say don't disturb, you disturbed the distinguished guests!"

The store clerk looked at the girl sitting there timidly. Although he only came twice, he also remembered this girl. She took away a lot of good fabrics last time, and she looked very rich, so this Next time, personally entertained by the shopkeeper?
The honored guest was not disturbed and was drinking tea.

"Yes, there's good news from home." The store clerk whispered, unable to hide his joy, "The third son has been admitted to Taixue and has become a student of a doctorate in Taixue."

Hearing this, the shopkeeper's temper disappeared, and he was full of joy. It's done, it's finally done, the future of the Lu family is stable.

"Quick, let's have a look, let's also congratulate the third son." He ordered.

The store clerk happily responded and turned around and ran out.

The shopkeeper's Le Zizi turned around, looked at the girl sitting on the chair drinking tea, coughed lightly, and straightened her back: "Miss Qixing, look, our third son is very happy."

Regret it, such messing around made the family disgusted, and there was no room for change.

Don't be afraid, with such arrogance, he is only a commoner who climbed up to Linglongfang, how can he compare with the Lu family.

He saw the girl put down the teacup.

"Third Young Master is overjoyed." She said, "Then ask Elder Master to give me an extra money to rejoice."

The shopkeeper once again suspected that he had heard wrong, what?Still dare to ask for money?Still happy, but also give her money?

"Of course you have to give me the money. You can ask the Elder Master. If not, otherwise, then." Qixing said, and looked at the shopkeeper with a faint smile, "Of course I have a share of the joy."

 Hi new month, hello everyone, can you comment?
(End of this chapter)

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