Luo nine needles

Chapter 43 Asking for advice

Chapter 43 Asking for advice

When the morning light appeared on the horizon, several people in Duchasi who were eating meat and drinking while guarding the bonfire were also interrupted.

The guard on duty came in and asked, "Zhu Chuan, is the governor coming to the palace today? Yesterday His Majesty asked someone to ask, if you want to go today, you can tell the palace."

The governor of the Ducha Division needs to go to court, because Huo Lian has just returned from an inspection outside, and His Majesty sympathetically let him rest.

But since His Majesty sent someone to ask, it must be an order.

Although Huo Lian was unscrupulous in front of the courtiers, he was actually a very polite person, and he only kept courtesy for His Majesty.

Zhu Chuan jumped up: "Why didn't you say it until now!"

After all, he ran away in a hurry.

"I thought you were busy, and brought that idiot from Jingzhao Mansion here." The messenger also complained.

The night was getting brighter, and the inner courtyard where Huo Lian was located was silent and there was no one there.

Zhu Chuan stood in front of the door, looked at the closed door, raised his hand and knocked lightly, calling softly, "Miss Wanwan."

Following his voice, there were footsteps and the sound of chains inside.

"Xiao Chuan, what's the matter?" a soft female voice said.

Zhu Chuan hurriedly said, "Is the governor up yet?"

The female voice said: "Wake up, but not yet."

"Miss Wanwan, ask for me, will the governor enter the palace today?" Zhu Chuan said.

The female voice inside said hello, then the sound of footsteps and chains went inward, and came back after a while, and the door was pulled open at the same time.

There was no light in the room, and it was dim in the early hours of the morning, and the figure of a woman was indistinct.

"Bazi asked you to come in and talk." She said softly.

There is no Bazi Liang in the world, only Huo Lian.

No one dared to call the name again.

But someone can.

Liang Siwan, the daughter of Liang Si.

There are many wives and concubines in Liangsi, but they have never had children. It was not until the age of 40 that a dancer gave birth to this daughter.

Liangsi regards it as a treasure.

Liang Si died, the crime of ransacking the family and exterminating the clan, only this daughter survived, because Huo Lian asked the first emperor, saying that what he wanted most was not Liang Si's adopted son, but Liang Si's son-in-law.

The first emperor didn't care about a woman and gave it to Huo Lian.

Therefore, now Liang Siwan is regarded as a treasure by Huo Lian again.

She only called Huo Lian the eighth son, because Huo Lian was her father-killing enemy, and she and he were at odds.

But Liang Bazi is her familiar and close brother-in-law, which makes her feel like living in the past.

Huo Lian is willing to let her indulge in the past.

Whatever Huo Lian was willing to do, Zhu Chuan was naturally willing too. Hearing her calling the name Bazi, Zhu Chuan was not displeased at all, and stepped aside with a smile.

"Okay, I see," he said.

Liang Siwan raised her foot to step over the threshold. This time, not only could she hear the soft ringing of the chains, but she could also see the iron chains on her ankles under her skirt when she lowered her head.

Zhu Chuan was no stranger to this chain, and all the death-row and felony prisoners in the cell wore it.

The iron chain bound her feet, so Liang Siwan had to take very small steps, but she was used to it, she stepped over the threshold steadily, stood still in the morning light, and her figure became clear.

Liang Siwan was about the same age as Huo Lian, with big eyes and smooth skin like jade. She raised her hand to cover her mouth and yawned with a tired face.

"Miss, you've worked hard." Zhu Chuan said hurriedly, "Go and rest."

Liang Siwan nodded and walked slowly.

Zhu Chuan thought of something again: "Miss, what do you want to play? I passed by Nanshi today, and I bought it for you."

When he was in the Liang family, Zhu Chuan was Huo Lian's servant, running errands for him, and bought a lot of things for Miss Liang.

Liang Siwan looked back at him, seemed to be thinking, then shook her head: "No, I have them at home." After that, she continued to walk.

In the originally quiet courtyard, four or five maidservants suddenly walked out, quietly followed behind Liang Siwan, and quickly left.

Zhu Chuan withdrew his gaze and jumped into the room in three steps and two steps.

"Captain, Commander." He called softly.

There was a hum from inside.

Zhu Chuan passed happily, lit the lamp skillfully, poured warm water and walked to the bedside.

Huo Lian had already sat up, her thin shirt was open, her chest was half exposed, she reached out to take the water glass from Zhu Chuan, and Zhu Chuan knelt down to put on his shoes.

"Your Majesty, did someone ask me yesterday?" Huo Lian asked.

Zhu Chuan responded, "But I didn't say anything."

Huo Lian drank the water in one gulp: "Don't say anything, just see who doesn't like it again, I'll go to court today."

Take a look at the court, and you will know which one is in the eyes of His Majesty.

He got rid of it for the emperor.

Zhu Chuan responded, fetching Huo Lian's court clothes, and said: "Also, that Zhang Yuan in Jingzhao Mansion is still looking for the Mo disciple who killed Liu Xiucai, but he has no way to start. Liu Yan persuaded him to come to the governor for advice. "

Huo Lian snorted, put down her teacup and stood up: "It's really hard to catch Motu."

"In order to avoid trouble, Dali Temple and Jingzhao Mansion only concluded that the tenant's wife bought the murderer and did not specify the identity of the murderer." Zhu Chuan said, and snorted again, "Obviously the governor told them that it was Mo Tu, and there was only Zhang Yuan. Still investigating."

"I just pointed out the identity of the murderer. I didn't catch the murderer, and there was no evidence to prove the identity of the murderer. It is impossible for them to identify the Motu just based on my words. That would be against the rules." Huo Lian said.

Zhu Chuan curled his lips: "It's more troublesome for them than one less thing."

While talking, he took off the court clothes from the hanger layer by layer and put them on for Huo Lian.

When Huo Lian was the eighth son of Liang, Zhu Chuan was just a horse boy, and he was not qualified to serve and dress Huo Lian. He felt extremely happy to be able to do so now.

Zhang Yuan felt that he fell asleep standing up, and the surroundings suddenly became noisy. He seemed to wake up from a big dream, watched the sky gradually brighten, and saw people appearing in the courtyard that was originally empty like a ghost.

There are soldiers and guards and officials, who come and go.

Although the Duchasi is terrifying, its composition is the same as other government offices, with officials and officials and various documents coming and going.

But Zhang Yuan stood here, and people who came and went seemed to be unable to see him.

After a while, it became even more noisy, and the officials hurriedly said, "The governor is here." "The governor is going to court today."

Zhang Yuan stood up straight suddenly, it was dark all night, in the blurred vision, the morning light was like the sun falling, the golden light was so bright that he couldn't look directly at it, he could only squint his eyes to barely see the young man who came over.

Du Chasi's court clothes are very beautiful. It is said that Huo Lian requested it from the emperor, saying that everyone scolded me, Huo Lian, for not being able to see people like ghosts.

So the emperor bestowed a gorgeous court dress that had never been seen before.

"Doctor Huo!" Zhang Yuan squinted his eyes and raised his hand to salute, "Jingzhao Mansion Zhang Yuan begs to see you."

Huo Lian didn't ignore him, and didn't let the soldiers beat him away, but stopped and said, "You want to ask about Mo Tu?"

That Zhu Chuan didn't just make things difficult for him, but he conveyed the request. Zhang Yuan hurriedly said: "Dudu Huo pointed out the origin of the murderer in Dali Temple that day, but I searched for several days and found nothing, so I had to ask the governor again. If you do it, you must know their characteristics."

Huo Lian looked at him and asked, "Then what benefits do you give me?"

benefit?Zhang Yuan was taken aback, is this a public request for gifts?
It's not surprising that Huo Lian is greedy for money, which is normal.

He touched his body subconsciously, he didn't have much money.

"If necessary." Zhang Yuanyi gritted his teeth, "The prison in our Jingzhao Mansion can also be used by Huo Dudu."

Holly laughed.

His laugh is nice, and his eyes sparkle when he smiles.

But his smile was short and fleeting.

"Okay." Huo Lian said, "It doesn't matter whether what I said is useful or not, but as I said, I helped you. Don't regret it. I can use the prison in Jingzhao Mansion casually."

Zhang Yuan thought to himself that if he didn't promise, Dudu Huo wanted to use it, so how dare Fu Yin say no?

But when the time comes, Fu Yin will have an excuse to scold him to death and use it to vent his anger.

"Those people..." Huo Lian looked at him and said, "wear straw sandals."

In the morning light, the grass of Xinghua Mountain is covered with dewdrops.

The bamboo stick swept across and fell like rain.

The bamboo stick didn't move forward, but was lightly kicked and inserted next to a rock.

The feet of the sandals she wore stepped on the stone.

Qixing leaned over to fasten the straw sandals, did not take back his feet, but took advantage of his strength to leap, and pulled out the bamboo stick. The person flew across the forest like a flying swallow, and was as sharp as a flying sword. Wherever he passed, the vegetation shook and broke .

(End of this chapter)

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