The journey of the heavens by Jia Huan, the salted fish

Chapter 96: Parents and Brothers Are Big Brothers 1

Chapter 96: Parents and Brothers Are Big Brothers 1
Jia Huan was surprised to find that his father was actually staying in the room, accompanying the new concubine who had just given birth.

Such things were very rare in ancient times.

Men don't go into the delivery room.

It seems that the relationship between parents in this life is very good.

Jia Huan's eyeballs rolled around and looked at everyone in the room.

The servants have been kicked out by the prince, and there are only a few masters left in the house.

Grandfather Wang is very young, probably only in his twenties, but his eyes are very quiet, like an old man who has experienced the world.

Looking at Wang Feiniang again, she is also young, and her eyes are also not what she should have at her age.

There were three little bean dings standing beside Wang Feiniang's bed, they looked like they were seven, five and three years old, but just looking at their eyes was also not what they should have at their age.

Jia Huan: "..."

Did he hit the jackpot?
Born in a time traveler family?

Jia Huan blinked, his eyes were clear.

He wanted to cover his little vest tightly, so as not to let these five people find out that he was also time-traveling.

well!I hope his time-traveling parents and brothers don't do things like Long Aotian and Ye Liangchen, and live an ordinary life.

"Yunniang, look, Xiaosi looks so much like you." The father of the prince hugged Jia Huan in front of the concubine.

Concubine Wang took Jia Huan with a smile, her eyes full of kindness.

"The child's eyes are like yours."

All three children stretched their heads and leaned over to look at the baby.

The five-year-old boy asked expectantly: "Could Xiaosi be Yuanba?"

Grandpa Wang: "Maybe. After all, you three debt collectors are here."

The three-year-old boy protested dissatisfied: "Father, Li's second son is the one who collects debts. My elder brother and I are not."

Five-year-old boy: "Hehe."

Three-year-old boy: "Second Li, how dare you laugh at me?"

Five-year-old boy: "Why don't you dare?"

Three-year-old boy: "I'll beat you!"

After speaking, he rushed towards the five-year-old boy.

Not to be outdone, the five-year-old boy fought with the three-year-old boy, and the seven-year-old boy stepped forward to help the three-year-old boy.

The three children huddled together.

The two parents didn't step forward to stop them, they just watched with smiles.

Jia Huan was dumbfounded.

This world is a world of high martial arts, right?
Otherwise, children who are only a few years old have such great power in fighting!

Only the three-year-old child's skills are at the level of second-rate masters in the world where he is a monk in Shaolin Temple.

"Brother Yuan, it's alright." Concubine Wang said.

"En." Grandpa Wang stepped forward and separated the three little Doudings.

Grandpa Wang's movements were fast, but Jia Huan could also tell that if Grandfather Wang's skills were in the world of Shaolin Temple, he would definitely be a top master-level master who would look down on the entire Jianghu.

What kind of world is this world?
Jia Huan couldn't help being curious.

In the days that followed, a month passed in Jia Huan's eating and drinking.

The palace held a full moon wine for him, and Jia Huan saw the brothers of Grandpa Wang and other guests who came to watch the ceremony.

He was surprised to find that, except for the five in his own family, the others were ordinary people who didn't understand martial arts at all.

Oh, there are some military generals, but they should have learned kung fu from outsiders, and they don't seem to understand internal kung fu.

What's going on here?

Jia Huan was at a loss.

But it doesn't matter, he is just too young now, and the information he has collected is not much.

When he grows up and can collect more information, it will be clear.

On the second day of the full moon ceremony, the prince and concubine took Jia Huan into the palace and met his grandfather.

His emperor's grandfather was only indifferent to Grandpa Wang, and after taking one look at Jia Huan, he asked Grandpa Wang to take Jia Huan back.

Jia Huan saw that the emperor's grandfather had changed into casual clothes in the arms of the prince's father, which did not have any royal characteristics.

Is this for a white dragon fish suit?
Grandpa Wang took him to see his grandmother.

Grandmother is a noble concubine, so she should be very favored.

In addition to a son like Grandpa Wang, he also gave birth to four sons and three daughters.

However, the second son who was born died when he was just one year old.

The health of the three daughters was also not very good, and they died one after another before Jia Huan was born.

Now Wang Guifei has only four sons under her knees.

The youngest son is only twelve years old this year.

Wang Guifei liked her grandson very much, and held Jia Huan for a long time before returning Jia Huan to the prince.

Grandpa Wang sat with the three brothers and talked.

They chatted about calligraphy and painting. It is said that the emperor's grandfather liked calligraphy and painting the most. His sons naturally wanted to follow in their father's footsteps and work hard to study calligraphy and painting.

While Jia Huan was coping with the teasing of the concubine Wang Guifei and the court ladies, he listened to the conversation between the prince and his father with his ears up.

Why does the more I listen to it, the more familiar my cheap grandfather becomes?

It has a strong sense of sight!
His grandfather who likes calligraphy and painting, likes to draw pictures of beauties, and has developed a calligraphy system by himself, can't be named Zhao Mingji?

If it is true, what about his salted fish life?
Ahhh, when Jin Guo hit Bianliang, he was still a child!
Even if he can escape the hunting of Jin Guo people, what about his relatives?
Uh, no, his father, brother, and elder brother are all strong in martial arts, they can protect themselves, and they can also protect their mother.

so far so good!
Jia Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

But thinking of the records about Jingkang's disaster in history, I feel tight in my chest.

Has he really traveled to this time?
Maybe not!
Everything is just his guess.

It can't be said that this is just an overhead dynasty.

Jia Huan comforted herself like this.

Moreover, even at this time, isn't there still his time-traveling parents and brothers?
These five are not ordinary people at first sight.

The aura they occasionally let out is so powerful.

Especially the prince, his aura is more like an emperor than the emperor's grandfather!
After coming out of the palace, Jia Huan began to collect information with his little ears.

It's a pity that people around him seldom talk about things outside the palace, and Jia Huan is still not sure whether his emperor's grandfather is that person.

However, he knew the original identities of his parents and three older brothers.

Through his parents and three elder brothers often observe Jia Huan.

Jia Huan used the acting skills honed in several lifetimes to deal with them and successfully passed the test.

All five of them were a little disappointed that Jia Huan was not the person they expected.

But they are also their sons and brothers, and they treat Jia Huan very well.

However, since it was confirmed that Jia Huan was just an ordinary baby, they did not avoid Jia Huan when they spoke.

Therefore, Jia Huan was shocked to know the identities of the five people in their previous lives.

Grandpa Wang, formerly known as Li Yuan.

Princess Wang, formerly known as Dou Yunniang.

Seven-year-old eldest brother, formerly known as Li Jiancheng.

The five-year-old second brother, originally named Li Shimin.

Three years old, originally named Li Yuanji.

Jia Huan: "..."

Prosperous in a trance.

Jia Huan wanted him to be quiet!
(End of this chapter)

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