Chapter 76
For the next week, the Jia family was very busy.

Moving is a very cumbersome thing, and there are even more things to do after moving to a new home.

Jia Mancang and Jia Mantun would also help with errands and clean up the house after school every day.

When Jia Dongmei heard about the move to a new house, she also ran back to help.

A week later, it was finally settled.

Jia Huan was lying on the bed, not wanting to get up, but was hugged by his two older brothers.

Jia Mancang hugged Jia Huan: "Little brother, let's go, let's make money."

When the three of them came to the port, they found that there were several groups of singers here.

There are many smart people.

Many people went outside the church every day to listen to the choir singing, and sang along with them. After learning how to sing hymns, they came to the port to sell and sing.

Two of the "Hallelujah" songs have already been sung in churches in this city, and those who sell them have also learned.

At this time, these two songs are floating in the port.

Naturally, these singer-songwriters couldn't earn as much money as the three brothers did, but if the believers who came and went gave them a tip at will, it was enough for them to spend for several days.

"What shall we do? Are we still singing?"

Faced with such a scene, Jia Mancang and Jia Mantun were stunned, not knowing what to do.

Jia Huan: "Sing! Let's sing a new song."

Jia Mancang and Jia Mantun: Yes, they can sing many songs, but not just those few.

Jia Mantun regained his vigor: "What shall we sing?"

Jia Huan: "Just sing "Heal the world"."

This is a song sung by one of Jia Huan's favorite superstars.

Jia Huan likes his songs, his dances, and his MVs.

Jia Huan once followed the MV to learn the superstar's dance, especially the space walk.

Many people on this street recognized the three Jia brothers. After all, they were the first to sell and sing foreign songs, and they even sang the new song "Hallelujah".

Some people simply stopped in their tracks, wanting to see if the three children would sing the new song this time.

If not, they leave.

Three people don't want to make their money.

If it's a new song, they don't hesitate to tip the three of them.

Jia Huan scanned the crowd and said, "There's a place in your heart. And I know that it is love. And this place is much brighter than tomorrow . And if you really try . You'll find there's no need to cry ..."

(There is a pure land in your heart, I know that is love. This place will be brighter than tomorrow. If you really try, you will find that you don't have to cry...)
The connotation of a good song can resonate with many people.

Everyone who understood the singing stopped and listened to the singing of the three children.

“Heal the world. Make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race…”

(Save the world, make it better, for you, for me, for all mankind...)
This song is very simple to sing.

After the chorus was sung twice, the others were able to sing along.

Except for some people who thought about their identities, many people sang along with Jia Huan and the three.

The singing in unison spread far and wide, attracting more people to come and listen.

This afternoon, the three brothers Jia Huan only sang this one song, and they got more rewards than the last two times.

Similarly, Jia Huan secretly hid part of the money.

The Jia family is very happy every day. Now, their family has escaped poverty, and they can eat meat every two or three days.

Zhang Chunni began to prepare a dowry for her eldest daughter.

She bought the freshest cotton this year, bought red brocade, and made two bright and thick quilts for Jia Qiuju.

Made a red coat for Jia Qiuju and used it as a wedding dress.

did it again...

Jia Erzi no longer went to work at the dock. He spent five yuan on some stuff, set up a sugar painting stall, and started a small business.

It's not bad business, but it's a little more profitable than moving goods at the docks, and it's not as tiring.

The life of the family is thriving.

Another week later, the three brothers went to sing again and found that other singers also started singing "Heal the world".

Mainly the song is simple.

So the three brothers sang a new song and also received a lot of rewards.

Another week, the three brothers arrived at the port.

A man in a long gown and mandarin jacket walked up to them, looked at the three of them from top to bottom, and said, "Children, can you sing Huaxia songs?"

Jia Huan nodded: "Yes."

The man in the long coat took out a piece of ocean, weighed it in the palm of his hand, and said, "Okay, let's sing a Chinese song and listen to it. If I am satisfied, I will reward you with this ocean."

Jia Huan: "How can you be satisfied?"

The man laughed: "It depends on you."

Jia Huan.

Jia Huan looked at the man carefully.

The man was wearing a traditional gown and mandarin jacket, with a jade pendant around his waist and a finger ring on his hand. He looked like a rich man.

With a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, he looked like a man of culture.

Jia Huan thought for a while, and said something to Jia Mancang and Jia Mantun, and the three began to sing.

"The wind rises to meet Ji Shan, the wind waves the holy pen of calligraphy..."

The man's eyes lit up when he heard the lyrics.

Jia Huan glanced at the man's expression, and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

He knew men would like it.

This man wants to listen to Chinese songs when he comes to a place where foreigners gather. It can be seen that he is a patriotic person who is proud of Chinese culture.

Jia Huan's song touched his heart.

"Not bad."

When the last sentence stopped, the man threw Dayang to Jia Huan and clapped his hands twice.

"Very good. Do you have any more? One more song, and I'll reward you with another piece of ocean."

Jia Huan smiled: "Yes, you can hear as many as you want."

The man raised his eyebrows: "You are not ashamed to say anything."

Jia Huan: "I can sing for you."

The man directly took out ten oceans.

"You sing ten different songs, all of which satisfy me, and the money is all yours."

Jia Huan: "Okay."

"The first song..."

Jia Huan sang the song "Chinese Characters".

The second song "East Wind Breaks".

The third song...

In the ninth song, Jia Huan sang "The New Drunken Concubine".

The man's eyes sparkled when he heard it, and he praised: "This is a good song. Western singing has added opera singing, it's not bad!"

For the last song, Jia Huan sang "Youth China".

The man couldn't help being startled, and murmured: "This is... Mr. Liang's "Young China."

A nostalgic expression appeared on his face.

Jia Huan noticed this expression.

Does this gentleman know Mr. Liang?

"Here you are, you deserve it." The man handed Jia Huan ten yuan.

"My name is Peng Zeyan. If you have any troubles in the future, you can find me in the Lion Forest."

After speaking, the man named Peng Zeyan turned and left.

Jia Huan stared at the man's back in surprise and disappeared.

Yoho, I accidentally found an incredible backer for myself!
(End of this chapter)

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