Chapter 25 Year 4
The Jia family survived the disaster safely, and a few years later, Jia Huan went to primary school.

He did not go to school to skip grades like his older brothers and sisters, but went to school step by step.

Now that the Jia family's financial conditions are better, they don't care about Jia Huan's school expenses.

One of his older brothers and seven older sisters have all graduated.

Among them, Jia Qinglu, Jia Chunlan, Jia Xiatao and Jia Zhaoxia did not study anymore after graduating from junior high school.

When they graduated, they were catching up with the expansion of enrollment in the textile factory, and all four of them were admitted to work in the textile factory.

Half of their wages are handed over to the family, and the other half is kept by themselves.

Over the past three years, the Jia family has accumulated a considerable amount of money.

Now, they also have their own partners, and they have reached the stage of talking about marriage.

After they get married, they don't need to take money from home anymore.

The four sisters are very satisfied with their current life.

They are very grateful to the elders in the family for letting them study, so that they can have the current life and become urbanites.

The envious eyes of the girls in the village made them very useful.

Two of the remaining three girls went to a technical secondary school, majoring in nursing, and are now working as nurses in a county hospital.

After graduating from high school, Jia Xueyi found a relationship and was admitted to the government department, and worked as an officer in the Women's Federation.

Jia Jianguo was admitted to the military academy.

He was hailed by Jia Dagui as the most promising descendant of the Jia family, and Jia Dagui was really proud of his eldest grandson.

He is a veteran of the army and has a great affection for the army.

And in this day and age, being a soldier is very honorable.

Jia Jianguo is not an ordinary soldier, he has been admitted to a military academy, and after graduation, he will become an officer directly in the army!

As soon as the news came out, the matchmaker almost leveled the threshold of Jia's family, and wanted to be a matchmaker for Jia Jianguo.

Qian Guihua and Zhang Erni were ready to move, but were stopped by Jia Dagui.

The grandson will become an officer in the future, so why rush to marry a better girl?
And the grandson is not very old, this is the time to work hard, and there should be no other things to distract the grandson!

The Jia family is now the envy of everyone in the village, and is the wealthiest family in the village.

As one of the only two sons of the Jia family, Jia Huan naturally attracted much attention.

Even because he was young, the matchmaker didn't find him.

But there are some people who are thinking of marrying him as a child, so Jia Huan must be tied up first.

Even though Jia Huan is not as promising as his elder brothers and sisters when he grows up, but with his elder brothers and sisters taking care of him, life must be better than other people in the village.

However, people who thought this way were immediately pushed back by Qian Guihua and Yang Hongyan.

How could their little grandson/eldest son grow up to be unpromising?

He will definitely be more promising than his sisters, how can he be tied up by a village girl?
In the future, the eldest grandson will marry a big girl in the city, or a beautiful and educated girl, so he will not marry a village girl.

Jia Huan didn't feel any pressure because his brothers and sisters were promising, he ran around happily every day.

As for going to school—

Due to the general environment, many schools have been closed.

Although the primary school has not closed classes, it is basically not a normal class, and they can't learn much. The children are purely mixed school diplomas.

Jia Huan simply skipped school, giving his family the reason that he could study by himself at home.

The older sisters are very supportive of him, and they also know that in the current environment, the younger brother can't learn anything at school, so it's better for the older sisters to take turns teaching the younger brother.

Jia Huan waved his hand to express that he would not be taught, and he could learn it by reading books.

After experiencing Jia Xueyi, the sisters accepted Jia Huan's self-study without any doubts.

In the eyes of the sisters, Jia Huan is also a genius!

"Huanzi, are you going to the city again?"

The old branch secretary driving the ox cart greeted Jia Huan.

Jia Huan slowed down his bicycle and kept pace with the bullock cart.

"Grandpa, I think my sister has gone. Are you picking up the educated youth again?"

"Yes, another group of educated youths is coming. Fortunately, our village renovated the courtyard where the educated youths lived last year."

"Well, we can have less conflicts with the educated youth."

When the educated youth first came to the village, the village did not prepare a yard for the educated youth to live in, but let the educated youth live in the villagers' homes.

The living habits of the urban people and the villagers are different, resulting in constant friction between the educated youth and the villagers, resulting in many conflicts.

In the end, the village had to clean up a yard that had been abandoned for a long time for the educated youth to move out of the villagers' house, which reduced the conflict.

Although, the contradiction between the two parties still exists, but they will not find the old party secretary and the team leader every day to comment on both sides.

The deserted courtyard was the former landlord's house. Although the blue brick and tile house had been abandoned for more than ten years, it was still very strong and could accommodate people after some repairs.

Last year, the brigade organized people to repair all the houses again.

Now twenty more educated youths will be able to live in that courtyard.

The two arrived at the town commune while they were talking. Jia Huan waved goodbye to the old branch secretary and rode his bicycle to the county seat.

He made an excuse to visit a few older sisters. Of course, he really wanted to visit a few older sisters, and sent the dried vegetables prepared for the older sisters at home to the older sisters.

But in fact, he went to the county to sell things.

Over the years, Jia Huan has achieved some success in practicing martial arts. When entering the mountains and forests, it is like entering his own backyard, and he can hunt a lot of prey every time.

He secretly took it home, some of it was eaten at home, and some was brought to the city to exchange for money.

Because he has hunting skills, the adults in the family are not worried about his future at all.

With such ability, it is enough for him to support himself.

Jia Huan first went to find a few older sisters, and gave them what he brought to them first.

Among the several sisters, the first cousin and the second cousin of the elder sister are all married, and the other half are either workers who have moved to the city and have jobs, or are urbanites whose family lives in the county.

It cannot be said that every brother-in-law's family conditions are good, which is the standard of living of ordinary people.

In Jia Huan's view, the living conditions of the second cousin's brother-in-law's family, who are all urban residents, are not as good as Jia's family.

All three brothers in this family are married, and they share a three-bedroom house with their parents, and there is an unmarried younger sister in the middle.

Needless to say, the crowded conditions are not as comfortable as living in their farm house.

Jia Huan and the second cousin's family had no common language, so they put down their things and left.

After delivering the things of the cousins, I went to deliver them to my own sister.

The two sisters both work in the county hospital and live in the same dormitory. Every time Jia Huan fetches things for them, they always go together.

The third sister Qiu Ju was on duty today, and the fourth sister Jia Dongmei was on the night shift yesterday, resting in the dormitory.

Jia Huan gave the things to Xia Dongmei, and seeing that she looked sleepy, she didn't keep much, so she went to find the eldest and second sisters.

The second sister, Jia Xiatao, married a driver who traveled long distances and was often away from home.

Jia Xiatao lived with her parents-in-law, and it was not easy for Jia Huan to stay longer, so she also left her things and left.

(End of this chapter)

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