Chapter 853
Ye Fu saw a sentence on the Internet.

The death of a loved one is not a violent storm, but a lifetime of dampness.

When her mother passed away, her whole body seemed to have her soul sucked out. She didn't cry in the ward, she didn't cry in the crematorium, she didn't even cry when half of the ashes were scattered into the sea and half into the cemetery.

It was an ordinary afternoon, she sat on the balcony basking in the sun, because it was the weekend, she went home to eat with her father.

My father was busy in the kitchen. As usual, the two talked and laughed. She would talk about interesting things in school, and my father would talk about the patients he met in the hospital.

The evening sun fell on her body, like a mother's embrace, Ye Fu's tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes, she felt a pain in her heart like a needle prick, she stretched out her hand to grab something, but couldn't.

Obviously she seems to be still at home, and there is her breath in every corner, why can't I catch her.

Ye Fu lay on the ground and cried loudly, his father was so frightened that he ran out with a spatula.

"Dad, I miss my mother, I want my mother."

Ye Baichuan's eyes were red, he dropped the spatula, and hugged his daughter tightly, "There is still dad, you still have dad, don't cry, Fufu won't cry."

Ye Fu felt that her tears could not be shed no matter what, she looked at her gray-haired father and whispered "Mom".

She seldom loses control. This is the first time that she is in so much pain three months after her mother passed away.

In fact, she often thinks of it when she sees braised pork in the mother's cafeteria, when she is in class, when she is reading in the library, and when she is on the bus.

She even went to Antique Street to find several fortune tellers and asked them for advice on how to dream about her dead mother.

She would leave the house in the middle of the night to talk to her at the cemetery.

The woman who picked her up from the trash can and gave her life again can only lie under this cold stone now.

"Mom, if there is a next life, I still want to be your daughter. I want to see you earlier, is that okay? I haven't been your daughter enough yet."

"I have an exam recently and I will be busy. Don't worry, I will take good care of my dad. It's just that he misses you very much. He often looks at your picture in the room and cries. Mom, go and see him in Dad's dream." , okay?"

Ye Fu looked at the picture of the woman on the tombstone, and leaned his head towards it, in this posture, as if she was being embraced by her mother again.

The school work is getting more and more heavy, Ye Fu keeps himself busy.

This year, the 65-year-old Ye Baichuan returned to employment after five years. He took a camera to travel. He said that he wanted to see all the scenery that his mother wanted to go but never had the chance to go, and then took a lot of photos and brought them back. Show it to mother.

Every weekend when Ye Fu returns home, she will habitually place a bouquet of flowers in her parents' room.

In the eighth month of the lunar calendar, when Ye Fu was in his third year of junior high school, his father came back.

I haven't seen him for a year, and he has lost a lot of weight and darkened a lot. During this year, he went to more than ten provinces, dozens of cities, and took more than [-] photos.

The first thing Ye Baichuan did when he came back was to take Ye Fu to the cemetery to visit Shen Zhen.

The old man guarding the tomb still remembered them, and when he saw them coming, he came over to say hello warmly.

"You haven't been here for a while."

Ye Baichuan nodded, "I went on a trip and just came back."

The old man looked at Ye Fu with a smile, "The little girl comes here every month, she is really a good and filial child."

Ye Baichuan reached out and patted Ye Fu's shoulder, "My daughter is the most filial."

The father and daughter came to Shen Zhen's tombstone, wiped the photos, placed flowers, and put all kinds of snacks. They sat down on the left and right, and shared with Shen Zhen under the tombstone the new things of this year .

"I met the student you sponsored before. She is excellent. Now she has returned to the village to start a business and helped the poor hometown get rid of poverty. She always remembers you and wrote you many letters."

"I also went to the scenic spot you've always wanted to go. It's really beautiful. I walked nearly [-] steps that day, and my shoes were almost worn out."

"I also took a lot of photos. My photography skills are poor, as you know, but my skills have improved a lot this year, and I am quite a master. I picked the best few and burned them for you. Please comment."

"By the way, your favorite singer in the past had a concert in the city where I stayed. I went to see it. I didn't have any vision before. In fact, after I listened carefully that day, I found that he sang really well. Unlike me, he is tone deaf , Speaking of tone insufficiency, none of our family can sing, Fufu is the most out of tune, do you remember? When Fufu was in elementary school, their teacher wanted her to perform a show on Children's Day, and tried her best I recommended her to sing, but as soon as Fufu opened her voice that day, the teacher was startled. She said that she had never seen a child who was so seriously out of tune. Fufu was very sad and cried when she came back. At that time, you and I showed her I went over what it means that like parents like daughters, our out-of-tune is hereditary."

Ye Fu was helpless and funny, "Father, this happened so many years ago, yet you still remember it."

"Of course I remember. After all, because of this incident, the teacher suspected that you had a problem with your cerebellum, and specially invited your parents, telling us to take you to the hospital for examination."

When Ye Fu thought of this incident, he felt extremely embarrassed.

"In fact, the cause of pentatonic insufficiency is that the muscles around the vocal cords are not fully developed, resulting in the inability to pronounce some pitches. Another reason is that the ability of one's ears to distinguish sounds is poor, which leads to non-standard pronunciation."

Ye Fu smiled helplessly.

"So this is an incurable disease. Our whole family is tone-deaf."

The two stayed in the cemetery for several hours. Before leaving, the old man guarding the tomb came again
"Don't worry, the cemetery is cleaned every day. I'm a badass. When I'm bored, I'll chat with them. Dr. Shen also has many friends here."

Ye Fu bowed to the old man, "Thank you."

"Thank you, me, I like chatting with them the most. I have seen stories of many people here, and there are also many poor people. If I chat with them, they will not be lonely."

Ye Fu's eye circles were reddish.

"As long as someone remembers them and remembers them, they will be happy in the next life."

Ye Fu looked at the densely packed tombstones, his heart seemed to be scratched by a feather.

Leaving the cemetery, the father and daughter slowly descended the mountain, watching the setting sun in the west, Ye Fu stepped forward and took Ye Baichuan's arm.

"Dad, are you still traveling!"

"If I don't go to the mountains and rivers, I've seen enough. Next, I want to accompany my daughter and live a good life."

Ye Fu turned his head to look at him, "Thank you, Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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