"Almost forgot one most important thing." Ye Fu's expression was very serious, which made Jiang Rong nervous.

"whats the matter?"

"Your eyes and hair, you can't wear sunglasses and a hat all the time, I'll buy colored contact lenses, black ones, hair dye and scissors later, your silver hair is too conspicuous, you have to cut it short, and your hair has to be dyed Hei, it's all my fault that I forgot about this and took you around."

Jiang Rong touched his nose.

"It's my fault, none of your business."

"It's not your fault, it's all because of that damned genetic laboratory that turned you into this. You did the right thing. This kind of laboratory that is wearing a scientific cloak to harm humans will have to be set on fire."

Jiang Rong's eyes were bright, and hearing Ye Fu's words of justice for him, fireworks went off in his mind.

After lunch, the two drove the truck to continue shopping.

In the evening, the two of them who had purchased supplies for a day returned to the hotel. Ye Fu took out the scissors, hair dye and colored contact lenses. She first taught Jiang Rong how to wear the colored contact lenses, then let him sit on the stool, took off the hat, and helped him cut his silver hair. short.

"In addition to black, I also bought brown, chestnut and flaxen. You have fair skin, and these colors match you."

Jiang Rong was silent for a few seconds, then said coyly, "Don't waste money on me, you should buy more things you need, my hair can be shaved off."

Ye Fu imagined this face with a braised egg head, and couldn't help laughing.

"No, you can't shave your hair, I can't accept it, it's too funny."

Seeing her smile, Jiang Rong curled his lips into a smile.

After the hair was dyed, Ye Fu took out his mobile phone and took more than ten photos of Jiang Rong.

"If it's not as good as the end of the world, you should enter the entertainment circle with your looks, and I'll be your manager. It's a pity."

"You look better than anyone I've ever seen." Jiang Rong said seriously.

"You are locked in the laboratory, how many people can you see?"

"Anyway, you're prettier than anyone I've ever seen."

Ye Fu smiled, "Okay, okay, I can take a look at it, but to be honest, if there is no end of the world, I still have to study medicine step by step and become a doctor. After all, this is my dream. Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered We haven't bought the medicine yet."

Ye Fu patted his forehead depressingly, "My memory is too bad, but there's still time, we'll go buy medicine tomorrow morning, now there are too many pharmacies, there is one every 100 meters, but most medicines are also bought offline No, so we have to buy some medicinal materials and seeds, by the way, there are also vegetable seeds and grain seeds.”

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you can buy slowly, don't be in a hurry, take a shower and sleep first, I'm exhausted today."

Ye Fu was careless, and after speaking, he put on his pajamas and went into the bathroom, while Jiang Rong sat on the bed, staring at the bathroom door in a daze.

When Ye helped out, he still maintained the posture just now.

"Go to wash, go to bed early, tomorrow you have to buy supplies and hurry."

Jiang Rong nodded, "Okay."

Seeing that he was so obedient, Ye Fu nodded in satisfaction.

Early the next morning, the two left the hotel to continue their big purchases. At six in the evening, when the purchases were over, they returned the truck to the dealership. The two left City X directly and drove to the next town.

Along the way, the two of them also bought a lot of gasoline. Ye Fu spent more than 100 million yuan. She is worried now. What if the money is not spent before the end of the world?
Jiang Rong asked her, if the end of the world did not come in the end, but they bought so many things, would she collapse?
Ye Fu thought about it, and he was quite broken, but wouldn't it be better if the end of the world didn't come?
Human beings continued to live and work in peace and contentment, and the money she spent was used to buy supplies, which she probably wouldn't be able to eat in her lifetime, so she didn't have much loss.

"From your description, I know how terrible the end times are. Humans cannibalize each other, the world is desolate, and the four words "terrible" are not enough to describe the end times you have seen. I can imagine the despair and horror, so I don't want to The end is coming."

Ye Fu chuckled, "But if it really comes, then I will work hard to live, to live hard."

Jiang Rong nodded, "This time, we will all survive."


"Are you sure 0018 is dead?"

"A corpse matching 0018 was found in the genetic laboratory. There was a chip in the corpse, which belonged to 0018. He was indeed dead."

"It's a pity, such a perfect experimental product may never be made again."

In a villa in Haicheng, a middle-aged man looked at a photo on the computer and sighed faintly.

"Sir, we still have a lot of 0018's blood."

The man sneered, "It's never his blood that I want."

"Not blood?"

"Have you heard of brain replacement surgery? There is a laboratory abroad that has performed a successful operation. Put a's brain, heart and memory chip into b's body, and a can use b's body to come back to life."

The people around were horrified.

"What I wanted was never his blood."


A month later, Ye Fu and Jiang Rong successfully arrived in Hualian City, Lanzhou Province.

Jiang Rong said that in his last life, he accidentally found out that Hualian City was the least affected by the disaster in the first three years of the end of the world. Later, many people in Longtan Base fled to the north, just wanting to go to Hualian City to hide from the disaster.

The resident population of this small city is only 30, and housing prices are very low. A square meter of high-end residences only costs more than 4000 yuan.

When the two came to Hualian City, Ye Fu contacted an intermediary to buy a house.

There are still some troubles in renting a house. Anyway, the house price is cheap, and it is no problem to buy a house.

The intermediary is also very reliable. When they learned that they wanted a house in a high-end community with windows that could be sealed, they immediately took out dozens of floor plans.

After looking at it all morning, Ye Futiao picked a house with two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom and one balcony. It was only 90 square meters, and the balcony took up ten square meters. After the windows were closed, you could grow vegetables. The house was on the 10th floor, not too high or not. Low is just right.

After seeing the house on the spot, Ye Fu decided to buy it directly.Along the way, the two of them had bought all the supplies, and now there were still fifty days before the end of the world, not to mention sealing the windows, even a complete renovation was more than enough.

After the transfer of the house, Ye Fu contacted the decorator to seal the windows, Jiang Rong was in charge of the decoration, Ye Fu continued to purchase, and the two worked together in a division of labor. Half a month later, the decoration of the new home was completed, and they officially moved in.

"Think about what else to buy these days."

"Don't you want to grow vegetables on the balcony? I think you can buy some soil."

Ye Fu nodded, "That's right, buy more nutritious soil and coconut bricks."

"After the acid rain, all the water sources have been destroyed, and some water may have to be stockpiled."

"No problem, I will contact the waterworks tomorrow."

The two reviewed the game all night, and confirmed that most of the supplies were complete. For the next few days, the two continued to check and fill in the gaps. There was still a month before the end of the world. Ye Fu bought a data card and gave it to Officer Song, Qiu Lan, Mr. Zhao, they all sent news about the end of the world.

After sending the message, she put the data card into the stone.

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