"I want to stay." Qi Yuan said suddenly.

"Now is not the time to argue about this." Ye Fu said in a low voice, "Jiang Rong and I can protect ourselves, but if we enter the dungeon, what will the people outside do? First of all, there is the issue of food and drink. I am not here. What do they eat? Nearly 4 people just let them starve to death outside?"

"Then we'll stay outside together, and we all say we're in trouble together. I'm not going to hide behind you and enjoy this kind of blessing. Brother Song, please help me take care of Xuxu."

Qi Yuan is determined to stay outside, no one can persuade him.

Xuxu looked at him eagerly, as if she knew it would be a long parting. She didn't cry, but just looked at Qi Yuan quietly.

Others also want to stay outside, but the dungeon needs some reliable adults to go in to maintain order, and leave it to other people. Everyone is worried, after all, Ye Fu put a lot of food and water inside.

"Qi Yuan stays, others enter the dungeon, the dungeon will be closed soon, everyone cherishes it."

"Sister Ye Fu, Brother Jiang, Uncle Qi. You must take care of yourself and nothing will happen to you."

Ye Fu hugged Wenwen, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to us."

Hugging and parting with everyone one by one, Ye Fu didn't know if they would meet again, whether it would be half a year later, a year later, or they would never see each other again. She felt a little bit emotional that the older she was, the more sentimental she would be.

The red light at the entrance of the dungeon, which was about to close, began to sound an alarm. When the countdown counted down, the people standing inside waved goodbye to the people outside.


"You too."

The gate of the dungeon closed slowly, like a line of life and death, completely isolating the people inside from the people outside. Ye Fu and Jiang Rong looked at each other. Although parting was sad, they still had a lot to do.

Qi Yuan stood in place, waiting for all the red line lights outside the dungeon to go out, he turned his back and wiped his eyes.

"Let's go, I still have to deliver the saplings."

"Are you okay?" Ye Fu looked at him worriedly.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Although I'm a bit reluctant, I think it's more meaningful to stay outside. Fang Ming and Brother Song will take care of Xuxu. I'm very relieved. When we meet again, she will grow up to be a big girl." .”

Ye Fu patted Qi Yuan on the shoulder, "Don't worry, we will meet again, we will not die, we will all live."

"Well, I know, from now on, the three of us will depend on each other for life."

Ye Fu glanced at the dense crowd behind him, "It's not the three of us, it's all of us."

Seeing a pair of confused yet determined eyes, Ye Fu turned and walked into the crowd. She held a loudspeaker and stood on a boulder.

"Are you scared?"

"Don't be afraid." A clear and powerful voice sounded, Ye Fu looked, and a big sister in the crowd was looking at Ye Fu with tears in her eyes.

"Sister Ye, we are not afraid."

"Yes, we're not afraid. Anyway, I've earned money since I've lived. If it weren't for Sister Ye and Brother Jiang, we would have starved to death. As long as we live, we will plant all the trees if we risk our lives. At worst, we and Blue Star will be destroyed together."

"Isn't it just one life? I can spare it."

"It's been more than ten years since the end of the world. I'm really fed up with this kind of life. I might as well fight it out. Even if I die, it's a worthy death."

"Yes, let's fight. It is said that man will conquer the sky. With so many of us, we will definitely defeat the heavens and save Lan Xing back."


Hearing the shouts, Ye Fu's eyes gradually became firmer.

"Okay, let's fight, everyone listen to my command, everyone take the saplings and hoes, keep up with their respective teams, and start working."

The black soil and water have already been prepared. Although everyone was curious about where the water came from, they didn’t ask much. Nowadays, everyone is single-minded and only wants to plant trees to fight pollution. Every era has unsung heroes who live to death. Those who remained knew very well that the probability of surviving was very low, but they still chose to stay, and no one even fled, and no one objected.

Are they not heroes?

Perhaps one day, Blue Star will regain its former vitality. Even if no one will remember their sacrifices, this land will.

"Qi Yuan, go and pick three hundred young and strong men."

"doing what?"

"Dig the underground passage. Jiang Rong said that it will take up to three months, and there is no way to stay at the top. The dungeon is so big, and it can only hold so many people if it is desperately packed. Are these people just waiting to die? We have to prepare a back door." Lu, I'm going to enter the space to prepare oxygen cylinders in the next few days, you keep an eye on some, let Jiang Rong contact me if you need anything."

Qi Yuan frowned, "Where to start digging?"

"I've already drawn the map of the underground passage. The location is in front. I marked it. If you don't understand anything, you can ask Jiang Rong. I'll prepare more oxygen cylinders and bags just in case."

Qi Yuan made an OK gesture, "Don't worry, I can handle it."

Ye Fu and Jiang Rong talked and went back to the tent. After entering the space, she found a micro tillage machine. Ye Fu planned to plow the black soil and plant wheat. She is used to planning ahead, so half of the underground city was divided. The food is not enough, she always feels uneasy.

In the past few months, most people have no tents. Although Ye Fu distributed clothes and shoes to them, there are not so many tents in the space for everyone, so most people rest in the open air, and they can go anywhere when they are sleepy. Lie down and sleep, wake up and get back to work.

Sijiqing in the breeding area grows taller than Ye Fu, and when the underground passage is dug, she distributes [-] catties of hay to each person, which can be woven into straw mats, making sleeping more comfortable.

For the people in the dungeon, Ye Fu is not worried about their lives, as long as they keep themselves safe, the fuel inside can support the operation of the dungeon for 50 years.

There is also a planting area in the dungeon, and everyone can be self-sufficient. As long as you work hard, you don't need to worry about food.

The only thing that will be lacking should be water resources, but there is a warehouse entrance outside the dungeon, this entrance is one-way, people outside can store things in, as long as Ye Fu is alive, she can refill the water for people inside.

After Jiang Rong was busy with outside work, he went into the space to help. He filled the water tank with water, pulled out the saplings in the field and sorted them. Worried that there were not enough saplings, he found some pine cones and started to grow seedlings.

Ye Fu had cultivated twenty acres, and she was exhausted from exhaustion. She ate something casually, and when she returned to the wooden house, she didn't have the energy to wash up, so she fell directly on the sofa in the living room and went to sleep.

Four hours later, the alarm clock rang, and Ye Fu straightened up like a carp, went to the bathroom to wash up briefly, had breakfast and continued to work in the field.

In order to save time, people working outside only ate noodles and compressed biscuits soaked in water. In just a few days, Qi Yuan lost a lot of weight.

The person who dug the underground passage had already dug the entrance, and the inside was like a maze. In order to accommodate tens of thousands of people, Ye Fu designed this underground passage with reference to the air-raid shelter.

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