Ye Fu had seen the terror of wildfires before. A few years ago, they encountered a volcanic eruption, where magma and fires spread, and all the trees were burned. On the way from northern Xinjiang to Yuezhou, they were also in Lanzhou There was a big fire in the territory, and a thousand mu of forest was burned down. Ye Fu can still vividly remember the scene where everyone surrounded the mountain together to put out the fire.

She squatted on the ground, picked up a handful of soot, and after a few seconds, waved away the soot in her palm in frustration.

"Jiang Rong, make a mark here."

Ye Fu went to the car to get the adjusted white paint and a brush. Jiang Rong had already planted the wood into the pit, and the paint was evenly brushed on the wood. The marking was completed. The two of them stared at the burned forest. After a long time, he walked towards the RV in silence.

"If only it rained."

As long as the gray pollution smoke in the air is washed away, the sun covered by the smoke will be revealed. As long as the soil on the surface is nourished by water, it may be ten years or 100 years if the balcony is shining. Rejuvenate.

Ye Fu has been recording temperature changes for the past few days. After waking up that day, she found that the air became very stuffy. It may be that the residual heat from the fire has not dissipated. Even the soil and stones on the ground are warm. From 28:[-] to [-]:[-] the next morning, the temperature was around [-] degrees above zero. During the day, the temperature was relatively high and remained at [-] degrees above zero. It even reached [-] degrees yesterday.

At this temperature, it is more difficult to make it rain than to go to the sky.

The car went around the burnt forest, ten kilometers away, they found a dry river, and there were fish that had been burned into black charcoal in the dry river, Ye Fu guessed that the water in the river evaporated when the fire spread, It's just that such a big river didn't leave a drop of water, Ye Fu couldn't help wondering how long the fire burned after the fireball landed.

Both her and Jiang Rong's injuries gave her the illusion that the fire had only been burning for a few days, because when Ye Fu woke up, the wound on her body was still bleeding.

But looking at the burned land beyond recognition, Ye Fu always felt that things were not so simple. In just a few days, even if it was covered by magma, it would be impossible to burn the land into such a state.

It is meaningless to think about these problems now. For the current plan, they can only take one step at a time. If they can't find the way back to the base and can't meet other people, she and Jiang Rong will have to work hard to survive.

There is no shortage of supplies, water and seeds in the space. It is not difficult for the two of them to find a place to start a new home.

Now, if we really take one step at a time, Ye Fu will also feel frustrated, so what if he rebuilds his home again?If another accident happened, would she still be able to bear it?

But as long as one has breath, one has to work hard to live. How can one lose hope in life just because of an accident.

Jiang Rong drove the caravan into the dry river, and the car drove upstream. They decided to try going north. Maybe there would be a different scene at the end of the river.

At 06:30 in the afternoon, the car stopped. Ye Fu took out a few light bulbs from the space and tied them to the roof of the car. After connecting the wires, Ye Fu turned on the switch, and the three kilometers around were instantly bright as day.

Jiang Rong stared at the light bulb for a few seconds, "This thing can be placed on the roof of the car all the time, and it doesn't consume much electricity anyway. The brightness is very conspicuous. If anyone sees the light, they will definitely find it."

"Well, listen to you. The taillights at the rear of the car can also be left on all the time. The car needs to be filled with gas tomorrow morning. Let's go slowly. This car doesn't need fuel."

After Ye Fu fixed the light bulb, she took the flashlight and went to a distance. When she saw Jiang Rong following, she was amused and angry.

"You're back to normal, why can't you get rid of the problem of staring at me going to the toilet?"

Jiang Rong's face was full of innocence, "Anyway, I'm relieved when I look at you, at worst, I'll turn my back on it."

"It's very safe here, there is absolutely no danger. Besides, I still have an alarm in my hand. If there is danger, you will know immediately."

During this time, Ye Fu did not have the freedom to go to the toilet.

"Then I'll go farther away. If you are in danger, you must call me loudly."

"You know, I'm not mentally retarded."

A minute later, Jiang Rong started calling her.

"Ye Fu."

Ye Fu really suspected that Jiang Rong was taking care of her as if she was mentally retarded. Although his body had returned to normal, his brain seemed to be abnormal. Ye Fu found that he would touch her at night to see if she was still around, and even check her breathing.

"I'm here, I'm safe, unless there are aliens, I won't be in danger."

Jiang Rong...

Back in the RV, Ye Fu took Jiang Rong's hand and sat on the sofa. She stared at Jiang Rong worriedly, but she didn't see anything wrong. A tube of Jiang Rong's blood is ready for testing.

"Ye Fu, what are you doing?"

"I suspect your PTSD not only didn't heal, but got worse."

"Ahem... it should be cured."

"But your recent performance is very worrying. You are too cautious and worried, which is not in line with your character."

Jiang Rong took Ye Fu's hand and clasped her fingers tightly, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just a little scared, I'm afraid that something will happen again, we will be separated when I'm not by your side."

"But even if we separate, you will find me, won't you? Jiang Rong, there is nothing to be afraid of. Believe in me, believe in yourself, no matter how hard it is, we have all experienced it. This difficulty is nothing at the moment."

Ye Fu hugged his waist tightly, "Let yourself relax, don't think wildly, don't have any pressure, okay?"


In order to let Jiang Rong completely relax, Ye Fu arranged the caravan, flowers were placed on the bedside and on the dining table. After dinner, Ye Fu found some rock music and played it on the stereo, and the deafening sound rang out. After opening the bottle of beer, the bubbles burst out instantly.

"Cheers, let's leave all our worries, fears, anxieties and tensions for today and start living positively tomorrow."

The crisp sound of clinking bottles rang out in the music. Although Ye Fu was physically uncoordinated, in order to make Jiang Rong happy, she held up the bottle and began to dance wildly.

"Aren't you happy?"


"It's good to be happy, I'm exhausted, it's my first dance for others to see and comment on."

Jiang Rong was silent for a few seconds, "Is it a zombie dance? It's very novel."

Ye Fu grabbed his neck, "Jiang Rong, you actually said that my dance is a zombie dance, I will strangle you to death."

Seeing him begging for mercy and laughing loudly, Ye Fu also laughed while lying on top of him.

"And now? Are you happier?"

Jiang Rong could see her eyes dripping with water, "Very, very happy."

"That's good. As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy."

Jiang Rong couldn't hold back, and laughed again, "Hahaha..."

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