"By the way, what are Jiang Rong and the others up to?"

"Brother Jiang will help us collect supplies at night. Uncle Wan and Uncle Liu will occasionally go to the hydroponic room to help grow vegetables. Brother Song studies recipes. Others are often in the table tennis room and badminton room. As for Ye Fu, I always see her before. Crochet clothes with balls of yarn."

Cheng Rin nodded, "Did they say they would exchange the piranha's rhizome for something?"

"No, Brother Jiang and Ye Fu both said that these hundreds of catties of piranha roots were given to the laboratory for free."

Cheng Lin fell silent when he heard the words, "I remember that there are several collection rooms in the dungeon, you take them there to pick out some good things."

"Brother Cheng, [-]% of the things in the collection room are treasures transferred from various museums. After the disaster is over, the things have to be returned to the central base."

"Let them take away the other [-]%. These things are meaningless in our hands. How about we ask them to help take away the things in the museum. In their hands, I feel more at ease. After all, those things are entrusted by the teacher. Naturally, I have to treat it with caution." Cheng Lin sighed quietly.

Shen Li nodded, "Brother Cheng, don't worry, I'll do it right away."

After Shen Li left, Cheng Lin looked at the pile of documents on the table and couldn't help pressing his temple.


Many medicinal materials in the space have entered the mature stage. Ye Fu rode an electric scooter to patrol the small road next to the medicinal field. At a glance, they were all boundless green, Panax notoginseng, Angelica dahurica, Bletilla striata, Gastrodia elata, Dendrobium... The bletilla striata has already bloomed, and several acres of bletilla striata are like a lavender flower field. The purple flowers sway gently with the breeze, and the air is full of the fragrance of medicinal materials.

Ye Fu parked the electric car on the road, put on a mask and gloves, walked into a piranha, took out a sickle, and carefully cut off the innermost flower core of the piranha.

Cut off the flower core, and the piranha can keep growing petals. After about a week, the piranha will grow a new flower core. The flower core is highly poisonous, and with the juice of poisonous arrow wood, it is more toxic than Hedinghong is still powerful.

After cutting a hundred catties of flower cores, Ye Fu left from the piranha bushes and rode his electric bike back to the main square.

The others were busy cooking the salt mine, Ye Fu called Xuxu and An An over, explained some things to them, and brought Wenwen into the laboratory.

"Sister Ye Fu, what medicine are we going to do today?"

"Some hallucinogens and deadly poisons, put on a hazmat suit, we'll deal with these flower cores first."

Ye Fu put all the flower cores into a glass bucket next to him, and had to scrape off the powder on the flower cores with a small spoon to process these poisonous flower cores.

"Sister Ye Fu, did many people die outside again?"

Wenwen's tone was a bit dull. Recently, the radio station has been broadcasting how many people died every day. Listening to these numbers, everyone's fear of the sun poison has increased. Some people are afraid of being burned by the sun poison and go on strike directly. Various cult organizations have been set up in the refuge. They are like pyramid schemes, brainwashing other residents and tricking residents to go out to bask in the sun. These cult organizations have killed hundreds of residents. The base will never tolerate the existence of such residents and organizations. executed.

"Yes, there are more than 100 million residents inside and outside the base. These numbers are too large. Humans are the most difficult species in the world. They seem to be easy to be tamed and regulated, but they are not. Broadcast Every day, residents are reminded to wear protective clothing and sunglasses when going out, not to expose their skin, and not to stay in the open air for too long. Wear enough clothes, and you don’t need to wear protective clothing to resist the sun’s poison, just like when we study for exams, the teacher reminds students to bring pens and exam admission tickets every time, but some people forget every time.”

Wenwen nodded, "I understand. My dad told me that there are all kinds of people in this world. Because there is no mind reading ability, it is difficult for us to distinguish between good people and bad people based on their appearance. There are many people in the base, and the proportion of bad people is Very high, they don’t obey discipline, ignore broadcast warnings, and even spread harmful speeches. Sister Ye Fu, it would be great if there was a sign above people’s heads to distinguish good guys from bad guys. The base will definitely be able to vacate half of the seats. Bad guys shouldn’t enjoy the benefits of the base. Bless."

Children's world view is very simple, black and white.

Ye Fu couldn't help smiling, "Wenwen, do you think I'm a good person?"

"of course."

Ye Fu smiled, "What do you think is the difference between a good person and a bad person?"

"Creating trouble for others, persecuting others, harming other people's interests, this is a bad person. As long as you don't take the initiative to hurt others, you are a good person."

What she said made sense.

The two chatted while working, and Ye Fu taught Wenwen everything he had learned all his life, especially the preparation of poisons and antidotes.

Born in the last days, you must have the ability to protect yourself.

In the laboratory, after the first can of ointment was successfully produced, the pharmaceutical factory opened two production lines for sick ointment. The next day, the first batch of one thousand ointments produced was sent to various hospitals.

In the hospital of the resettlement shelter, the patients were sitting on the ground, and hundreds of people were crowded in the small room, even the air was desperate.

At this time, a nurse came in through the door. She counted the number of patients, and finally selected twenty patients and asked them to go with her.

"Are we dying? Are the shelters going to kick us out? Can I go and see my son, I want to see him one last time."

The patients begged the nurses to accommodate them and let them meet their families for the last time. The patients who were not selected lowered their heads, feeling rejoicing and gloating.

The nurse signaled them to be quiet, "Who said they will drive you away? Rest assured, as long as you are still alive, the shelter will not abandon you."

"Then where are you taking us?"

The nurse smiled, "The ten of you have serious ulcers, so you are lucky. The base laboratory has developed a special ointment for treating burns and ulcers. I will take you there for treatment. As long as you cooperate, no one will dead."

The ward suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at the nurse in disbelief, as if confirming whether what she said was true or false.

The patient who was not selected stood up unsteadily, the luck and schadenfreude just now were gone.

"Nurse, my body is full of rotten flesh, let me apply the medicine first, I can't hold on any longer."

The nurse glanced at the angry man, "If you lie about your illness, you will be expelled from the shelter. Please think about it before you speak."

The man trembled in fright, and staggered back to the corner.

The nurse glanced at the ten people she selected, "Ten of you, take your identification cards and follow me."

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