After the broadcast ended, everyone in the dormitory looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Are you [-]% sure that the sun is going to come out? Hearing the word "expert", I suddenly feel that this matter is not reliable."

"I also don't think it's very reliable. If the sun doesn't come out in two months, these base experts can pick up shit and talk nonsense every day."

Both Xuxu and An An couldn't help laughing.

"It's all right now, it's making people panic. The sun hasn't come out yet, and it's creating chaos. What's the base thinking this time? Why did they tell the residents about the sun poisoning?"

Ye Fu asked everyone to calm down, "Notifying in advance is not necessarily a bad thing. The roof of the shelter can resist the toxins of the sun poison. As long as the residents obey the arrangement, nothing will happen. Patrols, the army and the police are all stationed in the shelter. Who? If there is trouble, deal with it directly, and the residents are not stupid. The base naturally has its reasons for doing so. We, live in the dungeon with peace of mind, don't go out to join in the fun, what should we do, the sun will rise eventually, even if there is sun poison , There will be a day when it will dissipate."

"Ye Fu is right. When we were on the farm, we all experienced the poison of the sun. As long as we don't go out to bask in the sun, there will be no problem. I admire Cheng Rin even more. He is indeed a man with great foresight. The base is also well managed.”

Wan Tao's eyes are full of appreciation and admiration for Cheng Rin.

In the next few days, Ye Fu was still busy pickling all kinds of sauerkraut, and in his spare time, he would also go to the laboratory for a tour.

There are a lot of defensive measures about sun poison posted on every stairway of the dungeon. The radio station will broadcast some basic knowledge of survival every day, and even popularize science on how to deal with trauma, filter polluted water sources, grow food, and survive in low/high temperature , poisonous plants and animals in the primeval forest, how pregnant women give birth, how to make fire by drilling wood in the wild, how to hunt...

"Why is the base always broadcasting these survival guides recently?" Qi Yuan stuffed two balls of cotton in his ears.

Fang Wei shrugged and reached out to help him remove the cotton, "Isn't this very good? These are important knowledge to save life. If you learn more, you will have a higher chance of surviving."

"It's very good, but there is always a feeling that the storm is coming, and I feel flustered. Doesn't it mean that the underground city is safe? As long as we don't go out, we won't encounter danger."

"The only safe place is the dungeon."

Qi Yuan was speechless.


The temperature outside the dungeon had risen to fifteen degrees, and the wheat in the planting area was shaking left and right. A female worker stretched out her hand. When a cool breeze passed her palm, the female worker was stunned for a few seconds, and then called out to the people next to her.

"It's windy, the wind is cold, and the wind blows the wheat down."

The others stretched out their hands to feel the cold wind. They spread their fingers and tried to catch the wind in their hands. When a gust of wind brushed their cheeks, everyone cheered.

"It's really windy, it's so cool."

The cold wind blows from the northwest, carrying the coolness and breath of the snow-capped mountains. The news of the wind's appearance spreads quickly in the base. Adults and children want to feel the long-lost breeze. At this moment, the base radio rang.

[Urgent notice, all residents and workers outside the shelter are requested to return to the large square of the shelter to gather in an orderly manner within half an hour. ]
The broadcast was repeated ten times, and it seemed that the matter was indeed urgent.

"What's going on? Is the sun out?"

Ye Fu looked at everyone, "Probably not. If the sun is out, the broadcaster will directly say that it may be that the base has detected air pollution, it may be that there are dangerous animals, or it may be heavy rain."

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the base broadcast sounded again, and the gentle female voice could not calm the panic and anxiety of everyone.

"Urgent notice, the cold wind outside the territory has blown to the base, the cold wind raids, may have flu or typhoid fever, if anyone has nosebleeds, sore throat, dizziness, etc., please report to the shelter in time, starting this afternoon, please all Residents consciously go to the cafeteria to receive the cauldron medicine, and those who are allergic to the medicine consciously report it, all residents please pay attention, no one is allowed to spread rumors in the shelter, once found, they will be severely punished."

The base only said that people could get flu or typhoid if there was a cold wind, but Ye Fu was keenly aware that the base did not inform the residents of the real situation.

Perhaps, the cold wind did not bring flu and typhoid, but an unknown virus?

The next day, after Shen Li returned to the dungeon, he knocked on the door of Ye Fu and Jiang Rong's room.

He has been in a good state of mind recently, and his work and rest schedule should be adjusted. Shen Li's skin is fair, and he has two dimples when he smiles. He looks very pleasing.

"Brother Jiang, sister-in-law, I have something important to tell you."

Ye Fu let him enter the room, Shen Li was covered with air-conditioning, when he walked by, Ye Fu could feel the cold wind brought by him.

"Is it related to yesterday's broadcast?"

Shen Li gave a thumbs up, "As expected of my sister-in-law, I guessed it right. There was a cold wind blowing from the base yesterday, and the cold wind came from the northwest. As we all know, there are snow-capped mountains in the northwest. Under the snow-capped mountains, there may be a large number of unknown germs and viruses. After testing by the scientific research team, it was discovered that the cold wind did carry a large number of viruses, and the cold wind was severely polluted, and some young children who had been blown by the cold wind were the first to experience discomfort, and large erythema and ringworm began to appear on the exposed skin."

"Does the base have an accurate treatment plan?"

Shen Li shook his head, "The special medicine seems to have no effect on erythema and ringworm. The medical team prepared a big pot of medicine, but it has no effect."

"so serious?"

Shen Li sighed, "Unknown virus, unknown source of pollution, the scientific research team and the medical team have no clue at all. Some people speculate that it is the source of pollution caused by a nuclear leak or a nuclear weapon explosion in a certain area outside the region."

Ye Fu pressed the center of his eyebrows, "Is there any sign of death?"

"No, no contagion has been found so far. All patients' vital signs are stable, except for a little fever, which is not serious. Their body temperature is around 38°C and 38.5°C, and everything else is normal."

"Shen Li, the members of the scientific research team and the medical team are all top talents. To be honest, I'm just half-baked. I learned many things by mistake. If you come to ask me about the treatment plan, I can't provide it. I have no idea what you just said."

Shen Li nodded, "I understand, sister-in-law doesn't need to be under pressure. After discussing with the management, they came up with two solutions. First, if the virus is not fatal, contagious, and incurable, it can only let it coexist with everyone. Second, go outside the territory to find a cure, but many people have rejected this one, because there are too many unknown dangers outside the territory, and the management does not want to take risks."

Ye Fu pondered for a moment, "I agree with the first one. If there is indeed a nuclear leak or a nuclear weapon explosion outside the territory, the second one will not work. Going outside the territory may not necessarily find a cure, but it will cost your life."

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