Xuxu "da da da" ran to Cheng Rin, pulled his clothes and pointed to the door, "Uncle Cheng, there is a beautiful aunt looking for you, I let her in, but she didn't come in, and said she had something important to do."

Cheng Lin glanced at the door, guessed who it was, said "excuse me" to everyone, got up and walked out.

"Shen Li, do you know who the woman outside the door is?"

Of course Shen Li knew, "It's Pei Ling, she is a medical expert, very powerful."

Everyone's eyes started to gossip, but just as Cheng Rin went out, Shen Li was still here, so it was hard for everyone to ask more questions.

"Auntie has long hair and fair skin. She is very beautiful. She is a great beauty." After Xuxu finished speaking, Fang Wei and Wenwen looked at her at the same time.

"Is sister Wenwen not good-looking?"

"Isn't mom pretty?"

Xuxu pursed his lips, and he looked at Jiang Rong, "Uncle is the prettiest."

Everyone was amused by her.

After Cheng Rin left here, it was a week after seeing him again.

Vegetables and wheat have been planted in the greenhouses at the base, and grass seeds and tree seeds have been sprinkled on the surrounding wasteland. As long as the plants sprout, the problem of hypoxia can be easily solved.

Cheng Rin's complexion didn't look very good, he probably didn't have a good rest these days, he didn't have Jiang Rong's high-quality self-healing ability, and there were serious dark circles under his eyes.

"Jiang Rong, Ye Fu, I want to get some medicinal materials. There is a suspected cholera epidemic in the base. The hospital is conducting further tests. The pharmaceutical factory needs to produce anti-drugs."

Ye Fu didn't expect cholera to appear in the base at this time, and the two followed Cheng Lin to the warehouse, and took out some medicines that had been taken in from the space.

Cholera is divided into early, middle and late stages, and the treatment drugs for each stage are different.

Cholera is also an acute infectious disease with an acute onset and rapid spread, mainly manifested as diarrhea and vomiting.Before the end of the world, millions of people around the world were infected with cholera every year, and tens of thousands of people died of cholera.

Ye Fu tried his best to recall how to treat cholera with medicines, antibiotics, oral liquid, berberine, levofloxacin, doxycycline, montmorillonite powder...these should all be available, but the base may not be able to develop so many medicines in a short time. Ye Fu had visited the pharmaceutical factory before, and from the establishment of the base to the present, most of the medicines produced are trauma medicines.

"Has the water source of the base been tested? There are also fruits and vegetables. People can only be infected if they eat water and food contaminated by Vibrio cholerae."

Ye Fu suddenly thought of one thing, "Because the base has solar lamps, many birds that left here to find habitats have flown back. These birds may have gone to other regions or countries. If they are infected with cholera, the feces fall Once people eat water or vegetables, they may be infected with cholera, and cholera spreads very quickly, and if one case is found, there may be dozens or hundreds of potential cases."

After hearing Ye Fu's analysis, Cheng Rin's face became more serious.

"I'll send someone to test the water source and fruits and vegetables of the base immediately."

Ye Fu and Jiang Rong put on their masks, and after leaving the warehouse, they took a detour to the base hospital.

The hospital is still full, and you need to deduct work points to see a doctor in the base hospital, but the medicines are very cheap, and unless you have surgery, minor ailments such as headaches and brain fever will not cost you a few points. During the base, Ye Fu worked in the medical building for a while. She remembered that the point policy of the Longtan base was very strict. After seeing a doctor, the points for half a month might be lost.

Ye Fu took a special medicine, Jiang Rong didn't need it, he was in good health, and cholera couldn't infect him at all.

When the two entered the hospital, they heard bursts of painful wailing. There were many trash cans in the hospital lobby, and every patient vomited while holding a trash can.

The smell was indescribable, Ye Fu couldn't hold his breath for too long, even though he was wearing a mask, the smell still got into his nasal cavity.

There is a public toilet outside the hospital, and the people queuing up to go to the toilet have already reached the door, each clutching their stomachs, their faces distorted in agony.

Ye Fu walked around the door of the consulting room, because the medicines in stock were incomplete, and the doctor didn't prescribe any useful medicine. Two nurses came out pushing a big pot. The smell of medicine in the pot was very strong, it must have put a lot of it Coptidis, still a bit bitter.

"It's time to eat the big pot of medicine, everyone, come and line up, each of you will have a big pot of medicine."

There are two nurses behind pushing a cart with a lot of masks on it.

"Masks are distributed, everyone come here to get masks, don't spit anywhere, disposable plastic cups can't be taken home, wash your hands frequently, pay attention to hygiene."


The two turned around and went back. Ye Fu looked a little heavy. The cholera seemed to be worse than she imagined. Fortunately, no one died so far.

Back in the dormitory, other people gathered around and asked what happened outside.

"I went to the cafeteria to get a drink just now, and I found that everyone was wearing a mask."

Ye Fu told everyone about the occurrence of cholera.

"100 years ago, the worst cholera occurred in our country, and 20 people died at that time." Wan Tao's tone was a bit heavy.

"Before the end of the world, people died of cholera every year in most countries in Africa. Cholera is more common in poor countries. It spreads very fast and has a high death rate. Nowadays, there is a lack of medical care. Once a large-scale infection occurs, the consequences will be disastrous."

That afternoon, the base radio announced a very important matter.

Residential buildings were transformed into isolation rooms, and all suspected cholera cases were isolated. The base distributed oxygen cylinders, masks, and cauldrons of medicine, so that all residents did not have to worry.

"Disasters happen frequently, and there is really no way for people to survive."

An An clasped her fingers, looking uneasy, "Aunt Ye, is cholera terrible?"

"It wasn't scary before, but it's scary now. Starting today, everyone will stop drinking water at the base. In terms of food, we are self-sufficient."


Ye Fu was in a hurry to enter the space to make special medicines. Except for cancer, special medicines can be said to cure all diseases, and I don’t know if they can treat cholera.

What Ye Fu is now struggling with is, should he tell Cheng Rin the formula of the special medicine?

The ownership of the special medicine formula belongs to Qi Yuan, Ye Fu will not dispose of it casually, no matter what, he must agree to this matter.

The next day, Shen Li came.

He brought a very bad news. In the residential building, two cases died.

The cholera has been confirmed by the medical team of the base, and the pharmaceutical factory has been working overtime to develop various medicines. The cauldron medicine can only relieve the pain, but it is not the antidote.

Ye Fu found Qi Yuan and told him about the special medicine.

"I'm not sure whether the specific medicine can cure cholera, but if cholera spreads, the entire base and Heguang City will be destroyed. Qi Yuan, I got the formula of the special medicine because of you. Give it to Cheng Rin?"

"Of course." Qi Yuan didn't hesitate at all.

"Specific drugs are produced to save people."

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