Entering the chicken farm, Ye Fu found that the ground was wet, it must have just been sprayed, and there was still a faint smell of insecticide in the air.

The chicken farm is the same as the factory assembly line. The hens are kept in the chicken cage shelf, which has five layers. There are water tanks and food troughs outside the cage, and there is an egg drop net at the bottom.

It is also very convenient for the workers to pick up the eggs, just carry the bucket and collect the eggs on the egg net. Ye Fu found that the eggs here are all reddish brown and pink.

And the size of the eggs is also very big, Ye Fu picked up an egg and shook it, the shell was a bit thick, similar to a duck egg, probably a specially bred variety.

The broiler chickens looked quite normal. Ye Fu went to the garbage room and warehouse again, but found nothing unusual. She picked up ten eggs and planned to take them back for research. Since the chicken farm is fine, she has to hurry up and go to the next one. place.

The scale of the chicken farm is quite large. There are several factories. There is a particularly large grain storage barrel outside. There is no shortage of electricity here. The grain in the grain storage barrel is transported to the factory through pipelines, and there are several chicken manure pullers next to it. The truck, the chicken manure was going to be transported to the planting area, the two drivers next to them chatted together, Ye Fu walked by them, both of them raised their eyelids.


Jiang Rong's purpose is very clear, to find the top executive of the base, the next thing will be much easier.

After separating from Ye Fu, Jiang Rong immediately walked towards several office buildings in the base. The off-duty workers passed by him, as if they had been sucked out of energy. , eyes dull.

Why are these people sick?
Now is not the time to think about this, Jiang Rong looked away and walked quickly into an office building.

When he went to the Black Dragon Gang, he got a lot of information about the base. Although the Black Dragon Gang is just a low-level gang, there are a lot of gossip. They all know how many widows there are.

After reading the information in his hand, Jiang Rong went straight to the sixth floor, where the office of the top executive is located.

Through his breath, Jiang Rong knew there were people inside, but there were two bodyguards with guns standing guard outside the door. Jiang Rong took out Ye Fu's homemade smoke bomb and threw it at the bodyguard's feet.

After the two passed out, Jiang Rong came out from the corner.

In the office, the commander of the second base was still checking the report sent by his assistant. He didn't turn his head to look at Jiang Rong behind him until a dagger touched his lower back.

Jiang Rong remembered very clearly that after waking up in the laboratory, except for him, the other test subjects who had been injected with drugs lost their minds, so he didn't hesitate to kill them all the moment the other party wanted to pounce on him and bite him.

But the person in front of him is clearly a successful experiment. This face is very strange, but he will never admit to the familiar aura of the experiment on the other person.

"who are you?"

The man whose waist was pinned by the dagger looked about 35 years old, with a handsome face and a strong aura, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, which matched his black coat very well.

"You are Cheng Rin?"

The man nodded, and he asked again, "Who are you?"

Jiang Rong remained silent. He didn't expect that the other party was a gene-edited human like him, and his hypnotism couldn't work best on the same kind.

"I didn't expect to see the same kind in my lifetime. Why don't you put down the dagger first. If the two of us fight, neither of us will be able to please."

Jiang Rong sat across from Cheng Rin, and both of them were observing each other, neither of them took the initiative to speak again.

Only 5 minutes later, Cheng Rin still broke the silence.

"You came to see me, what do you mean?"

"A refugee camp."

Cheng Lin frowned, a little surprised by the answer.

"You live in a refugee camp? Your genes are perfect, I can feel the powerful breath in you, why are you in a refugee camp?"

"I am looking for you to solve the survival crisis in the refugee camp. I am not living in a refugee camp. If you are willing to solve it, we can use peaceful means. If you don't want to, we can use force. Although you look like you are only in your 30s, but Your actual age is 45, right? Your genes are degenerating, and you only have a passing grade. If we use force, you are not my opponent."

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, Cheng Lin looked at him with meaningful eyes.

"Eleven years ago, I saw a list of successful test products. This list came from the Haicheng Genetic Laboratory. Of the six successful test products, only one had a perfect score. It turns out that you are that perfect score."

Jiang Rong looked indifferent and didn't answer.

"You just mentioned the problem of survival in the refugee camp. Is there anything wrong there?"

Cheng Lin is very busy, he has to control the entire base, and the refugee camp is in Heguang City, it is impossible for him to know everything.

Jiang Rong talked about the situation in the refugee camp, and the communication between the two was quite harmonious.

"I understand what you said, but you don't have to worry about rebellion in the refugee camp. I have enough weapons here to suppress them."

If the commander of the base is a real soldier, Jiang Rong can use hypnotism to make him obey his arrangement, and he can immediately issue an order to rectify the refugee camp, but he didn't expect the commander of the second base before meeting Cheng Rin. It's actually an editor human.

"If I remember correctly, your number is 0018. Do you have a name now? You can stay here if you want."

Jiang Rong stared at him, "You don't want to clean up the refugee camp."

"Survival of the fittest, those ordinary humans will die when they die. There are tens of thousands of people in the base. These people still retain their civilization, hard work and bottom line. What about the people in the refugee camps? Those people can no longer be called "people". If They are all dead, and it is nature and the ecological chain that are weeding them out."

Jiang Rong felt that what Cheng Rin said made sense. As an editorial human being, he didn't have the same empathy ability as ordinary human beings, but he didn't want to disappoint Ye Fu.

What Ye Fu wants to do, he must help her complete.

"If a riot breaks out, once 15 people from the refugee camp flood into the base, the base may not be able to hold on."

Cheng Rin shook his head, "Those people don't have enough food and clothing, how can they have the strength to resist? Someone is going to die, there is nothing to regret, as you said, even if there is a riot, so what? I have a lot of weapons in my hand. "

Jiang Rong narrowed his eyes.

"You don't agree with me? You have the weaknesses and emotions of ordinary people, wasting your perfect genes. For people like us, the end of the world is the best stage." Cheng Lin looked at Jiang Rong who was still young The face looks a little complicated.

With a slight throw of Jiang Rong, the dagger flicked into the air. When it fell, the tip of the knife was facing down, and it was inserted straight into the wooden table.

"Do you know how I tame beasts?"

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