Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 507 Chapter 507 Extreme Night 14

The trick was successful, both Ye Fu and Jiang Rong couldn't help laughing.

"Give me back, this isn't a maggot, it's a tree worm with very high nutritional value, also called oak wood worm, it must be very delicious when fried."

Qi Yuan looked at Ye Fu speechlessly, "Your taste is truly extraordinary."

Ye Fu rolled his eyes, "Let's go, go home first, we've been running around all day, and we're all sleepy."

"Brother Song has warmed up the meal. You can eat it when you go back. Everyone is up and waiting for you to come back."

Qi Yuan ran to the front and informed the others.

Ye Fu and Jiang Rong entered the wooden house, and the others were sitting in the living room. They lit a kerosene lamp instead of turning on the lights. Everyone was very excited when they saw Ye Fu and Jiang Rong come back. Wan Tao's eyes were red, and he took a picture. Patting Jiang Rong on the shoulder, he whispered, "Just come back safely."

"You are finally back." Tang Yizheng stepped forward and patted Jiang Rong's arm, and Xuxu and Wenwen threw themselves into Ye Fu's arms.

"Just come back, are you hungry? Let's eat first."

Officer Song brought out the food, and everyone sat around, Ye Fu and Jiang Rong went to wash their hands and changed their clothes.

"You've been waiting for us, haven't you eaten?" Ye Fu looked at everyone disapprovingly.

"We're not hungry. I heard you didn't do any work today, so we just sat here and chatted."

"That's right, Sister Ye Fu, we ate a lot of snacks, and we're not hungry at all."

Ye Fu patted Wenwen's head, "Let's eat, and I'll tell you about the situation of the base after dinner."

After eating, everyone put away the bowls and chopsticks together, Fu Jiao went to wash the dishes, Fang Wei was making tea, the others put away the things in the warehouse, and returned to the living room to chat after they were done.

"How's it going outside today? Did the patrol come over?"

Qi Yuan shook his head, "No, the patrolling people have left, I have been on the shore, there are not many cars on the road, there is no movement today."

Ye Fu nodded, "Jiang Rong and I went to the refugee camp in Heguang City. The situation in the refugee camp is very bad. Compared with food and clothing, there is the most serious security problem there."

After taking a sip of tea, Ye Fu continued, "There are a few playboys who, relying on their own status, raped young men and women in the refugee camp. The corpses that floated down before are their sins."

"These people are nothing like animals."

"After dealing with these people, Jiang Rong and I went to the base again..."

To make a long story short, Ye Fu told everyone what he found at the base today, and by the way, showed them the Chinese cabbage and eggplant that were stored in the space.

"The operation of the base is pretty good, especially in terms of breeding and planting. There are also many factories. It is not difficult to maintain the lives of tens of thousands of people."

Qi Yuan frowned, "Ye Fu, you said just now that they feed crocodiles with dead people, will they feed all kinds of viruses and nematodes like Longtan base, and pollute the water and air by then, we live in the downstream, we will definitely be killed implicated."

Ye Fu shook his head, "The crocodile has already been dealt with by Jiang Rong. We don't know if there are such crocodile pools in other places. Let's take one step at a time. It's too difficult to investigate. The base and Heguang City are not small. The reason why we wasted so much time today is because the base is too big, and we spent several hours in it."

"Someone in the base is doing practical things, and there are also ghosts and ghosts fishing in troubled waters. Cover the glass windows to prevent light from leaking out. It is estimated that there will be patrols coming to find people soon."

"Let's just take care of ourselves. Everyone is tired today, so go back to your room and rest early." Ye Fu looked at the time and couldn't help yawning.

"You two should also go to bed earlier. It's pitch black outside. It's not easy to run around all day. Your eyes must be uncomfortable."

Officer Song cleaned up the coffee table, Wenwen and Xuxu agreed to pinch Ye Fu's legs and beat his back.

Ye Fu was amused by them, and took out two big white rabbit milk candies for them.

After returning to the bedroom, Ye Fu entered the space to wash up, and just as she put the hot water on, Jiang Rong appeared behind.

After driving all day, Jiang Rong was still full of energy. He went to check on the condition of the two pigs, built a pen for them, and picked up all the eggs and duck eggs.

Ye Fu admired his energy, he never seemed to get tired.

"Jiang Rong, the hot water is ready, don't worry about it."

He squatted there to work, the surrounding environment, the tools in his hands, and his exquisite and perfect face all had an unreal sense of disobedience.

Ye Fu pursed his lips and smiled, helped him prepare pajamas and slippers, and left the space.

When she was drowsy, Jiang Rong lifted the quilt and lay down, Ye Fu snorted, leaned back, and got into his arms.


Ye Fu fell asleep for more than ten hours. When she woke up, Jiang Rong had already got up and went out. It was very quiet outside, and she didn't hear any sound after listening for several minutes.

Stretching, Ye Fumo slowly got up.

There was some movement in the kitchen. When Ye Fu went over, Wenwen and Xuxu were frying popcorn in the kitchen.

The door rang, and Qi Yuan and Jiang Rong came in from the outside with flashlights. They went out to patrol just now, but they didn't find any corpses, and no patrol personnel came to search. It seemed that everything was calm.

"Let's eat mutton hot pot today, it's windy outside and it's so cold."

Ye Fu gathered the coat on his body, "Well, this weather is the most suitable for drinking mutton soup."

Jiang Rong came over and grabbed Ye Fu, "Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"I'm full of sleep."

When the others finished their work and came out of the warehouse, Qi Yuan had already chopped the mutton.

Ye Fu grabbed a handful of Wenwen's fried popcorn, because the sugar was added, the popcorn was very sweet.

"Is today a good day?" Xuxu wondered why everyone seemed so happy.

Ye Fu fed her a piece of popcorn, "The days when everyone eats together are good days."

Xuxu nodded, and then she moved to Ye Fu's side and said mysteriously, "Auntie, the little bird is back, and it said everything is normal outside."

Ye Fu nodded, "Auntie knows, I will feed the little birds worms later."

The wooden house is lively and warm, but the base caused huge shocks because of the sudden disappearance of four playboys and the destruction of the crocodile pond.

The base management issued an order to dispatch all patrol personnel to conduct a carpet search in the base and Haguang City.

In the yard outside the crocodile pond, several people who were bitten beyond recognition by dogs were sent to the hospital for rescue. Some people suspected that the person who destroyed the crocodile pond kidnapped the four playboys.

However, thousands of patrol personnel turned the base and Heguang City upside down, but found no trace of the four people.

On the mountain more than 100 kilometers away, several young people hurried forward with luggage in their hands.

They killed the four playboys, and at the moment when the other party wanted to humiliate them, they hacked them to death with a kitchen knife, and chopped them into minced meat.

There is a voice in their minds urging them to run away quickly, and they must not be caught.

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