Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 500 Chapter 500 Extreme Night 7

"The other person should be his good brother Cai Donglin."

Meng Yu's words surprised everyone present.

"You're right?"

"I can't admit it wrong. Liu Cheng has been wearing this jade badge. Although his face is a little swollen, he can still see his original appearance. Cai Donglin is missing two fingers on his left hand. It is said that they were broken during the earthquake."

Ye Fu took the flashlight and walked to another corpse. Sure enough, the ring finger and little finger of his left hand were gone.

"Why did they appear in the water? Could it be that they were also beaten to death and thrown away by others?" Qi Yuan really couldn't figure it out. Logically speaking, these two people belonged to the upper class in the base. Who else could kill them and throw their bodies away?

"These two people have quite a lot of injuries, not like injuries from beatings, but more like injuries from falls."

Ye Fu continued, "It's possible that they had a car accident while racing, fell into the water and were washed down."

"It's impossible for a person to get out of a car if they're wearing a seat belt."

Meng Yu glanced at the crowd and whispered, "Most of the time, they ride motorcycles and the people at the base call them ghost boys."

Qi Yuan and Tang Yizheng couldn't help laughing when they heard the words "wild fire boy".

"Ye Fu, what should we do with these two corpses? Burn them or throw them into the water?"

"Qi Yuan, take Meng Yu back first."

Qi Yuan understood immediately, and brought the limping Meng Yu back to the wooden house.

When the two walked away, Ye Fu took out two big bags, "Put the body in the bag, I'll put it away first, these two people must have had a car accident in a speeding car and then fell into the creek, and were washed to us by the current. They are missing, the base will definitely send someone to look for them, so be more vigilant these two days."


Ye Fu glanced at the shore, "Let's hide the shore and this path, don't turn on the flour mill for the next two days, first use kerosene lamps for lighting."

Back at the wooden house, Meng Yu was still panicking, but after seeing Ye Fu, he hesitated to speak.

"Anything to say?"

Meng Yu nodded, "Cai Donglin's father is a member of the management of the base. He has only one son, Cai Donglin. He will definitely lead people to search for his traces, and they will definitely find out here."

He looked at the crowd, "If they search here, you will be in danger."

Ye Fu shrugged indifferently, "It's not that we killed his son, so why not be afraid, but, you should rest in the woodshed these two days and don't come out."

Meng Yu shivered in fright, "I won't tip off the news."

Ye Fu smiled, and asked Qi Yuan to take him down and lock him up in the woodshed.

"seek death."

"Ye Fu, who are you scolding?" Qi Yuan just came back when he heard Ye Fu grit his teeth and curse.

"If you see a corpse again in the future, don't salvage it, just push it downstream, so as not to get into trouble."

Qi Yuan nodded, and then pointed to the chaifang, "Did you scold Meng Yu just now?"

"You're really stupid like a pig." Ye Fu was in a bad mood, and he didn't have a good temper with him, "Of course he scolded the two wretched ghosts who were salvaged just now, this kind of dude who only wastes food, the more death the better."

Qi Yuan looked aggrieved, "I'm on patrol, but you still call me a pig, Fang Wei, did you hear that?"

Fang Wei applauded from the sidelines, "You scolded too well."

Qi Yuan...

"Qi Yuan is too stupid. From now on, I will hand over the work of delivering meals to that person to Tang Yizheng. You should go to the kitchen and chop radishes."

"My mouth is very strict, I didn't say anything, and Meng Yu didn't ask anything, he is relatively well-behaved."

Ye Fu sneered, "I believe he abides by the rules, but I don't believe you can control your mouth, you talk too much nonsense, hurry up and chop carrots."

"Stop scolding, I'll go right away."

After Qi Yuan left, Ye Fu picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Don't worry everyone, we have eyeliners outside. Once someone comes over, I will put this wooden house away and put another small wooden house out to cover people's eyes and ears."

Ye Fu's eyeliner is naturally those spies outside, and now he can assign them new tasks.

"Can the house be put away?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Yes, but if it is released again, the foundation needs to be rebuilt."

"That's no problem. After this matter is over, that person should go."

"Well, let him go when his legs are more agile."


Those people came faster than Ye Fu imagined. Four or five hours later, dogs barking, flashlights, and a crowd of search personnel appeared on the bank of a stream a few kilometers away.

When Xiaoniao came to report, Ye Fu held Xuxu's hand and was inspecting Qi Yuan's shredded radish.

"No need to cut it."

Qi Yuan put down the kitchen knife and put the shredded radish into the basin next to it.

"Give Meng Yu a glass of water."

"Me? Didn't you say to let Tang Yizheng replace me?"

Ye Fu took out a medicine for him, "Put it in water and let him drink it, it's not poison, it's just for him to sleep."

Qi Yuan has always obeyed Ye Fuyan, she naturally has her reasons, Qi Yuan didn't ask any more questions, took the pills, went to the living room and poured a cup of tea for Meng Yu.

Ye Fu took the wolfdog and bean sprouts into the space.

Soon, the second spy bird came back, and it said that the searchers had come to the woods behind.

Well, about three kilometers away.

Jiang Rong gave everyone a gun, and when Qi Yuan came back, he told Ye Fu that Meng Yu had been given a drink of water.

"Everyone, change your clothes and go out first."

After changing into tattered clothes, everyone walked out of the wooden house, Ye Fu put the wooden house into the space, and then released the small wooden house.

As for Meng Yu in the chaifang, let's hide him first.

In the small wooden house, only a kerosene lamp was on, and there was still firewood burning in the fireplace. The barking of dogs was getting closer, and there were the sounds of searchers calling for Liu Cheng and Cai Donglin.

Half an hour later, someone rowed past the island, and after a few minutes, many people went ashore.

"These people are coming."

Soon, the door of the wooden house was slammed, and someone led a search and rescue dog to look for someone outside the wooden house. Tang Yizheng got up and went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door of the wooden house, several people walked in.

"How long have you lived here? Are you an aborigine or a refugee? Have you seen two young men in the past two days?"

"No, it's dark, we haven't gone out all this time." Officer Song replied in a low voice, who was "shivering" from fright.

Inside the house, men, women and children huddled in the corner and did not speak. The wooden house was very small, and there was nothing in the house. Except for this small wooden house, the family was poor, and the wick in the kerosene lamp probably would not last for a few days.

The search and rescue dog barked at several people in the wooden house, and the leading man looked around the wooden house, and finally stopped his eyes on Tang Yizheng. After a few seconds, he entered the bedroom inside and began to check without any explanation.

The bedroom was full of tattered bedding. The man searched around, but found nothing.

"Go." With a wave of his hand, he left the wooden house with everyone behind him.

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