Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 497 Chapter 497 Extreme Night 4

"It's really different for the same person."

"There's no light outside, isn't it afraid of a car accident while driving fast?"

"Rich people don't lack generators. There must be street lights on the road. Listen carefully. The sound of engines and whistles is even louder."

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with us. We care whether people live or die."

There are still several tons of corn cobs waiting to be threshed in the warehouse, the wood for the woodshed needs to be split, and there are several barrels of fish waiting to be pickled in the kitchen. Everyone has a lot of work to do, so there is no extra time to wonder about other people's lives .

Ye Fu took Fang Wei to deal with the fish in the kitchen. Compared with smoked fish, everyone seemed to prefer pickled fish. Put the pickled fish in the tank, and Ye Fu put it into the planting area of ​​the space and let it ferment for a month After one month, it can be placed in the storage area to stand still, so that it will not expire and rot.

Jiang Rong was chopping firewood in the woodshed, and when Ye Fu went to look for him, he had just finished his work.

"what time is it?"

Ye Fu took out her mobile phone and saw 22:32, she was sure it was night now.

"10:30 in the evening, let's go, have supper, I made rice wine glutinous rice balls."

"It's very noisy outside today."

Ye Fu went over to hold his hand, "The whole afternoon was filled with the sound of car horns and racing cars. A group of people were racing cars at the Yuanhe Dam six kilometers away."

After hearing the sound of the whistle, Ye Fu sent a few birds out to help her find out the news.

"Drag racing?"

"It's racing. Before the end of the world, it was considered a very dangerous sport. The Yuanhe Dam is only more than ten kilometers away from the second base."

Jiang Rong nodded, "Understood." They have seen this kind of person who is not afraid of death before. Isn't Lu Shaowei's son in Talki just such a playboy?

The apocalypse has no effect on them. When others are fleeing, they can go to a safe place by plane. When others are eating leaves, they can still enjoy sea cucumber and abalone.

Even if the extreme night falls, the group of dudes on the Yuanhe Dam still have no troubles, they can still race cars and enjoy the top resources.

When he came to the living room, Ye Fu brought out the glutinous rice balls with rice wine and sugar in them, which tasted very good.

Ye Fu only ate a small bowl, and she took out the DVD player to put a disc.

"Watching ghost movies?"

Jiang Rong leaned over and took a look, "Look at this."

"Although this movie is called "The Ghost Bride's Revenge", it is actually a comedy movie." Ye Fu put the disc into the DVD player, and after a "click", the disc started to play automatically.

There were only the two of them in the living room, Wan Tao and Liu Zhang were in the hydroponic room, Fu Jiao and Fang Wei were knitting in the bedroom, and the others were in the warehouse.

Except for a night light next to the fireplace that was on, no other lights were turned on in the living room. At the beginning of the scene, the ghost bride crawled out of the tomb. ", Ye Fu got up and looked outside, but she didn't see anyone, so she sat down again.

"The wind must have blown the door open."

Ye Fu didn't care, and continued to watch movies with Jiang Rong. When she thought of something, she took out various snacks and fruits from the space and put them on the table, added a few logs to the fireplace, and returned to the sofa. Leaning on Jiang Rong's shoulder, although the ghost bride in the movie was a bit scary, Ye Fu couldn't help laughing.

The ghost bride has experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships on the road to revenge. Either she fell into the sewer, or suddenly appeared in the toilet and was flushed back, or she just climbed out of the TV and was shocked by a sudden power failure.

"Crackling..." At this moment, the door rang again, and Ye Fu suddenly felt a chill down his back. She grabbed Jiang Rong's arm and glanced at the door.

"It seems to be a bit windy tonight, I'm going to close the door."

Jiang Rong got up and looked at the door, "There is movement outside, I'll go and have a look."

Ye Fu hurriedly followed, and the two came to the door. Jiang Rong took out a dagger from his back, and the moment the door was pushed open, he took the dagger and chopped it out.

There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and Ye Fu immediately took out the flashlight to shine it out.

On the ground outside the gate, a wet man was lying there.

"Help, help me." A hoarse male voice sounded, he just raised his hand and then dropped it heavily, after that there was no more movement, Jiang Rong walked over and stretched his hand on the opponent's neck.

"A water ghost that crawled out of the water?" Just like the ghost bride in the movie, when she crawled out of the water, she was poked back with a fishing rod by the people on the shore.

Ye Fu poked the person on the ground with a branch next to him, Jiang Rong stood up, frowned and looked in the direction of the shore.

"This man is still alive, he should have swum from the water."

This is a very strange face, in his early 20s, the padded jacket on his body has several holes, and the cotton inside has absorbed water and turned into lumps.

At this time, other people heard the movement and came out, Ye Fu told everyone what happened just now.

"Fuck, Ye Fu, Jiang Rong, you two are playing ghost movies in the living room? I went to the living room just now, and saw a bloody mouth in the DVD player and almost peed in fear." Qi Yuan just walked to the door and saw the wet floor. The person was taken aback again.

"What is this? A corpse that was fished out of the water?"

"He came here by himself, he's still alive." Ye Fu shrugged after finishing speaking.

"Then what about this person?"

"Send him off the island, he can't stay here." Wan Tao looked serious.

Qi Yuan touched his chin, "Why don't you kill him? What if he goes out and tells others that there is a wooden house here and someone comes to rob it?"

"I agree with killing him, too."

"Yeah, it's safer to kill. Don't forget the farmer and the snake."

Everyone chattered and began to discuss how to deal with this person. At this moment, Ye Fu noticed that his fingers moved.

"He's about to wake up, who will do it?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, Ye Fu sighed, "You guys are really annoying, just kill someone, I'll do it." She took out a pistol and started to load it, before firing, Ye Fu blew on the muzzle, Deliberately making a "pop" sound.

The people on the ground raised their hands tremblingly, "Please don't kill me, I don't want to die."

Ye Fu knelt down and put the gun on his head, "How did you get here?"

"I was thrown into the water. When I woke up, I was washed into the weeds on the bank. I heard the sound of chopping firewood, so I walked towards the sound and came here."

Ye Fu sized him up, "Where did it come from?"

"Yuanhe Dam, I have been by Liu Shao's side. He lost the race car tonight, and I became a punching bag. After being beaten up by him, I was thrown into the water by his other followers."

After the man finished speaking, he cautiously raised his head to look at Ye Fu, "I swear, what I said is true, my name is Meng Yu, and I am the slave of Liu Cheng, the son of Liu Song, the director of Resident Management Office of the Second Base."


Everyone was a little surprised to hear such a feudal title.

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