Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 478 Chapter 478 Desert Tornado

Chapter 478 Chapter 478 Desert Tornado

Ye Fu couldn't help laughing, after recording the video, she checked the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Adding some firewood to the fire, Ye Fu yawned.

After being depressed for too long, it would be nice to let them relax, but she was a little sleepy.

The two returned to the caravan, Ye Fu made a pot of tea to sober up, Jiang Rong looked a little drunk, he sat on the sofa blankly, just stared at her without saying a word.

"Do you have a headache?"

Jiang Rong shook his head, "I don't feel it."

"Drink some tea to sober up, or you will definitely have a headache when you wake up tomorrow."

Ye Fu handed him the tea and sat on the opposite sofa.

"Before you leave tomorrow morning, bury that man here."

Ye Fu looked out of the window, "This place is quite beautiful, there is a stream, and there are all kinds of strange and beautiful plants."

Jiang Rong nodded, "Okay."

The two of them didn't speak any more, they just looked at the night scene outside the window, and the lights in the caravan were not turned on. Ye Fu rested her chin and listened to the laughter of the others. Jiang Rong sat next to her and put her head gently on her shoulder.

Waking up the next day, Ye Fu smelled the scent of egg tarts, Jiang Rong and Officer Song were talking outside, Ye Fu sat up from the bed in a daze, wrapped his coat in his coat and opened the privacy curtain.

"Brother Song, you are too early."

Officer Song smiled, "I woke up naturally when my biological clock reached six o'clock in the morning. Yesterday I said I would make a blueberry egg tart, and I succeeded. Try it. Jiang Rong said it was delicious."

Ye Fu glanced at Jiang Rong, who stood aside with a smile, but his hair was a little messy, and the silver-white hair made him feel lazy.

"Delicious, not particularly sweet."

He took one to Ye Fu, the egg tart was still steaming, Ye Fu took a bite out of his hand.

Very tasty indeed.

"The weather is fine today, there is no wind, neither snow nor fog." Ye Fu looked outside, got out of the car and stretched.

Qi Yuan and the others were still sound asleep, and only Wan Tao and Liu Zhang were awake in the other car.

Ye Fu and Jiang Rong took their hoes and shovels and went to a slope behind.

"What are you going to do?"

"The man who reported to us from Stone Village hasn't been buried yet."

In order to prevent the crow from digging the pit, Ye Fu took out a body bag, put the man inside it, and then put it into the deep pit.

There is no need to pile up the soil to make a grave bag. Ye Fu took out a handful of maple seeds and scattered them evenly around.

"Let's go."

Jiang Rong took Ye Fu's hand, and when they returned to the caravan, Fang Wei, Wenwen and Xuxu all woke up.

"Qi Yuan was very drunk. He got up and vomited three times last night. Fang Ming and Tang Yizheng were about the same. They hadn't sobered up yet. I asked them. They said they didn't have breakfast. I made them a pot of hangover soup."

Officer Song was also worried. Although he left the farm, he was still the steward of the team.

"Then let's eat first, we can start our journey when we arrive early, and I don't know if we can leave the restricted area of ​​Yanhai today."

Breakfast was beef noodles, and Ye Fu ate two big bowls for the first time. Her appetite now has a tendency to catch up with Jiang Rong, but Jiang Rong is not as edible as before.

After breakfast, Ye Fu drank another large glass of hangover soup. Although she didn't drink much last night, her capacity for alcohol was too low, and she still feels a little dizzy.

Although Wan Tao and Liu Zhang actively wanted to drive, Wan Tao showed signs of catching a cold, probably because of the cold wind blowing last night, so the task of driving fell on Jiang Rong.

"Let me drive another car. The others are still awake." Liu Zhang's physical fitness is relatively better, and he will definitely have no problem driving.

"Okay, let's start, and stop for a rest at one o'clock in the afternoon."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Ye Fu took out the binoculars to observe the road ahead.

"No problem, let's go."

The car started slowly, Ye Fu turned on the player and played a piece of light music.

Two hours later, the originally good weather suddenly changed. The torrential rain suddenly poured down, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and a tornado swept across the desert.

"I'll go, I just woke up and the sky changed."

Qi Yuan put his head on the chicken nest and looked out of the window in horror, "It's getting dark as soon as I open my eyes, it's outrageous."

"There's a tornado, everyone sit back, Jiang Rong, first find a low-lying place to park."

The telescope can no longer see the road conditions ahead, and now we can only rely on experience and luck to get rid of the tornado behind.

A tornado is a sudden strong convective weather caused by air convective movement under strong and unstable weather conditions, a strong, small-scale air vortex.

When a tornado breaks out in the wild, you cannot race against it. You must quickly find a shelter to hide. If there is no shelter, it is best to hide in a low-lying place, and be sure to stay away from trees and slopes.

At this time, not far behind the RV, a tornado rolling like a pillar was chasing the direction of the car. A purple thunderbolt suddenly flashed in the sky, and then "rumbling" thunder resounded through the sky.

Jiang Rong quickly drove the car to the left, and when the tornado was about to catch up, he rushed down a slope, and the RV landed firmly in the low-lying area below the slope.

When Liu Zhang caught up with another RV, Ye Fu and Jiang Rong breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but just as the tornado passed them by, thunder and lightning fell one after another, giving no chance to breathe.

The weather in the field is complicated, not to mention that in the Yanhai restricted area, which cannot be photographed by satellites, no one dares to act rashly. Everyone sits in their seats, holding their breath and waiting for the end of the thunder and lightning.

Ye Fuzhen regretted not installing a lightning rod on the caravan, and hoped that the lightning would end quickly, if her car was damaged, she would be so angry that she would vomit blood.

I don't know how long it took, the thunder and lightning stopped, the torrential rain stopped, and the dark clouds dispersed. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Rong drove the car out of the low-lying area. Sunshine, everyone was a little surprised.

"What the hell kind of weather is this? There will be a tornado, thunder and lightning, and the sun will rise."

In fact, everyone has not seen the sun for a long time. Although they complained, they still couldn't help getting out of the car to feel the sudden sunshine.

The sun at eleven o'clock in the morning was very warm, and the temperature suddenly rose from minus ten degrees to two degrees above zero.

"The sun is out, the sun is out..." Xuxu jumped up and down beside him, and the fear brought about by the tornado and thunder disappeared at this moment.

Ye Fu stretched out his hand, wanting to feel the long-lost sunshine.

And at this moment, a bolt of purple lightning fell and directly struck Ye Fu.

Then the sound of "rumbling" sounded again, Ye Fu fell to the ground and twitched all over, black smoke kept coming out of her mouth and nostrils, she seemed to smell the smell of burnt hair, and heard Jiang Rong calling her name .

Before fainting, Ye Fu had only one thought, she was actually struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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