Chapter 449 Chapter 449 Cold Air 24
The cave was cleaned inside and out, and everyone's clothes and quilts were sprayed and baked. Ye Fu also distributed wormwood dumplings to everyone. After smoking in the cave for a week, all fleas and lice were completely eliminated. .

It may be that this incident gave Xuxu a great psychological shadow. After that, she was ill for several days, and when she got better, she no longer wanted to enter the chicken coop.

The chickens in the chicken pen escaped unharmed, and Luoluo will be miserable. The two-year-old child is at the age when dogs hate people. Xuxu is a chatterbox, and she can spend the whole day talking to herself. Luoluo stayed with her for two days, and was tortured to the point of collapse by Xuxu's Tang monk-style chanting. When she came back to find Ye Fu, half of her hair fell out.

"Okay, you go back to the space to recuperate for a while."

Ye Fu remembered that when he was on his way, he picked up a chickadee that was almost frozen to death, and released it from the space, letting it temporarily replace Luoluo to endure Xuxu's torture.

The tit didn't know what it was about to face, it came out of the space, it was full of curiosity about everything in the cave, Ye Fu didn't let it out rashly, but let Jiang Rong tame it, and then gave it to Xuxu.

"Hope it lasts a little longer."

Jiang Rong felt that, after all, Luo Luo was tortured by the little Tang Seng until she lost her hair. This stupid tit can only last for two days.

Surprisingly, the chickadee is quite resistant to stress. After being sent to Xuxu for a week, not only did it not shave my hair, but it became more energetic.

"Auntie, I really like Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan sings very well."

Ye Fu only heard the chirping sound, but he didn't expect it to be a tit singing.

"Did you name it?"

Xuxu nodded, "It's so fat, it looks so round, let's call it Yuanyuan."

The chickadee seemed very happy, and started calling again.

Ye Fu finally understands why they are so in tune, and the tit is also chattering.


The water in the barrel was gone, and everyone had to go out to scrape the ice off the leaves. There was no wind in the mountains during this time, but the temperature continued to drop.

There was another layer of frost on the road dug out before. Tang Yizheng was the first to go out again. Before he could stand still, he fell.

"It's too slippery, everyone be careful, give me a hoe, I'll open the way ahead."

Others followed with buckets. It was not easy to get ice. The trees in the mountains grew very tall, and the trees had to be cut down to get the ice from the branches.

There are many bushes behind the cave. Although ice can be obtained, there are many leaves and bark in the ice. After the ice melts, it needs to be filtered.

"There are some footprints and traces of wrestling here. Judging from the footprints, it looks like a large animal."

Ye Fu leaned over to take a look, and found that there were quite a lot of hoof marks, and there were mud and ice blocks in the sunken places, which didn't look like the marks left today.

"Everyone, don't walk too far, lest you encounter animals." Ye Fu reminded everyone.

"Ye Fu, what kind of animal do you think this is?"

Ye Fu also couldn't see why, she guessed it was a wild boar.

"It's not a wolf, is it?"

"How can a wolf wrestle?"

"How can it be impossible, the ground is so slippery, not to mention wolves, rabbits have to wrestle."

Officer Song motioned the two arguing people to be quiet, "Okay, get some ice and go back quickly, it's freezing to death, do you want to go into shock?"

Ye Fu looked at the sunken place again, not to mention, it looked like the footprints of a wolf.

In order to avoid encountering wolves, Ye Fu urged everyone to get ice quickly, each of them took a bucket and went back to the cave.

Wolves are actually pack animals. Whether it is a lone wolf or a pack of wolves, try to avoid them if you can, otherwise you will be in trouble.

When he was in Broken Cloud Mountain, Ye Fu encountered a situation where a group of wolves took revenge. At that time, Jiang Rong killed the group of wolves by himself.

"All the animals have come out to look for food. It seems that there is no danger." Compared with encountering various animals, everyone is more afraid of the unpredictable weather.

"But the fog in the mountains has not dissipated. As long as the sun does not shine for a day, I feel that there is still danger."

After Ye Fu brought the water back, she went back to the wooden house. When she was in the woods just now, she felt a rush of heat.

After entering the space, he changed his pants and sanitary pads, Ye Fu drank a cup of hot water, and stuck a baby warmer on his abdomen.

When Jiang Rong came in, she could smell the blood on Ye Fu's body. Although she was much stronger now and didn't have menstrual pain, Jiang Rong still forbade her from working and touching cold water.

"Do you have ADHD?" Seeing her dishonesty, Jiang Rong was helpless and angry.

Ye Fusheng fell on the bed helplessly, "You have ADHD, I can't stay idle."

After Fang Wei and Fu Jiao got rid of their menstrual troubles, they became much more energetic. Ye Fu also wanted to take medicine, but the aftereffects were still terrible. Fang Wei later told her that after taking the medicine, she felt that all her intestines were twisted. pulling together.

"Jiang Rong, do you think the footprints outside were left by wild boars or wild wolves?"

"Wolf." Jiang said concisely.

"The wolves have come out to look for food. By the way, I gave the black bear's fur to Brother Song. He shared a small piece with Uncle Wan and Uncle Liu Zhang, and it can be used to make a piece of clothing."

Jiang Rong had no objection, he was not short of clothes and shoes.

"Don't worry about it, take a good rest these few days and rest in peace."

"I don't feel any pain at all. Besides, I'm just on my period. Those who don't know think I'm in confinement."

Ye Fuchong hooked Jiang Rong's fingers, "Are you listening to everything I say now?"

Jiang Rong frowned, "Of course."

"Except for me to wear wigs, make-up, and dresses, I listen to everything else."

Ye Fu covered his face and laughed secretly.

"Not doing that, I just want you to dance for me."

Jiang Rong remained expressionless, "I choose to jump off the building."

"Hahahaha..." Ye Fugang laughed loudly, and it was as if a gate had been opened below, so frightened that she hurriedly covered her mouth.

"Be honest." Jiang Rong patted the top of her head, and then went out, not knowing why.

Before dinner in the afternoon, Jiang Rong came back, he opened his coat, and Ye Fu saw him take out two little fluffy guys from his arms.

"I went around the mountains and found them freezing to death, so I brought them back."

This is the first time Ye Fu sees a white wolf, it is very beautiful, there is not a single hair on its body, its eyes are amber, but the cub is too small, probably only a few days old.

"If the wolves find them lost, will they come and find them?"

Jiang Rong frowned, "Probably not, they should have been abandoned, animals will abandon weak children."

These two wolf cubs were indeed sick, they were still two grotesques, whimpering and whining in Jiang Rong's arms.

"They seem to regard you as a mother."

Seeing the two wolf cubs huddled in his arms looking for milk, Ye Fu gloated.

"Ahem...don't hurry to feed them."

(End of this chapter)

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