Chapter 443 Chapter 443 Cold Air 18
Ye Fu reached out and hugged his waist tightly, and buried her whole body in his arms.

The cave was very quiet, with occasional coughing and talking sounds, and Jiang Rong still smelled of body wash, which was very faint and pleasant.

"I'll start knitting you a sweater tomorrow."

"And a haircut."

After speaking, Ye Fu fell asleep.

Jiang Rong patted her on the back lightly, heard her shallow breathing, smiled, and hugged her tighter.

When Ye Fu woke up the next day, Luoluo had already flown out to play with Xuxu. Although she was very tired, she had the same heart as a child, so she naturally preferred to play with them.

Ye Fu took out his pocket watch and looked at it, it was only eight o'clock, so early.

Jiang Rong has already gone out, and he probably took other people to cut firewood outside the cave. There may be a new round of cold air coming in. To prevent problems, we must stock up more wood and water.

It is not easy to collect water outside. It is necessary to scrape off the ice layer on the trunk and leaves. Although Ye Fu will add water to the wooden bucket every day, it should not be too obvious. After everyone wakes up, the water consumption will rise sharply. Rice and daily drinking, no one is willing to waste a drop of water without special circumstances.

Ye Fu put on his coat and hat, and then pulled back the quilt to get up.

In the vegetable field, Xuxu and Wenwen were digging up earthworms and grubs with wooden bowls. Grubs are also called soil silkworms, and they can also be fed to chickens.

Luoluo squatted on Xuxu's head and chattered, Wenwen couldn't bear the noise, and silently moved away from them.

Ye Fu stretched his waist, turned around, returned to the wooden house, took out the ball of wool, and began to crochet a sweater.

After so many years, Jiang Rong's figure has not changed, and the size of the clothes does not need to be re-measured.

Although he said that he only wanted one red sweater, Ye Fu still took several colors and planned to knit him six or seven.

Pink also suits him quite well, Jiang Rong has fair skin, wearing this color will not look old-fashioned.

When Jiang Rong opened it and came in, Ye Fu was biting the crochet needle in his mouth and was designing the pattern of the new sweater.

Ye Fu took a dry towel and helped him wipe the ice off his coat.

"Wu Pei was in shock for half a minute just now." Jiang Rong took off his hat with a serious expression.

"what happened?"

"He fell down, dropped the mask, poured cold wind into his mouth, and fainted before he could catch his breath."

Ye Fu frowned, "It's so serious, how is he doing now?"

"It's all right now. After the shock, the body stiffened immediately, and the pupils began to slacken. In this situation, people who are too weak are looking for death when they go out." Jiang Rong stretched out his hand and pinched Ye Fu's nose, "Put more clothes on."

"I see, what about the others?"

"Others are fine, but anyone who goes outside must have chilblains on their hands and feet."

Ye Fu nodded. She took out two large jars of chilblain ointment, tore off the logo and stickers on them, and asked Officer Song to distribute them to others.

Ye Fu went to see Wu Pei's condition. Although his life was not in danger, his condition was not very good. He was a bit paralyzed, the cold wind entered the trachea and lungs, his face was a little purple, his speech was slurred, and he couldn't even stop drooling.

"What should I do?" Officer Song was a little anxious. After all, Wu Pei followed everyone out of the safe zone, and the friendship was deeper.

"Jiang Rong said that if he rests for two days, he will return to normal."

"It becomes like this when a cold wind blows. It's not a cold wind but an evil wind."

"This wind is indeed terrifying. Look at my neck."

Tang Yizheng pulled down his collar, and everyone saw several fine and dense bloodstains on his neck, even bloodshot.

"My clothes were caught by the branches, and the wind poured in through the collar, and the skin that was blown became like this, itchy and painful."

After he finished speaking, he pulled back the collar.

Qi Yuan took out an ointment from his bag, squeezed a little for him, and asked him to wipe it on his neck.

"It's really terrible. Why is it so scary? We were traveling in the extreme cold before. At that time, it was more than 60 degrees below zero, and it was not so cold."

"Dry cold is different from cold air. Cold air is like a knife on the body. No matter how much you wear it, it's useless."

"Don't go out for the time being. The water that is hoarded now can be used sparingly for two months. The wood is enough to burn for the time being."

Among these people, Jiang Rong, Tang Yizheng and Fang Ming were the only ones with qualified physical fitness.

"How about this, go out for half a month, and then everyone will cooperate. Those who are more resistant to frost will chop wood, others will carry the wood back, and those who are weaker will continue in the cave." Wan Tao's arrangement is very good. Reasonable, no problem for everyone.

Fortunately, two days later, Wu Pei returned to normal. His facial paralysis had some sequelae, and the corners of his eyes and cheek muscles would twitch from time to time. Ye Fu gave him acupuncture, but it didn't work.

In his spare time, Ye Fu knits sweaters in the wooden house, there is not much work outside, the area of ​​the vegetable field has expanded, and he has planted some pumpkins in the past two days.

Jiang Rong's hair has been cut short. After these few days of practice, Ye Fu's technique has improved a lot, comparable to that of a professional barber.

"You really want me to wear this color?" Looking at the perfectly stitched pink sweater in Ye Fu's hand, Jiang Rong's expression cracked for a moment.

"Pink, how pretty, put it on and show me."

Ye Fu gesticulated on him, it should fit very well, and there is no need to modify it at all.

"Would it really look good on me?" Jiang Rong couldn't imagine what he would look like in this color, he felt suspected of being tender.

"Yes, I promise, it will definitely look good on you, and I have prepared other colors, red, green, yellow, purple, blue, orange, how about it? Isn't it a surprise?"

"You can summon the dragon." Jiang Rong smiled helplessly.

"The style of each piece is different, and you can change one piece a day."

Jiang this a sweet burden?

After Jiang Rong changed into a new sweater, Ye Fu took out his mobile phone to take a picture of him.

"It's very beautiful, this one can be used as a mobile phone screen saver."

"It's not pretty." Jiang Rong took Ye Fu's phone, suddenly hugged her into his arms, and took a selfie.

"This one is fine."

Ye Fu pursed his lips and smiled, and under his expectant eyes, set this photo as the screen saver of his mobile phone.

"For the rest of the pink wool, I knitted a scarf for myself, a couple style with you, and knitted a pair of gloves for Wenwen and Xuxu."

Hearing the word couple's money, Jiang Rong's face just turned up, but the last sentence made his smile froze on his face again.

"And those two brats?"

Ye Fu smiled, "They only have one, you have seven, you are the most important."

Jiang Rong frowned, and was coaxed in a second.

"Ahem...then give it to them."

Ye Fu finally realized the joy of nurturing, she rubbed Jiang Rong's hair, and a smile flashed across her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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