Chapter 436 Chapter 436 Cold Air 11
"No, I thought it needed to be cleaned at first, but after so long, everyone only has high fever symptoms before waking up, and other times it's more like falling asleep, with no physiological reaction at all."

"It's not like a coma, it's more like dormancy."

Ye Fu nodded, "Jiang Rong also said the same thing, he felt that everyone's bodies would naturally enter a dormant state after they passed out."

Wan Tao was quicker to accept it. Although he was old, he was forward-thinking and experienced a lot, so he could quickly accept many things.

"What's the situation outside now?" He continued to ask.

Qi Yuan shook his head, "Except for Jiang Rong, none of us went out this week."

"Jiang Rong has a good physique and is resistant to freezing. He will go out every three days to check on the situation and collect water."

"There is thick fog outside, the wind is strong, the temperature is very low, many trees are frozen to death, the trees become very brittle, and the trunks will break when the wind blows, there are many frozen animals in the forest, and the ground is full of frost , There is no way to go out now, the skin that has been blown by the wind will soon itch and then crack and ooze blood." After Jiang Rong finished speaking, Wan Tao pondered for a long time.

"After this time, there will probably be another great migration for human beings." After he finished speaking, he glanced at everyone.

"The ecology has been persecuted to the greatest extent, and human beings have to look for new habitats again. However, if the cold air hits the world, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the entire Blue Star to find a good habitat."

Everyone's hearts sank following Wan Tao's analysis.

"Then what shall we do?"

"Let's wait for the cold air to dissipate. If it doesn't work, we will expand the cave inside and out. Fortunately, everyone has seeds. If you have seeds, you won't starve to death."

If he lives here for a long time, Ye Fu has no objection to expanding the cave.

Although the cave is large, its area is limited. With the need to plant and raise chickens, the area where everyone lives becomes smaller, and there are many people in the whole team. When others wake up, it will become crowded.

But regarding the expansion, let's talk about all the comatose people waking up.

Back at the wooden house at night, Ye Fu shared his thoughts with Jiang Rong.

"Remember what Lu Shaowei said? The person who tipped him off said that the Little Ice River would last for five years, but it lasted for more than a year before, and the weather changed. Now the cold air has landed and it's cold again. Will the five years of glaciers include the time that cold air stays around the world after landing?"

Jiang Rong nodded, "It's possible, but the other party didn't elaborate. Lu Shaowei didn't know what to ask. Even if he was hypnotized, he didn't ask anything of value."

"If what the other party said is true, there is still a long time before the end of the five-year small ice river including cold air." Ye Fu scratched his hair irritably, "I really don't want to migrate anymore. The great migration is very important for human beings." Survival is not a good thing."

Ye Fu leaned into Jiang Rong's arms, "Fortunately everyone is waking up, if they can't wake up, I really don't know what to do."

throw away?Can she be cruel?Not to mention others, Qi Yuan, Wen Wen and Police Officer Song, she definitely couldn't abandon them.

But take it away, does she have the ability?

Ye Fu didn't have much confidence in her own moral bottom line. She had thought before that if other people couldn't enter the space, if an emergency disaster happened, she might abandon them and leave without hesitation.

So in the moment everyone wakes up, she admits, she feels a little relieved.

"After these few days of observation, after the cold air came in, the animals and plants did have a growth-enhancing effect. The cabbage in the vegetable field began to wrap their hearts. The five little chicks survived and grew very fast. Wenwen and Xuxu are digging up worms for them to eat every day."

"Everyone's health has improved a lot."

Ye Fu agreed, "I checked Uncle Wan, and all his previous bruises are recovering on their own."

Jiang Rong said before that every time a natural disaster occurs, it may be a double-edged sword. It is the same as Yin and Yang. There is a good side and a bad side.

Although the cold air log in this time has tossed everyone hard enough, and they have been in a coma for such a long time, but as long as they can wake up, it means that the body has completed self-healing.

But Ye Fu was also a little puzzled, "I'm just like everyone else, I'm an ordinary person, why are they in a coma for so long, and I was only in a coma for an hour?"

Jiang Rong chuckled, "Is there a possibility that you have a space to protect you, and after you are unconscious, your consciousness enters the space, so the self-healing speed is faster than everyone else."

Hearing what Jiang Rong said, Ye Fu also felt the same.

"I don't want to worry about that. Qi Yuan's help during this period is really relaxing, but he is very worried about Fang Wei. Wenwen and Xuxu are also very obedient. Girls are obedient. When I was in Lancheng, my neighbor's The grandson is a bear child."

After so many years, when mentioning that brat, Ye Fu has a psychological shadow.If this was her son, she would have slapped him on the wall long ago.

Bah, bah, bah, she can't have such a disgusting child.

Jiang Rong smiled sullenly, "Okay, let's go to sleep."

The next day, Jiang Rong went out again, and he wanted to bring in the bucket that was placed outside. Although Ye Fu would add water to the bucket every day, he still had to do superficial work.

Tang Yizheng has recovered. He plans to make more wooden barrels to store water. He is also helping at Datong Shop. Qi Yuan thought he would be much more relaxed, but he was sent to dig the ground by Ye Fu.

"Ye Fu, do you think there is a possibility that we can drill a well in the cave, and there will be groundwater below?"

Ye Fu laughed at him mercilessly, "It's absolutely impossible, if there is no naturally formed water source in the cave, even if we dig it with an excavator, we won't be able to dig it out."

"Are you so sure?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Please trust a woman's intuition."

"Okay, by the way, should we plant some other things? For example, corn and sweet potatoes. I have a few sweet potatoes in my bag. Can slices be planted?"

"Sweet potatoes can't be sliced, they are perishable, but potatoes are fine. Forget it, I can't tell you."

Qi Yuan, who was despised by Ye Fu, was not discouraged, "Then let's plant some wheat, I brought wheat seeds."

"On this small piece of land, how much wheat is enough to eat? Planting pumpkins is the most cost-effective. The leaves can be used as vegetables, and the roots can be fed to chickens. Pumpkins can be stored for a long time and are well preserved. If you plant wheat, you can put the whole cave If you dig it through, it might not be enough for everyone to eat."

Qi Yuan...

"No wonder Xuxu has been talking about going out to dig tree roots these days. It seems that we really want to eat tree roots."

Thinking of something, Qi Yuan winked at Ye Fu.

"Anyway, Jiang Rong is here, he is a man with golden fingers." When he said this, he lowered his voice very low.


Qi Yuan quickly covered his mouth, "I won't say it again."

Seeing him so unreliable at such an age, Ye Fu was amused and speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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