Chapter 432 Chapter 432 Cold Air 7
Hearing what Jiang Rong said, Ye Fu's expression became serious. She hasn't gone out for the past few days. It seems that the situation outside is worse than she imagined.

"I have to get some firewood and put it in the cave. If the temperature continues to drop, it may be difficult to go out in the future."

Jiang Rong patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, go to sleep."

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Fu set up several chicken coops next to Wenwen's vegetable field.

"Sister Xiaoye, do we want to raise chickens? But we don't have eggs."

"I put five fertilized eggs in the backpack, and when the eggs hatch out of their shells, they can be raised in it."

Wenwen's eyes lit up, "Leave it to me, I'll take care of it, I'm good at raising small animals."

Ye Fu nodded, "Okay, wait half a month, the eggs should be able to hatch."

"But how do you hatch eggs without a hen?"

Ye Fu smiled, and said nonsense seriously, "I'm a doctor, I have a special way to make chickens hatch from eggs, no hens are needed."

Wenwen's eyes were full of admiration, "I will become such a powerful doctor in the future."

Jiang Rong and Officer Song went out to chop wood, and now they can still go out, so they need to chop more wood for preparation.

When the two came back, Officer Song was too cold to speak.

"In two days, I'm afraid I won't be able to go out."

Ye Fu glanced at the wood they brought back, the tree was frozen to death, and the branches would snap if he stepped on it lightly.

Ye Fu pressed the center of his eyebrows, "It is estimated that there is still a new round of cold air coming in."

Wenwen's face was filled with uneasiness, "Then will we still faint?"

"It has been more than [-] days since the last time the cold air landed. We have adapted for such a long time, and our bodies have a certain resistance. We should not faint again."

"The cave should be more than an acre. Let's get a hut near the entrance. It's better not to go out. It's really too cold outside, colder than the extreme cold of minus [-] or [-] degrees." After Officer Song finished speaking, his teeth were all broken. Shiver.

Ye Fu nodded immediately, "Okay, I'll prepare some dry powder and deodorant powder, the cave is a bit damp now, and it won't be good for our health if we live for a long time."

Ye Fu returned to the wooden house, took out a few packs of medicine from the space, and began to prepare deodorant powder.

Dry powder is easier to prepare, and she has a lot of desiccant and lime powder in her space.


A weak voice sounded, Ye Fu rubbed his powdered hands, and looked outside. Officer Song was warming up the fire, Wenwen was tending to the seedlings in the vegetable field, Jiang Rong was chopping firewood, and two wolf dogs were fighting not far away. .

Who made that voice just now?

Thinking of something, Ye Fu put down the mortar and walked towards Datongpu.

"Ouch..." It wasn't her delusion, someone really woke up, Ye Fu hurriedly opened the door of Datong Shop, Officer Song saw her like this, and quickly followed her.

"Ye Fu, what happened?"

"I heard some movement, someone should have woken up."

Ye Fu turned on the flashlight and took a look inside, then went in to check one by one.


Ye Fu hurriedly turned around, and finally stopped his gaze on Qi Yuan.

"It's Qi Yuan, but he hasn't woken up." Officer Song also came over and touched Qi Yuan's forehead.

"He has a fever."

Ye Fu's face brightened, "Wenwen had a high fever for several hours before she woke up, it seems that Qi Yuan is about to wake up."

Police Officer Song was an exception. He woke up without any warning, but vomited a mouthful of blood after waking up.

Ye Fu hurried back to pour a glass of water, and stuffed Qi Yuan with two antipyretics. Officer Song took the water and poured it down for Qi Yuan.

"Ouch..." He was still yelling, but this time his voice was a little louder and his enunciation was much clearer.

"Qi Yuan? Wake up, can you hear me? Move your eyelids or fingers if you can hear me."

Ye Fu observed Qi Yuan's movements, and after half a minute, his eyelids moved a few times with difficulty.

"I see, you have a high fever now, don't worry, you will wake up when the fever subsides."

"Qi Yuan, we are all waiting for you." Police officer Song added, at this moment, Ye Fu saw that his fingers also moved.

"Brother Song, I'm going to decoct the medicine, you take care of Qi Yuan."

Officer Song nodded, "Okay, I'll go get some firewood and put it in the kang. The kang isn't very hot anymore."

Just as Ye Fu left the Datong shop, Jiang Rong came over with an axe.

"Is someone awake?"

Ye Fu nodded, "It's Qi Yuan, but he hasn't woken up yet. He already has a high fever and is still talking nonsense. He probably wakes up tomorrow. I'm going to cook a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine."

Jiang Rong went in to take a look, and came out soon.

Wenwen knew that Qi Yuan was about to wake up, so she didn't even care about the vegetable field, and stayed in Datong shop with Police Officer Song to take care of it.

Ye Fu boiled the traditional Chinese medicine and brought it in. Although it was a bit hot, the medicine had to be drunk while it was hot. With the help of Police Officer Song and Wenwen, Ye Fu directly poured a bowl of dark medicine down to Qi Yuan up.

"Oh, I'm scalded to death." Qi Yuan muttered twice, and fell asleep again.

At night, in order to take care of Qi Yuan, Police Officer Song stayed in Datongpu. The next morning, Ye Fu came over to check on Qi Yuan's condition. His fever had subsided, but he was still awake.

"Ye Fu, why is Qi Yuan still awake?"

Now his body temperature and complexion have returned to normal, logically speaking, he should have woken up.

"Maybe he has been in a coma for too long, and it will take some time to fully wake up."

Officer Song saw that Qi Yuan was fine, so he went to fix the hut. Ye Fu poured a bowl of medicine on Qi Yuan, and went back to the wooden house to continue making deodorant powder.

Inside the Datong shop, Qi Yuan opened his eyes with difficulty. He and he saw a faint yellow light, and there seemed to be a few people lying beside him, but they couldn't see clearly. At this moment, he only felt a little itchy throat, and then A stench rose from his throat.


Hearing the movement, Ye Fu came in to check again, and saw Qi Yuan lying on the straw mat and vomiting non-stop.

In the blood he vomited, there were a few red nematodes wriggling non-stop, and Ye Fu's stomach was also a little overwhelmed, but the most important thing right now is to check Qi Yuan's situation.

"Qi Yuan, is there any discomfort on your body?"

Hearing Ye Fu's voice, Qi Yuan was about to cry, but another stench came up, and he was about to vomit, Ye Fu quickly took out a wooden barrel from the corner and put it in front of him.

"Spit in the bucket."


"Stop talking, spit it out first." Ye Fu took out his mask, put it on, and left the Datong shop first.

"What's the matter?" Police officers Jiang Rong and Song came over, and Ye Fu pointed inside.

"Qi Yuan woke up, but he was vomiting blood."

"Hematemesis?" This was exactly the same as Police Officer Song's situation after waking up.

"There are red nematodes in the black blood he spit out." After Ye Fu finished speaking, he and Jiang Rong exchanged a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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