Chapter 423 Chapter 423
"Attention everyone, this road has become a swamp, and the bottom is covered with mud. If you fall, you will not be able to pull it out. Be careful."

After Ye Fu finished speaking, Jiang Rong inserted the oar into the mud, and with a little force, the raft was pushed out by him.

The people behind hurried to catch up. At this time, a big raft is much safer than a small raft. The smaller the raft, the less stable it is and the easier it is to overturn.

The raft began to slide forward along the water, and Ye Fu also saw clearly that the "thing" caught in the middle of the tree was indeed a person, who must have been dead for three or four days, and his whole body was soaked white.

Ye Fu held onto the raft tightly, as long as he walked out of this section, he didn't need to be so careful.The rainwater hit the hat, and formed a stream of water flowing down the brim of the hat. Ye Fu blinked, trying to shake off the rainwater on his eyelashes.

"It's really a dead person. The body is covered with sand and the clothes are so torn. It must have been dead for several days. It's all swollen and swollen. It's really miserable."

"It should be a refugee hiding in the mountains. Look, there is a burden next to him."

Tang Yizheng and Qi Yuan have already caught up. Although the muddy road is dangerous, as long as you keep your balance, it is much faster than paddling.

Fang Wei shrank her neck, "My God, why is the rain getting heavier and heavier."

"In the past two days, apart from some floating corpses, I haven't met a single living person. You said, the refugees in the mountains are not all dead, right?"

"Maybe I ran away a long time ago. If we had just left when it rained, we wouldn't be in such a mess now."

Qi Yuan sighed, "Who knew that the rain would last for such a long time. Moreover, the rain must not be localized. It may be raining in the entire northwest, or the entire Blue Star. It's not the same if you leave early."

"Where else is safe now?"

"It may not be safe to hide on the snow-capped mountains. Even if there is no heavy rain, there will be volcanic eruptions."

"Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, anyway, I want to open up, if I die, it is also fate." Li Cheng's words, everyone agrees.

There is nothing to look forward to in life. If I die, maybe it will be over.

But now I also face a problem. I died on the way, and there is not even a place to bury the body. Like the body behind, it was just soaked in muddy water, sandwiched between two trees, and died without dignity. Death is more frightening.

"Everyone be more optimistic. Maybe the rain will stop when we turn over the mountain? I have been suffering for so many years, and I don't want to die."

Qi Yuan tidied up the oilcloth on Xuxu's body, and took out a piece of jerky from his bag. The jerky was hard and hard to tear off. Qi Yuan sliced ​​it into thin slices with a knife before feeding it to Xuxu.

Jiang Rong looked back at Ye Fu from time to time. Others were shivering with cold, but he was not affected at all. Ye Fu looked at the white hair under Jiang Rong's hat, and realized that his hair had grown a lot. He was too busy these few months to have any hair. Time to trim him.

The raft has been rowed a good distance, and is now stable.

"There is movement ahead." Jiang Rong said suddenly.

"Is it human?"

"Probably not."

At this time, Ye Fu also saw clearly the two wild boars stuck in the mud in front of them, they were already dying, and they probably had been stuck here for several hours.

"It's a wild boar." Ye Fu was a little excited, and secretly took out the eagle claw hook from his bag and handed it to Jiang Rong. Jiang Rong first used the oar to brake the raft, and then threw the eagle claw hook out, hooking the mud firmly A pig inside.

The moment the pig was hooked, it started howling, and the people behind were excited when they heard the sound.

"It's a wild boar, Jiang Rong is really powerful, he can still hunt others fleeing."

The wild boar is not very big, less than a hundred catties, and can be placed on a raft.

"Ye Fu, how many wild boars are there?"

"Two, find a place to hide from the rain before dark, and then deal with these two wild boars."

The two wild boars obviously looked hungry for a long time, and they didn't have much meat on them. It may be that the sudden catching of wild boars made everyone feel better. The rest of the journey went smoothly, but the raft couldn't keep paddling on the muddy road. The woods on both sides are dwarf spruce, the woods are very dense, and the raft can't get in.

Ye Fu frowned. Behind him, Fang Wei complained that his stomach hurts. Others also wanted to go to the bathroom. The rain was still falling. Ye Fu wiped the rain from his face, took out the binoculars and looked ahead. After seven o'clock, the fog cleared It can be seen clearly within [-] meters.

"There is a fork in the road ahead. I cut down the tree next to it and spread it on the ground. Everyone go up and hide first." Jiang Rong said suddenly.

Ye Fu stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Rong's arm. He did the work of four or five people by himself. Ye Fu really loved him, but he never showed it, let alone screamed for pain or tiredness.

"Okay, I'm with you."

Jiang Rong controlled the raft and slowly rowed to the fork on the left. Tang Yizheng saw Jiang Rong's thoughts and immediately followed. Fortunately, the woods on the left were flat, and if it was a high mountain, mudslides would roll down at any time.

Jiang Rong picked up the machete on the raft, chopped down the trees on both sides of the fork, and pushed them down. Then he got off the raft, stepped on the felled tree, and started to cut down the trees next to him. Ye Fu and Tang Yizheng hurried down to help.

After cutting down more than [-] trees, trimming off the upper branches and laying them on the wood, the mud and water on the ground were covered. Jiang Rong lifted the two pigs and the raft up, and the others followed.

"Rest here tonight, take out the bucket to catch the rainwater, and deal with these two wild boars later."

Ye Fu shook the tarpaulin away, Fang Ming and Qi Yuan came over to support the tarpaulin shed together with her.

"How do you light the fire?"

"There are stones over there, I'll move them." Tang Yizheng dug out the stones in the mud, put together several stones, and just set fire on them.

The job of handling wild boars was left to Li Cheng and Shu Yun. Ye Fu lit the fire and sat on the raft, not wanting to move.

"I didn't suffer like this before when I was traveling in the sun or in the extreme cold. This time I really suffered a lot. I was soaked in water every day. I guess I would get rheumatism."

"The degree of difficulty this time is almost the same as when the sea water poured back."

"I don't know where we are now, but I hope to return to Lanzhou."

"No, my stomach is starting to hurt, and I feel like I'm going to have diarrhea."

At this time, a bolt of lightning fell, followed by continuous thunder, Ye Fu covered her ears and continued to bake her feet.

Police officer Song was cutting ginger slices, and everyone was showing signs of a cold, so they had to drink some ginger soup to dispel the cold.

Going to the toilet was more painful than fleeing during the rainstorm. Ye Fu regretted not hoarding diapers.

"I don't want to drink water anymore, it's troublesome to go to the toilet." Wenwen frowned, looking at the sliced ​​ginger boiled in the pot.

(End of this chapter)

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