Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 417 Chapter 417 The Storm Strikes Again 3

Chapter 417 Chapter 417 The Storm Strikes Again 3
Now everyone is preoccupied with themselves, how can they be able to worry about the safety of others, but according to Ye Fu's understanding of Tang Yizheng, this person is not small, so he will not die so easily.

After the meal, Ye Fu went back to the bedroom and let Doumiao, Xiaohei, Luoluo and Red Bird out.

"I'm too busy these days, I don't have time to let you out, but you guys are having a good time inside, Doumiao, you've gained a lot of weight."

Dou Miao immediately frowned, staring at Ye Fu with round eyes, and still hitting her with her fluffy tail, Ye Fu slapped her in his hand.

"Help me keep an eye on the animals inside. If there are any disobedient ones, you can help me teach them a lesson, so that they are more obedient and don't cause damage. When I finish my work, if I find anyone who is disobedient, I will make them into jerky."

Dou Miao raised her hand and made a hand-crowding gesture towards Ye Fu. Ye Fu touched its head and put them into the space.

It was still raining heavily outside, and the thunder was deafening, Ye Fu could only feel his ears were ringing, and there was Xuxu crying from the wooden house next door.

In the middle of the night, Police Officer Song and Qi Yuan went out to check the situation of the drainage ditches, and found that the soil on both sides of the two drainage ditches had collapsed, blocking the drainage ditches. Quickly got up and went out to help, Officer Song went to call other people. It was already twelve o'clock in the night, but everyone dared not sleep deeply, for fear of unexpected situations.

Seeing Wenwen's pale face, Ye Fu pulled her aside.

"Are you on your period?"

Wenwen nodded, "I just came here at night, I'm fine, Sister Xiaoye, I'll go with you to clean the gutters."

Ye Fu frowned, "Don't go, go back to the cubicle and have a good rest, go to the kitchen and get a piece of brown sugar to boil water to drink, do you still have sanitary napkins?"

Wenwen lowered her head, not daring to look into Ye Fu's eyes, "No, I sewed a cloth cushion, which can be reused after washing, but I just have no energy, and my stomach doesn't hurt at all."

Ye Fu was helpless, "I'm a doctor, do you think you can hide it from my eyes?"

Ye Fu pulled her back to the cubicle, and then went back to the bedroom, took out the sanitary napkins he had exchanged in Taal City from the space, and brought a big bag to Wenwen.

"Use this and have a good rest."

Wenwen's eyes were red, Ye Fu patted her on the shoulder, and then rushed into the rain with a hoe.

The collapsed area was a bit large, and the soil was mixed with rainwater, so it was difficult to dig out. Ye Fu asked Qi Yuan to get a few stainless steel pots, and directly used the pots to get out the collapsed soil one by one.

"The soil here is beginning to loosen, and there are signs of collapse here."

"It's thundering again, owner, do you still want to hide?"

Ye Fu took a look, and the lightning fell on the mountain more than ten kilometers away.

"Don't hide, clean the gutter quickly."

Ye Fu stood in the gutter, dug out the soil with a basin, and handed it to the people on the bank. Others took the basin and poured it farther away to prevent the soil from being washed away by the rain and flowing into the gutter again.

The wind at night was very cold, with a strong wind blowing, Tianxi carried a pot of soil and planted it directly into the ditch, Ye Fu hurriedly pushed her to the bank.

Tian Xi sprained her ankle, but she gritted her teeth and dumped the soil in the basin without saying a word.

In the evening, the hail had stopped, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier. After getting wet, her clothes were tightly attached to her body. Ye Fu was shivering from the cold, so she wiped the muddy water from her face casually. She continued to use a shovel to dredge the drainage. soil in the ditch.

In the face of emergency disasters, there is no distinction between men, women, or children. Everyone is the same, and they must do their best to guard their homes behind them.

Ye Fu accidentally took a sip of muddy water, she coughed a few times, only spit out some fine sand and mud, wiped off the rainwater on her face, and continued to clean up the blocked stones and mud.

"The front has collapsed again."

Jiang Rong and Qi Yuan came over with some unsplit wood and blocked the sides of the gutter that still showed signs of collapse.

Fang Ming took a wooden sledgehammer and vigorously beat the soil that was about to collapse, trying to beat them tightly.

The torrential rain came so quickly and violently that the entire farm had no time to do any defense. Everyone could only use their mortal bodies. In addition to clearing obstacles, they also had to block the overwhelming collapse.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, when the emergency work was over, Jiang Rong pulled Ye Fu out of the ditch, and she sat slumped on the ground with no strength left.

Ye Fu held the shovel and looked up at the crowd.

"Are the gutters cleared?"

Qi Yuan nodded, "It's unblocked." His voice was a little hoarse, it seemed that he had caught a cold.

Ye Fu sneezed and was supported by Jiang Rong back to the wooden house, Wenwen stood in the wooden house with tears in her eyes and looked at everyone.

"Sister Xiaoye, I cooked ginger soup for everyone. I boiled two large pots for everyone else to share. I also boiled hot water. Everyone, wash your faces and hands first. The firewood in the fireplace is very busy. Hurry up and warm up."

Ye Fu smiled, and took off the tattered rain boots on his feet.

"Wenwen is amazing, she has done so much work by herself."

Wenwen wiped away her tears, took out the ginger soup and gave it to everyone.

"My bones are about to fall apart. If the rain doesn't stop, my body really can't stand it."

"Fortunately, the foundation of our wooden house is deep and will not be washed down. I have been worried about the wooden house."

Qi Yuan nodded, "Me too. The last earthquake knocked down our wooden house, and we finally built a new one. If it falls down again, I really won't be able to live."

After drinking the ginger soup, everyone went back to their houses, some washed and warmed themselves by the fire, some ate supper, and some ran to the back to go to the toilet, only to find that the toilet was flooded and the pit was full.

Everyone is now facing the biggest problem, the toilet cannot be used, how to solve this crisis?

"Why don't we build two wooden boards on the gutter, and let the water in the gutter wash away." I have to say, Qi Yuan's brain is still easy to use, and Ye Fu immediately agreed.

"But, going to the bathroom in the open, I don't feel so good."

"What time is this, do you still care about this? Who cares about you going to the toilet, how about this, go to the gutter behind the wooden house, men left and women right, everyone don't forget."

Fang Wei raised his hand suddenly, "The board is easy to be washed away, right? And there is always thunder outside, what should I do if I am struck by lightning?"

Everyone looks at me and I look at you. I think this question is funny and a bit miserable.

Ye Fu sighed, "Didn't Uncle Liu Zhang make a lot of umbrellas? It would be more decent to go out with an umbrella and be struck to death by lightning."

Everyone looked at Ye Fu, Ye Fu shrugged his shoulders, "Otherwise you just hold back, that's all, go back to your respective rooms, don't get stuck here."

At this moment, how much Ye Fu hopes that her space can be upgraded again, so that her body can also enter, so that she doesn't need to worry and worry about this problem.

To be honest, Ye Fu was also afraid of being struck by lightning when he went to the toilet.

Jiang Rong seemed to see her worry, and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll help you hold the umbrella."

Ye is unnecessary.

(End of this chapter)

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